Chapter 1

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'A/n: Hi you all!! It's me!! I hope you all love this story as much as I do! I'm working on many more stories that will soon be out!! This is my third book that I will be publishing, but I am most proud of this story since it has 40 chapters in it!! I do use a lot of as and while, but that is my way of writing!! I'm sorry if it's not your preference, but I promise and hope that you will love this story!! Well enough about this author's note!! Enjoy my story!!'

Star's P.O.V.

"ICE-MAKE: SHEILD!" I yelled as I held my right fist on the left palm of my hand while the shield went up but then shattered. "WHAT!?!?COME ONNNNN I HAD THAT!?!!!" "Star, it's ok. All you need to do is practice and practice and one day you might even surpass me." I puffed out my cheeks as I turn my head to my mentor or master, Gray Fullbuster while he smiled down at me. "Pfft whatever I can't even make a stupid shield!!!" I yelled as I pointed at the shattered ice while I began to sulk. Me and Gray were at the top of Mt. Hakobe practicing on our ice make magic, but the only thing that bugs me IS THAT I HAVE TO BE IN MY BRA AND UNDERWEAR AROUND HIM AND ITS COLLDDD. "Hey Gray, can I ask you something?" I turned to Gray with a little pout as I tilted my head a bit while Gray looked down at me. "Yea, what is it Star?" I walked up to him and motioned him to come closer to my level while I had a poker look on my face. "Eh?" Gray asked as he kneeled down to my level while I got close to him and then....................I PUNCHED HIM ON TOP OF HIS HEAD. "Ow! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" "WHY THE HELLL DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO COME HERE ALMOST COMPLETELY NAKED AND BE IN THE GOD DAMN COLD!?!!? I COULD DIIEE OUT HERE!!!" I yelled at Gray as I waved my arms around with a small glare while Gray looked down at me with a frown but then smiled and chuckled. "I use to be like that when Ur taught me. You remind me of me when I was younger, I would always question how or why she did those techniques. If you want to learn Ice-Make Magic then you have to be one with the cold." I looked up at Gray with my mouth slightly opened, but then I smiled at him with determination while I stood up and got into my stance as I closed my eyes, breathed in and out, then opened my eyes. "Ice-Make: Shield!!" I held my hands up as a huge shield came in front of me like how Grays looked but mines was bigger which made me a bit happy. "Yes! Yes! I DID IT!! OOOOOHHHH YYEEAA!!" I yelled as I fisted pumped the air while I had a huge grin on my face. "Good job kiddo!" Gray said as he came next to me and patted my head with a grin while I gave him a closed eye smile. "Now let's practice with forming other stuffs like lances, spears, and other things that can protect you in combat." Gray said as I nodded my head while I clutched both of my hands. "Great! I'm up for a challenge!" I yelled as Gray and I stood in front of each other while we both got into our stances. 'When Gray told me that story about his old master, I could tell that he cared and misses her. I'll make sure that I become the best ice make wizard just like him.' I smirked as I watched Gray put his right fist in his left hand while I watched his every move. "ICE-MAKE: LANCE!!" Gray yelled as multiple spears came out of his hands and crashed into the snow making a little creator. "Alright Star your turn." Gray said as he turned to me and stood next to me while I looked at his creator with wide eyes. "O-ok?!" I walked up a little bit and made sure I put one hundred percent into the spell while I felt a bit nervous. 'Focus Star! You can do this!' I took in one final deep breath as I placed my right fist on my left hand while I narrowed my eyes a bit. "ICE-MAKE: LANCE!!" The spears came out of my hands but mines were thicker than Grays and when they crashed into the snow it made a huge and when I say huge I mean HUGE creator. Me and Gray looked at the creator with big wide eyes while ice flew around us. 'H-how did that make a huge ass creator?!?' "O-ok good job Star, let's continue with something else." Gray said with a smile as he looked down at me while I slowly turned towards him. "Y-yea." I nervously laughed as I rubbed the back of my head while we continued on with our training. "Ok now since your getting the hang of this, lets see if you can make something bigger." Gray said as he looked down at me with a smirk while I laid breathlessly on the snow. "B-bigger!?" I asked with wide eyes as I lifted up my head to look at Gray while Gray grinned and nodded his head. "Yup!" Gray got into his stance as he looked really focused on his next creation while I slowly sat up in the snow. "ICE-MAKE: CANON!!" A canon then came onto Gray's shoulder and blasted in front of him, almost knocking him off of his feet while the spell made a creator. "There! Now you try!" I looked at Gray with a neutral look while I ran up to him aannnddd started to hit his head repeatedly. "HOW THE HELL AM III SUPOSE TO DO THAT!?! I'M JUST A FREAKING KIIDDD GOD DAMMNN ITTT!!!" I yelled at Gray and with every word I said, I would hit his head harder while my eyes were white with anger. "Relax Star, just concentrate and focus on your magic. I know you can do it!" Gray encouraged me as he gave me a small smirk while I puffed out my cheeks a bit. "Fine!" I yelled as I turned away from him while I got into my stance and tried to concentrate on my magic. "You can do it. My little snowflake." "ICE-MAKE: CANON!!!" I felt my magic make a huge canon but my canon had designs on them which caused my eyes to widen a bit. The canon had a dragon design on it and it was coiling around the canon with something coming out of its mouth while the canon fired out of the hole. 'W-whoa what was that?! The design a-and that voice. I know I've heard that voice before but where?' "Hey Star, you ok?" I flinched slightly when Gray touched my shoulder, but I gave him a crooked smile while I tried to calm down a bit. "Y-yea fine." I told Gray as I looked at him and smiled, but I still felt a bit lost. "Ok well, that Ice Canon was really pretty. How'd you make the design on it?" Gray asked as he looked down at me with a curious look on his face while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "I don't know. I just.........I DON'T KNOW!!!" I yelled as I shrugged my shoulders while I sat down on the ice. "Well it was really beautiful." Gray said as he smiled down at me while I turned my head away from him, a small blush forming on my cheeks. "T-Tch, whatever." I turned the other way trying to hide my red face as I puffed out my cheeks while Gray chuckled at me. "GRAY!!" We both turned around and saw Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, Carla, and Natsu running up to us while they smiled at us. "Eh? What do you guys want?" Gray asked as he stood up and turned towards him while they all circled around Gray. "Geez it's like I'm invisible." I mumbled to myself as I got up and walked away from them then sat down on the ice again while I frowned a bit. 'I never really was a cool kid, everyone called me weird and monster but I never really knew why? Even after they saved me...' I sighed and began to make the Fairy Tail emblem but when I did, it had a dragon design on it which made me frown in confusion. 'Why do most of my ice creations have dragon designs on them?' "Hey Star!" "EEEKK!!" I look to my side and saw Happy munching on some fish while I placed my right hand on my heart. "Oh, hey Happy." I smiled at him as I looked back to the ice Fairy Tail emblem while I saw Happy's eyes widen a bit. "Whoa! How'd you do that!?!" Happy yelled as he pointed at my Ice creation while the others looked at my direction. "Shhh Happy! I don't want them to se-" "What'd you got there Star?!" Natsu asked me with a smile as he bent over to look what I had in my hand while I backed up a bit since he was a bit too close. "I-I uh um eh....." "She made a Fairy Tail emblem out of ice but it has a dragon design on it!!" Happy yelled as he took the ice sculpture out of my hands and showed them to everyone. "Wow! That's really pretty Star!" Lucy said as she looked down at me with a smile while I gave her a nervous smile. "U-um thanks?" I looked over to Gray for some help as I motioned to them with my eyes while I gave him a smile. Gray was the only person that knew that I was shy and that I don't really like to talk to people a lot, he was the only one that I can talk to even though I spent some time with the others. "Guys you're making her feel uncomfortable." Gray said as he crossed his arms over his chest while they turned towards me and saw that I was looking down at my feet. "I'm sorry that we made you feel uncomfortable Star." Erza said with a smile as she stood in front of me while I looked up at her. "I-It's ok." I told Erza as I gave a little smile to them while I began to feel comfortable. 'I don't know why I suddenly feel shy? Ever since that day I was always with them, but I still a bit shy...' "Let's go back to the guild and see who master wants in the S-Class games this year." I gulped slightly when Erza mentioned the S-Class games while I looked down at the ground. For some reason I felt like something bad was going to happen at Tenrou Island and I did not want Gray or the others to go to Tenrou Island. "Yea sure. I want to know if I got into the S-Class games." Gray said with a smirk as he crossed his arms while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "ALRIGHT!!! LETTTS GOO!!" Natsu yelled, running towards the guild as he had a smirk on his face while everyone yelled at Natsu to wait up but yea he didn't hear them. I sighed and went to the place where I put my clothes at before I started training while I frowned down at my clothes. "Are you ok Star?" I looked behind me and saw Gray standing behind me with a worried look while I looked at him with a shock look. "Y-yea you know me. Don't do well with crowds." I did a tiny smile as I began putting on my tights and crop top while Gray smiled down at me. "Ok, well lets hurry before flamebrain burns the guild before we get there." I giggled at Grays words as I nodded my head, but an idea popped into my mind which made me smirk. "Hey Gray." "Yea?" I took a deep breath and went in front of him with a small smile which Gray smiled down at me. "............RACE YAA!!" I yelled as I pushed Gray into the snow and made a run for it while I giggled a bit. "Hey! That was cheating!!" I heard Gray say which only made me giggle while I ran past Lucy, but I ended up tripping in front of her. "OH MY GOD STAR! ARE YOU OK?!" I smiled as I got up from the ground then ran off again while I smiled at Lucy. "I'M ALRIGHT LUCY!! GOTTA BEAT GRAY IN THE RACE!!" I yelled as I kept running while I ran past a lot of people and made them fall as well. "HEY! WATCH IT KID!!" A man yelled as he waved his fist in the air in an angry manner, but I only smiled and laughed at him while I felt the adrenaline rush through me. "I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU STARRR!!" I heard Gray yell which made me turn my head to the right, but I saw Gray catching up to me. "YOU WON'T BE FOR LONNG!!" I yelled as I had a small smile while I picked up my pace.

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