Pushed Down

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{in the car ride to Madonna Inn}
"We have to be back on set by Thursday, so we have-" Nathan cut himself off, finally realizing his flawed plan.

"You're kidding me right?" Stana chuckled.

"Nope," Nathan said, "okay, let's think this through, I just wanted us to relax. What if I-we, got time off from Andrew? Maybe this weekend, add Friday, drive back Monday and we're back on Tuesday."

"I can't believe you didn't think this through! But I'm even dumber for following you." Stana said, clearly pissed. "You are such a child sometimes, once in a while it's alright. But it gets old!"

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Nathan said.

"That's too forced! I'm not making you apologize! Just go back! We've only drove for thirty minutes." Stana snapped.

"I'm sorry! Stana," Nathan didn't know what to say, so he stopped himself and gave her space.

Stana looked at him, and regretted what she had said, she never wanted it to change, he was great, he reminded her of a young boy, always trying to impress his crush, and hitting the target spot on, he was amazing. Part of her wanted to just forget it, and kiss him, but she couldn't.

A few more minutes went on, and Nathan didn't invade her space, something Kris wouldn't have done. Kris and Stana only got into one fight, the first time he tried to invade her, she didn't want to, so he verbal abused her, which later turned violent.

Something about the air made her love him more, he was a polar opposite of Kris, Nate seemed to understand, and he would actually listen to her. It felt like a dream with him, and this almost seemed like a movie, one thing missing, music.

"Can we have some music on?" Stana asked.

"Sure," Nathan said, looking at her to see if she was still mad, and smiling to one side when she didn't seem pissed. "What music are we feeling like?" He asked.

"Anything you want, maybe some of what we were listening to the other day?" Stana spoke.

"Sure thing!" Nate chuckled. "One detour?"

"Maybe, where?" Stana giggled.

"Partridge Diner? I hear they have excellent grilled cheese, I went there once with an amazing woman." Nathan joked, hoping she'd appreciate it.

"I'd love to go there, I went there once as well, with a great man, named Nathan." Stana sent him the message she liked his humor, and smiled.

Nathan had forgotten to turn on any music, so that's what he did next. As soon as he hit the button, instead of singers or guitars a news report came on. Which seemed interesting enough to listen to.

"This just in, police have released information about a homicide victim found in Iris Hill park, found by a taxi driver early Monday, the victims name, Kris Brkljac. Husband of Stana Katic and known kidnapper and allegedly an abusive spouse. That'll be all, thanks for tuning in to the four o'clock news report." And the station cut out, the radio automatically changing to a song.

Stana hit the button to turn off the noise all together. Her heavy breathing started, Kris was gone, she had wanted him gone for so long, but not dead.

Nathan wanted to look it up on his phone what just happened, this isn't real he thought. April fools day? No...

Stana couldn't take it anymore, this was the man she had fallen in and out of love with. She looked at Nathan, who was pulling over the car. She knew that at some point tears would force themselves down her cheeks, so why not now.

"Nate." She chocked out, and couldn't say anything else. She unbuckled her seat belt and climbed over to be on his lap. Stana wrapped her arms around her legs and sat on Nathan's lap, resting her head on his shoulder.

Nothing had prepared Nathan for this, why should he need to know how to deal with this?

He just wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her, Kris was gone, that was for sure. But he knew this was never what she wanted, well, not 'never', but in the end, she just wanted him in prison or something, not dead.

At that moment it seemed like they would die in that car, grow old, just in each other's arms.

Stana was still crying ten minutes later, why? She asked herself. I hated that sick bastard. She thought to herself. He was mentally unstable, she had learned to know that, but she cared about him at one point, before the abuse, they were actually happy.

She couldn't stop picturing his dead body, laying there, she imagined his last words, but couldn't figure out what they would have been. She thought about the poor man or woman who found him, what horror.

At that moment, neither Nathan or Stana knew if they would ever be normal, but both though this would make a nest in the back of their heads.

Hey ya, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I haven't given much info on Kris...so here it is. It's possible I'll make a book two of this, it's getting so popular😊 we'll see! I'm loving the reads and my 'fame' when I started writing this book I never expected 2K reads! So thanks!😆 your support means a lot.

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