Chapter 22

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Jake's P.O.V.

'I hope they keep their promise......Star....When will you tell them?' "Hey guys! Wait up!" We turned around and saw Lisanna running towards us with a smile on her face. "Oh, Hey Lisanna!" Natsu said as he smiled at her while he waved at her. Lisanna waved back at Natsu while we began to walk towards the balcony to see Mira's fight. "We've gotta do something about those jerks in Raven Tail. They just can't get away with this!" Natsu said as he put his hands behind his head while I nodded my head, agreeing with him. "It's as if they're trying to take us out one by one." Erza said as she looked at the ground with a serious look while I frowned a bit. "Actually, I'm not entirely convinced that's true." Carla said as we all stopped walking to look at her while she looked at us with a slight frown. "Wait, what are you talking about?" "How could you say that after everything that has happened?" Erza asked as she looked at Carla with a frown while I took a step forward towards Carla. "Yea, what do you mean Carla?" I asked her as she looked at us seriously while I gave her a serious look. "The bandits from earlier told Natsu that they were hired by Raven Tail to kidnap Lucy for some reason, but their plan ultimately ended in failure. Not only did they choose the wrong target, but Natsu easily stopped them." Carla said as she looked down at the ground in thought while I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at her with my eyebrows knitted together. "What's so strange about that?" Lisanna asked as she looked at Carla with a confused look while I turned around to look at Lisanna. "We don't know what they were going to do with Lucy if they had caught her either." Erza said as I turned to Lucy while Lucy looked a little scared for a moment. "I don't wanna know!" "The method they used raises a red flag. They have a wizard that can instantly drain magic power. That's the one who attacked Wendy and I before the Games even began." Carla said as she crossed her arms while she glared at the ground. "Yes, you're right and Master Makarov believes it was the same wizard who nullified Lucy's Magic Power from the side lines during her battle with Flare." Erza said as I remembered how mad Star was when that happened while an image of Star breaking the balcony popped into my head. "If Raven Tail has a wizard who poses that kind of skill, one would think that they would choose to involve him in the abduction." Carla said as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit while I frowned more at what Carla was saying. "Maybe they just thought it be too suspicious. If they sent one of their guys out right before the battle, people might notice it." Gray said as I looked at him while Lisanna also looked at Gray. "The organizers want everyone close by since they don't announce who's fighting till right before the match." Lisanna said as I looked back down at Carla while Wendy laughed a bit. "I think you're giving them too much credit." Wendy said as she had her hands outstretched a bit while she smiled at Carla. "Mhm, I don't know if they're that concern with how they do things as long as somebody gets hurt in the end." Lucy said coldly as she frowned a bit while I nodded my head, agreeing with her. " matter what, if they're targeting us in and outside the arena we must remain on guard at all times. No one should go anywhere by themselves." Erza said while I looked at Carla as she looked deep in thought but then looked up at Erza. "Hehe! Well we should have told Star that sooner!" I laughed as I scratched the back of my head while the others sweat dropped slightly. "Yea, we should have." Lucy said as she looked down at the ground with a crooked smile while I laughed at them. "It's alright. Star will be fine. She's a tough girl. I know whatever comes her way she can handle it!" I told them as they smiled at me, nodding their heads while I held up my fist in the air. "Well we should go see Mira fight! We wouldn't want to miss it!" I told them as they nodded their heads at me while we began to walk again. 'I hope you're ok Star.'

Star's P.O.V.

'Damn it! He always has to come when I'm near them!' I growled slightly as I punched a tree making it shake slightly while some birds flew away from the tree. I sighed as I sat down on a huge rock while I let my hood down so it wasn't covering my face anymore. 'I guess Carla's vision is coming true, me and Rabo will have our fight soon. Either both of us falls or one of us makes it out alive and I sure as hell won't let Rabo live. He'll pay for everything that he has done to me.' I looked up at the sky as I felt my hair fall over my right eye while I frowned slightly at the sky. 'Life can be beautiful, but yet there are people in this world that make it ugly. (Sigh) I wonder if Fairy Tail will be safe if I just left. They wouldn't get hurt. They wouldn't have to worry about me. They'll be happy.' I got up from my rock and began to head out of the lake while I frowned slightly, pulling my hood back over my face. 'I want everyone to be safe.' I walked out of the forest and entered Crocus as people were smiling at one another while they ran around in the streets. "Oh my god Star!! You have to see this! Every girl is in a bikini!!" I heard Jake laugh as I could already see him on the ground while I rolled my eyes at him. "'re an idiot." I heard Jake pout slightly as I began to make my way to the Grand Magic Games while I stopped and held my hand out in front of me. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Jake's Shadow." I stepped into the shadow lands then slowly reappeared behind Jake while I quickly masked my Dragon Slayer scent before Sting and Rogue could sniff me out. "What's going on?" I asked out loud which made Jake jump slightly while he turned to look at me once he clamed down. "The girls from all the guilds suddenly went down in the stadium in their bathing suits!!" I looked down at the arena as I saw all the girls in their bathing suits while Jake had hearts in his eyes, stars floating around him. "Idiots." I slammed my hand on my head as I shook my head while I groaned at Jake. "Why aren't you down there?! Go get into a bikini!!" I looked at Mavis as I glared daggers at her while she smiled at me, her arms out stretched with stars around her. "If you don't wanna die twice I suggest you go find someone else." A dark aura surrounded me as Mavis shrank and moved away from me while tears streamed down her face. "How about a blushing bride challenge?! So ladies grab a lucky guy and squeeze in some wedding dresses!! Look! Star Mayweather is in the crowd! I hope she does it!!" Chapati yelled as he pointed at me while the girls were already in wedding dresses. "Like hell-" "Come on Star!! You're doing it!" Jake yelled as he grabbed my wrist and began to drag me at the edge of the balcony while I looked at him with wide eyes. "Jake! No! You-" Jake jumped down the balcony, dragging me with him then ran towards the tunnel while he gave me a slight smirk. "Looks like our favorite Ice Make Wizard is actually doing it!" I heard Chapati yell as I glared daggers at Jake while Jake pulled out a wedding dress. "Jake I'm no-" I got cut off as I felt someone's hand on my shoulder which made me look up from behind me while the person smirked slightly at me. "I'll handle it from here Jake. You can go." I looked behind me to see Erza standing there with a glint in her eyes while I saw Jake smirk at her. "Ok I'll just turn around while you change her!" Jake said as he turned around while I glared at Erza who continued to smirk at me. "LIKE HELL YOU ARE PUTTING ME IN A-" "Lets get you changed!" Erza said as she had stars in her eyes while she had a creepy smirk on her face. Erza suddenly began to take off my cloak along with my shirt while I stared at her in shock. "Erza!" I yelled as I tried to stop her from taking anymore of my clothes, but it was too late, she had already put the dress on me. The dress of course was white, as it was a A-line strapless sweetheart neckline that flowed out to the ground, on the dress it had little gems that kinda looked like icicles. On my hands were these gloves though they didn't cover my fingers, they only covered the tip part of my hand while my middle finger had a rubber thing to hold it in my hand, the worst part is that she put me in heels and I can't walk in them. And finally, on top of my head sits a tiny sliver crown that had a cool design in it, my long hair was in a princess style where Erza took a few strands of my hair, braided them, then tied them in the back. 'What am I doing?!' "Erza! Stop pulling me!" I yelled at Erza as she tried pulling me to the entrance of the tunnel while I glared slightly at her. "I got her Erza! You go tell everyone that she's coming!" Jake said as he picked me up by the waist, causing my eyes to widen while he threw me over his shoulder. "What's this?! Star is actually in a dress?! Erza must have some magical powers to get Star in a dress! It looks like her bestfriend, Jake, is bringing her out!!" Chapati announced as I could hear the crowd go wild while I could feel Jake smirking at me. "Whelp that's our que! Come on Star!" Jake said as he began to walk out of the tunnel while I began to hit his back with my fist. "Stop! Jake! Don't do thi-" "And here she is! Whoa Mama! I wonder who's the lucky guy!" Chapati yelled as I looked over my shoulder only to see the others looking at me while some of the guys were blushing at me. "Star! You look-" "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!" I cut Lucy off as I glared slightly at her while my cheeks turned red with embarrassment. "Hey Gray!" Jake called as I looked over my shoulder a bit while I heard Gray say what. "Catch!" Suddenly Jake threw me off of his shoulders while I landed in someone's arms, but I didn't know since I had my eyes closed. "You can open your eyes." I heard someone say as I opened my right eye and saw Gray in a tuxedo while I was in his arms. "Looks like the other Ice Mage, Gray Fullbuster, is the lucky guy!" Chapati yelled as I buried my face into Gray's chest when I heard the crowd go 'awe' while I heard someone yell "Love rival!" in the distance. "You look pretty in that dress." Gray complemented as I groaned in his chest which made him chuckle slightly while I buried my face more into his chest. "You guys look cute together." I looked to my left and saw Lucy and Lisanna smiling at me while I felt my cheeks get hot. "Its almost as if you two are really getting married! How cute!" Lisanna squealed as she clasped her hands together while my face went bright red. "My gone." I sulked slightly as I felt depression waves around me while the others began to laugh. Suddenly a bell rung indicating that something was going to happen which made me freeze up a bit. "Now that the wedding is over! Lets get back to another swimsuit round!" "STOP! THIS IS AN OUT RAGE! I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS!" Gray and I looked up only to see that hag from Lamia Scale on top of a statue with a serious look on her face. "What's this?!" Chapati yelled as we all looked at the hag while we waited for her to do something. "You foolish young people!! Let Oba teach you a lesson! So pay close attention!" The hag yelled as she jumped off from the pillar while spinning really fast which made her robe fan out. "And learn what it means to be a real women!!" The hag yelled as her cloak flew in the air, away from her while she landed on the ground. Mine and Grays face turned pale as we saw the hag in a one piece swimsuit, moving her body side to side while her hand was near her mouth. 'W-What did I just witness?' "And with that crash course in reality the mood in the arena as been brought down to earth land. Party's over folks. The other teams on the field have begun to clear out." Chapati said as everyone began to walk out of the arena while their faces were pale since they had just witnessed that hag in a one piece. "Gray....can you carry me over to the tunnel?" I asked Gray as he looked down at me in confusion while I felt my cheeks warm up a bit. "Why?" Gray asked as he tilted his head a bit while I glared at the ground. "Erza put heels on me with the straps and I can't walk in heels." I told Gray as he slightly laughed at me, but nodded his head nonetheless while I pouted a bit at him. Gray began to walk out of the arena with me in his arms while I saw Erza and Jake smirking at me. "I will kill you in your sleep." I told Jake as I saw him shiver slightly while Gray walked us to one of the rooms in the arena. "Here you go." Gray said as he gently placed me down on the ground while I wobbled slightly because of the heels. "Stupid heels. Stupid Erza. Stupid Jake." I mumbled as I took off the heels, throwing them to the ground while I rubbed my feet to ease the pain. "Well, I'm gonna go and get changed out of this." Gray said as he began to walk away while I tried to take off the dress but failed. "Wait!" I called as I had my hand outstretched towards him while Gray stopped walking and looked back at me. "What's up?" Gray asked as he tilted his head to me while my cheeks turned slightly red. "I need you to unzip me." I told Gray as I tried to hide my blush, but failed while Gray's cheeks turned red as well. "W-what?!" "I would do it myself, but I can't reach it." I told Gray as I looked behind me to look at the zipper while he sighed then walked up to me. I took off the crown then moved my long hair out of the way for Gray so he could unzip me while I tried to ease the redness in my cheeks. I felt Gray's hands on my shoulder and the other on the zipper as he slowly unzipped the dress, making it slowly fall from my chest but I made sure it didn't completely fall. "Hey Star! I was wonder-!" Gray and I quickly snapped our heads up to the door only to see Lucy in her normal clothes, but her cheeks were red while her eyes were as wide as saucers. "Sorry for interrupting!" Lucy yelled as she ran out of the room, slamming the door shut while I looked at the door with wide eyes. "Lucy! It's not what it looks li- Gray! Where are your clothes?!" I asked Gray since he was only in his boxers with the bow tie around his neck as his eyes wide a bit while I looked at Gray with a slight blush. "Oh crap!" Gray yelled as we both saw his clothes on the ground while he looked down at his body with wide eyes. "No wonder Lucy freaked out!" I blushed slightly as I shook my head, slapping my hand on my head while Gray looked at me with a bright blush. "I-I'll leave you to change." Gray said as he picked up his clothes and walked out of the room while I held my dress from falling. "Great, now I'm going to be deeply questioned by Lucy. (Sigh) Urg!" I quickly took off the dress and the gloves as I put on some black pre-ripped pants with a long sleeve black shirt with my black combat boots. I took out the braids in my hair and put on my cloak while I pulled up my hood to cover my face. '(Sigh) Feels good to be back in my normal clothes.' I walked out of the room, only to be faced with a blushing Lucy while she looked at me with wide eyes, pointing a shaky finger at me. "You two-!" "Lucy! We did not do anything! I promise!" I yelled at her as my cheeks began to get warm while she continued to point at me. "What? But I-" "Gray stripped at the wrong time and I had asked him to unzip me since there was no one around. That's all." I told Lucy as her hand slowly fell to her side while she sighed in relief. "Thank god! I thought you two did 'it' already." Lucy said as she placed a hand on her heart while I shook my head at her. "Good, though~ You two did look good toget-" "Don't say that!" I cut her off as I walked ahead of her while she chuckled slightly at me. "Come on lets go watch Mira!" I told her as we both walked towards the Fairy Tail A balcony while I pulled on my hood more to cover my red cheeks. "What's going on?" I asked the others as Lucy and I walked towards the others while Natsu looked at me with a smile. "Mira and Jenny made a bet that if one of them loses then they have to pose on Sorcerer Weekly in their birthday suit!" Natsu said as I shook my head and walked towards the edge of the balcony while I looked at Mira and Jenny. "So how did you like the dress Gray?" Erza asked Gray as I slightly tensed up while I saw Gray blush. "Don't ever speak of this day!" I yelled at her as I looked back at Mira and Jenny while I tried to calm my red cheeks. "Now, for final theme will be: Combat Gear." Chapati said in a slow way as Jenny began to glow pink and blue while Mira began to glow a bright purple. "Mhm, Mira will win." I mumbled as I saw Mira transform into one of her demon outfits while I leaned on my hand, my elbow on the balcony. "What in the heck is that?!" Lucy asked as she looked at Mira in surprised while I looked at Mira with a slight smirk. "It's one of Mirajane's she devil forms. It's known as Sitri, her ultimate Satan Soul." Erza said as she smirked at Mira while Mira charged at Jenny who looked scared out of her wits. Gray and Natsu looked at Mira in shock while I smirked a bit at Mira. "Check right back this beauty pageant just became a brawl!" Chapati yelled as Jenny floated in the air since Mira had attacked her while I continued to smirk at Mira. "I suppose this is more tradition." "SOO COOL!!" Jason yelled as I cringed at his voice while I glared daggers at him. "And Mirajane takes the big W!" Chapati yelled as I smiled at Mira while she held her fist up in the air. "And that's how we do things in the Fairy Tail guild!" Natsu said as he came near the balcony while I walked to the wall and leaned on it. "But wasn't this suppose to be a beauty contest?" Gray asked as I saw Erza smirk slightly while I shook my head side to side. "Most of it was anyway and no one ever said they couldn't fight. Mirajane just found a way to bend the rules." Erza explained as I nodded my head at Erza while I looked at Mira. "That seems to happen quite a bit with this guild." "You said it Wendy." Lucy said as I saw Mira transform back into her self again while she continued to smile at the crowd. "That win now adds another ten points for Fairy Tail B!" Chapati announced as the crowd went wild while Mira began to walk back to her group. "Star, the second day is about to come to a close but there are still no answers. I wonder what's going on?" I heard Jellal say as I frowned a bit while I crossed my arms over my chest. "Don't worry, it'll come. Just be patient." I told Jellal as I looked down at his group while I saw him looking up at me with a small nod. "After an exciting day the final match of day two of the Grand Magic Games is about to take place! This one will test the skills of Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi against Sabertooth's Yukino Agrio! Once more two lovely ladies go head to head." Chapati said as I saw a picture of Kagura and Yukino on the lacrima screen pop up while I frowned slightly. "Something tells me that this won't be another beauty contest." Yajima said as he looked at the two ladies while I frowned a bit since I knew that it won't be. "Well personally, if they want another one then I am all for it." "Come on you guys! These chick are way to coool from something that cheesy!" I heard Jason say as I watched Yukino and Kagura walk out in the arena while I sighed deeply. "What's gonna happen?" Gray asked as I walked over to the balcony while I leaned on it. "Pay close attention, Sabertooth is the guild to beat this year." Erza said as I clutched my hands while I looked down at Wendy. "You're right." Wendy said as she looked at Yukino and Kagura while I continued to look at Yukino. "Kagura's made quite an aim for herself not only is she considered the strongest member of Team Mermaid Heel, she also made the second top female wizard in Sorcerer Weekly behind our favorite Ice Make Wizard!" Chapati said as the others looked at me in shock, but I continued to look at Yukino with a frown while their eyes were wide. "On the other hand, not much is known about her opponent Yukino. However, the simple fact that she has been chosen to represent the mighty Sabertooth at the Games leads us to believe that she will be a force to be reckoned with. The gong has been struck! Let the battle begin!" Chapati yelled as the gong rung around the arena while I frowned at the two ladies. "Lets wager....our lives." Yukino said as I looked at her in shock while the others did as well. 'Stupid Yukino!' "Betting their lives? Seriously?" "That's crazy, talk about raising the stakes." I looked at Gray then back at Yukino with a worried look while I frowned down at her. "Why would they do something so extreme?" Lucy asked as she looked at Yukino with a worried look while I looked to where Sabertooth was, only to see Sting smirking at me. I glared at him then focused my attention on Yukino while I tried to calm myself down. "If you truly intend to stand behind your wager then I suppose I have no alternative but to accept. Very well, have at you." Kagura said as she looked at Yukino with a serious look while I shook my head and sighed. "Kagura will win." I mumbled out as I saw Natsu look down at me while I frowned slightly at the two ladies, placing my cheek on my hand. "How do you know?" Natsu asked me as he tilted his head slightly while I shook my head at him. "I've been here longer, so I know their magic type." I told Natsu as I looked down at Yukino while I heard Natsu say 'ohh'. "Well this is certainly an unexpected turn of events! Todays match is full of surprises!" Chapati yelled as he looked at Kagura and Yukino in surprise while I heard Yajima hum slightly. "No way! This is so unbelievably not cool!!" "Facing a member of Sabertooth in battle is quite an unfortunate fate." Yukino said as she held up a Zodiac key while I heard Lucy slightly gasp. "Is that what I think it is Lucy?" Wendy asked Lucy as she looked up at Lucy while Lucy looked down at Yukino in shock. "Oh wow! She's a Celestial Wizard?!" Lucy asked as she leaned on the balcony even more while Yukino's key began to glow. "What's that? A gold key? I presume it's one of the Zodiac Keys." Kagura said as she looked at Yukino while both ladies had no expression on their faces. "Open The Gate of The Two Fish:-" "I wonder what this one's gonna look like?" Wendy asked as she looked at Yukino in wonder while I nodded my head at her. "Me too, the only spirit in the Celestial World who even remotely looked fish like was Aquarius." Lucy said as the others had a thinking face on while they looked up at the sky. "If you consider past spirits it should look something like this." "That's the creepiest thing I have ever seen." "Yea right, there's no way that girls gonna have such a powerful spirit. I'll bet it looks more like Gemini." Gray said as I shook my head at him while Lucy went up to him with a scared look. "I'll take tiny sharks over a giant fish man any day." Lucy said as I looked at Natsu while he had a daydream face on. "If it's a big fish Happy's gonna die!!" Natsu yelled as he smiled slightly while Wendy looked at Natsu with a scared look. "I don't know what that is,'s not a fish." "How many times do I have to tell you to ignore him Wendy. You don't want to catch the stupid." Gray said as I slightly chuckled at him, but I turned back to look at Yukino while I shook my head at the others. "Come Pisces!" Yukino said as she held the key up in the air while a dark blue Magic Circle appeared above her. Suddenly, two large fishes came out, one was black and one was white while they floated around the stadium then attacked Kagura but Kagura jumped into the air to dodge the attack. As Kagura was in the air, the two fishes were trying to knock her down, but she was dodging them like it was nothing. "Check it out! This chick is awesome!!" Natsu yelled as he looked at Kagura in amazement while I frowned slightly. "No kidding. She's easily dodging their attacks even though she's barely moving." Gray said as he looked at Kagura while I also looked at Kagura dodging Pisces. "If I were her, I'd be scared I was gonna get eaten." Wendy said as she looked at Pisces in a scared way while I looked over at Lucy who looked at Pisces in shock. "So that's Pisces." Lucy said in awe as Kagura landed on the ground but jumped high in the air again to avoid Pisces's attack. Kagura ran on the white ones back while the black one tried to hit her, but again she dodged them. "Look at that!! Kagura is able to dodge the spirit Pisces attacks with the greatest of ease!!" Chapati yelled as Kagura continued to dodge Pisces attacks while Pisces was creating a lot smoke. "Impressive." "COOOOLL!" Jason yelled again as I cringed at his voice while I glared up at him in anger. 'That guy yelling cool is really getting on my nerves.' "If all you're going to do is run away, then I suppose I'll have to stop you in your tracks." Yukino said as she held the Gold Zodiac key, Libra, in her hand while I looked at the sign on the key. "Look." "She's opening another gate?!" Lucy asked in shock as I looked at Yukino with my arms crossed while Yukino frowned at Kagura. "Now Open the Gate of The Balance-" The same dark blue Magic Circle appeared in front of Yukino while a lady was standing in front of her. Libra had dark brown hair that was tied up in a some what horned style. She was wearing something that resembled to a belly dancer, which were a frilled and striped bikini top along with a patterned loincloth supporting pom-poms on her waist. She wore numerous bangkes on her arms and legs while her neck had a thick necklace. Libra had sandals on and she had a zigzagged headband on her head. Covering her face was a cloth that was tied around her head with her Zodiac sign on it. On her hands, she was carrying a pair of scales with a thin cord running from her finger tips to the sides of the scales, almost like a puppeteer would have them. "-Libra." Yukino said as most of the males in the stands had hearts in their eyes while I rolled my eyes at them. "That is one hot spirit! Makes me wanna become a Celestial Wizard too~!" Chapati said as he also had hearts in his eyes while I looked at him in disgust. "She's definitely a feast on the eyes." Yajima said as I shook my head slightly while Jason yelled "cool". "Now Libra, alter the targets field of gravity." Yukino commanded as Libra began to move her arms while Libra's scales moved slightly. "As you wish!" Libra yelled as the dirt near Kagura began to rise while Kagura looked like she was having trouble moving. "Go Pisces." Pisces began to make their way towards Kagura while Kagura closed her eyes as a light shined around her. "Impossible." Libra said as her eyes widen slightly while we all saw Kagura high up in the air. "HOLY CRAP SHE'S AMAZING!!!" Natsu yelled as he looked at Kagura in shock while I rolled my eyes at him. "Right, that was one hell of a jump." "Calm down, keep watching." Erza said as she had her arms crossed over her chest while she looked at Kagura with a serious look. "Libra, rotate the targets center of gravity side ways." Yukino said as she held out her arm to the side while Yukino continued to look at Kagura. "As you wish." Libra said as she moved her right hand up while Kagura was forcefully pushed back towards a statute. "That's gotta hurt! After an impressive escape from Libra's gravity changing magic, Kagura finds herself helplessly pinned down! It looks like she's in real trouble now!" Chapati yelled as Kagura was pinned to the statute with Libra's magic while Libra's attack pushed Kagura further into the statue. "Gravity is so freaken COOOLL!!" "Attack her!" Yukino commanded Pisces as the two fish went into the air and began to advance towards Kagura while Kagura glared daggers at Yukino. I looked towards Kagura as she opened her eyes while Pisces suddenly stopped where they were at and began to fall. "Why did the fish stop attacking?!" Natsu asked in shock as he looked at Pisces while I also looked at Pisces with a frown. "Don't know. Did she run out of Magic Power?" Gray asked as he looked down at Yukino while Erza closed her eyes. "No, not at all. Look down there." Erza said as all of us looked down at the arena and saw Libra crouched down on the ground. "I can't move!" "Interesting." Yukino said as I looked at the match with a bored expression while I sighed slightly. "This is your chance! Hurry and finish them off!!" I heard a Mermaid yell as she smirked at Kagura while Kagura moved out from the statue. "Look at her go! It's gonna take more than two Celestial Spirits to face Kagura! She's incredible! Don't you think Mr. Yajima?" Chapati asked Yajima as Kagura jumped down from the statue while she held her sword tightly. "She's showing us a lot of heart. It's obvious that she has a strong heart." Yajima said as I zoned out Jason while I looked down, only to see Libra squished under Pisces. "So heavy!!" "Pisces and Libra you may both return now." Yukino said as Pisces and Libra began to glow then they disappeared while Kagura finally landed on the ground. "I'm afraid you leave me with no choice. I'll have to open the thirteenth gate." Yukino said as she looked at Kagura with a serious look while Kagura's eyes widen slightly. "Hold on, did I hear that right?! Did she just say the thirteenth gate?!" Lucy asked as she leaned on the side of the balcony while she looked at Yukino with a shock look. "Yea that's what she said. Is there something wrong?" Wendy asked as she looked up at Lucy while Lucy looked at Yukino in shock. "I was always told that there were only twelve Zodiac Keys in existence. I heard about a thirteenth key, but I thought it was just a rumor! Apparently that key, belongs to a Celestial Spirit who's stronger than all of the Zodiacs." Lucy said as she looked down at Wendy while Wendy looked at Lucy in shock then looked back at Yukino. "This Gate is one that's rarely opened. It is very bad luck for you." Yukino said as the arena began to get dark while she took out her thirteenth key. "I don't believe in luck. I have never in my life trusted in such a thing." Kagura said as she placed her hand on her sheathed sword while she began to run towards Yukino. "Whatever happens is a result of my choices." Kagura said as the whole area got dark while I heard some of the crowd began to get scared. "Open Gate of the Snake Charmer:-" "My future is shaped by my decisions alone, not by fate." Kagura said as Yukino lifted the key up in the air while it glowed a dark purple instead of the blue color. "-Ophiuchus." Yukino chanted as a dark mist covered her completely while two glowing purple eyes looked at Kagura. The crowd got loud as Ophiuchus moved around in the arena while I looked up at the sky as everything was dark. 'Mhm. Mine is much more scary than this. Well, according to Jake that is....' "IT'S HUGE!!" "SHE SAID SNAKE CHARMER!! BUT THAT LOOKS LIKE AN ACTUAL SNAKE!!" Gray yelled as he and Natsu looked at Ophiuchus in shock while I slightly chuckled at them. "Whatever it is, it's scary." Wendy said as she shook a bit while Lucy also looked frighten. "It does exists....Ophiuchus." Lucy said as she looked at Yukino in shock while I looked back at Yukino with a frown. 'Looks like Yukino is getting serious. This is getting interesting.'

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