Bounce Back

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Nathan and Stana awoke in the morning, both slightly tired. Nate had slight jet lag, so when Stana got up to get coffee he stayed in bed.

"good morning," he said, Stana was walking in holding two cups of coffee, and Nathan didn't even lift his head.

Stana set his cup down, and sat on the bed beside him, twirling her fingers through his hair.

"What should we do today?" Stana asked, energetically.

"Sleep," Nathan offered in a tired voice.

"Get up," she said, pushing his head to one side and rocking it back and forth until Nate sat up and took a sip of coffee.

"Good enough to wake the dead?" Stana asked jokingly.

"Strong enough to wake me, so yes." Nathan chuckled. "Stana," he spoke, seeing pain in her eyes.

"About last night," she said, noticing his look. "Look, I'm sorry, it was dark and I freaked. You're alright, right?"

"I'm fine." Nathan said, "it's you I'm concerned about, Stana, I love you, I hate to see you like this."

"I'm alright, just some stress, everyone has stress."

"I've got an idea!" Nathan said.

"What?" Stana asked.

"I've got a fantastic plan!" He said with glee, "road trip?"

"Sure, where are we going?" Stana said, smiling.

"Somewhere where we could relax, and have fun. Have you ever heard of the Madonna Inn?"

"Yeah it's that place where all the rooms are different." Stana replied.

"What if we took a trip there!?"

"You realize it's like five hours away, right?"

"Sure, but you cares! We're young and irresponsible!" Nate chuckled, his heart was set on this.

"First of all I'll go, but you drive. Second, we may be irresponsible, but take being young off of your to do list, grandpa."

Nathan looked at Stana sarcastically, mocking her with his lips, she stared him down, until he went to get two suitcases.

"Alright, what do you say two days there?"

"Sounds good." Stana said, she didn't care there was a chance it would be too busy for a room, this relaxation was worth it.

Twenty minutes in they were packed, and a thought came through Stana's mind, would she ever marry Nathan? They were moved in together, but just so she wasn't alone or with Kris. They hadn't had sex, almost on their two month anniversary, but Stana wasn't ready, and it almost made her love him more, how he just gave her space and time. She planned to marry him some day, she'd be engaged today if he asked, but she was still married to Kris.

That's right, no divorce. She had sought out lawyers, but without his cooperation, it proved to be a very difficult task. It had already blown over in the media, but the abuse hadn't come to light.

Nate flashed a smile at her, and grabbed his bag which made his muscle show.

"Clothes," Stana said.

"Packed," Nate replied.

"No, seriously, your wearing underwear." She spoke, and Nate looked down, rushing into his closet blushed, he had totally spaced.

Stana dug through her suitcase, and found purple yoga pants, and a dark green blouse, which she put on as Nathan was out of the bathroom with a robe on.

Nathan leaned in for a kiss and Stana's lips took his, she lead her tongue into his mouth, which he nipped at. Nate hadn't shaved in a day or two, so has the kiss got more passionate, she let her lips go, and rubbed her hand over his facial hair. He still didn't take the hint.

"Did you pack your razor?" Stana asked.

"Yep!" Nathan spoke. He couldn't take a hint.

"Seriously, you did?" Stana asked, stern this time.

"Um hum, I'm letting it grow out though," Nate told her.

Stana sighed, this will be interesting, she thought to herself.

"Alright." She said.

Nathan gave her a smile, which looked odd with his scruff. But still cute. She smiled back.

Heyo! Me here again, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm wondering where to go from here, next chapter will have something to do with Kris for sure. 🤓😎

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