Chapter 16

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Star's P.O.V.

"So! Without further ado! Let the Grand Magic Games preliminary round, Sky Labyrinth, begin!" Mato yelled as we all looked at the huge labyrinth in front of us while the others began to smirk a bit. "Well if it's a race then we'd better get moving!" Gray said as he smirked at the Sky Labyrinth while I shook my head at his idiocy. "LET'S GO!" "No wait." Erza said as the others looked at her in confusion while I frowned slightly. "What's the problem?" Natsu asked as he looked at Erza, tilting his head slightly while I crossed my arms and frowned. "The rules state that all five members must reach the goal-" "-so that means you guys can't go if Wendy isn't here to cross." I finished for Erza as the others gasped in realization while I took a step towards them. "You're right!" "WENDYYYYY!!" "Crap! What are me gonna do now?!" Gray asked as I smirked slightly at them while I let my arms fall next to me. 'Now's my chance to-' "Why wait for a little girl when you've got a man who's ready to go?!" Elfman yelled as he smirked at them while I growled slightly at him. "WE'VE GOT A ROSTER CHANGE!!" Elfman yelled as he grabbed Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Erza and put them under his arms while he ran up the path that lead to the labyrinth. 'DAMN IT ELFMAN!!' "He's so much strong now!" Happy said as we looked at him run with everyone in his arms while I had depression waves around me. "What are you doing bro?!" Lisanna yelled out as she leaned over the balcony while I had a deadly aura around me, slightly sulking in a corner. "He's doing what needs to be done! We don't have time to wait around for Wendy to show up!" Gray yelled as he looked over his shoulder while I continued to glare at the back of Elfmans head. "Elfman to the rescue!" Natsu yelled as he smiled up at Elfman while I sighed deeply, admitting defeat. "You guys leave it to me!" Elfman yelled as I saw Erza turn her head to look at us while I looked at her with a frown. "Star! Jake! Happy! Lisanna!" Erza called to us as I looked up at her while Jake came to stand next to me with a frown. "Aye?!" "Yea what is it?!" "I need you four to go look for Wendy and Carla! I'm really worried that they might've ran into some kind of trouble!" Erza yelled as I saw that she looked really worried while we looked at each other than back at Erza. "Ok! We'll go ask around town and see what we can find out!" Lisanna yelled as I saw Jake looking at me with sad eyes while I shook my head at him. "Aye Sir! Good luck to ya! Goooooo TEAM!" Happy yelled as I saw the other guilds run up the path, but I looked behind me only to see Sabertooth running up the path while Sting looked back at me with a smirk. "Weak." Sting mouthed to me then looked forward as he ran with his team mates while I growled at him. "Come on guys, lets go find Wendy and Carla." I told them as Jake turned into his huge form while he looked down at us. "Jump on my back. I'll get us down." Jake said in a deeper voice as we nodded our heads and got on his back while I sat at the front then Happy and Lisanna. "Hold on!" Jake yelled as we grabbed onto his fur tightly while he jumped down the balcony towards the ground. Once we landed on the ground, I hopped off of Jake's back and waited for Lisanna to get off as well. "Alright guys, lets find one of the guild members. Maybe they've seen Wendy and Carla around here." I told them as they nodded their heads while Jake turned back onto his human form, nodding his head too. "Alright. I really hope they're ok." Lisanna said as I hummed to her while she looked slightly worried. We began to walk around town, looking in ally ways just in case Wendy and Carla were in there while I frowned a bit. "Do you think it's Rabo?" I heard Jake ask as I looked at him and nodded my head slightly while he looked at me with a worried look. "I think it's him. I heard his voice in my head a while ago in the hotel." I told Jake as I glared at the ground while Jake looked at me with wide eyes then looked forward again. "I really hope he wasn't the cause of Wendy and Carla's disappearance just to lure you into a trap." "Me too Jake." "Hey guys! Look it's Romeo and Nab!" Happy said as he pointed at Romeo and Nab, who were looking at the Labyrinth on a bridge while I nodded my head to Happy. "Romeo!" I called out as he turned his head and smiled at me while Romeo waved his hand at me. "Big Sis!" Romeo yelled as he ran towards me and hugged me, which I returned while I gave him a small smile. "Have you guys seen Wendy?" Lisanna asked which made Romeo and Nab look at us in confusion as they shook their heads while I frowned slightly. "Uh? Why?" Romeo asked us as he let go of me from the hug while he took a few steps back to give us some space. "Wendy's gone." I told him as Nab and Romeo looked at me in shock while Romeo frowned slightly. "What do you mean Wendy's gone?" Romeo asked as he took a step towards me while Nab put his right fist on his hip. "Hang on, are you saying she's missing?" Nab asked as I nodded my head while I rolled my eyes at Nab since he repeated what I said. "We can't find her or Carla!" Happy said as he looked at them with a worried look while I tried looking for Wendy and Carla on the bridge we were on. "Don't the rules say each teams gotta have five members? Don't tell me they've been disqualified?" Romeo said as he looked at us for an answer while I had an irk mark growing on my head. "No. Luckily my brother stepped in as a last minute replacement." Lisanna said as she smiled at the Labyrinth which made me want to kill Elfman even more while I felt Jake's eyes on me. "Elfman's in the preliminary round too?" Nab asked as he tilted his head to the side slightly while I balled up my fist in anger. "That's not fair! If I'd been there they would've chosen me to join the team!! Not that big dummy!!" Romeo yelled as he gripped his hair in anger while my eye twitched a little in anger. "Uh yea sure." Happy said as he looked at Romeo with an unimpressed look while Jake place a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down. "Star, Happy, Jake, and I are gonna start looking for them. I need you two to go and tell the others. We'll have a better chance at finding them if we split up into teams and use Warrens telepathy." Lisanna said as we nodded our heads while I looked up at the Sky Labyrinth with a frown. "This city is huge so we've got a lot of ground to cover." Happy said as he flew a little closer to Lisanna while Jake and I stepped a little closer to them. "Got it." Romeo said as he looked up at the Labyrinth with a worried look while he frowned slightly. "I'm worried. I hope they haven't ran into any sort of trouble." Romeo said as we all looked at the Labyrinth while I nodded my head, agreeing with him. "Yea me too, but try not to duel on it. Lets hurry and get back to the others so we can fill them in." Nab said as he looked away from the Labyrinth with a frown while I looked at them with a serious look. "Right." Romeo said as he nodded his head while he looked at us with a determined look on his face. "Alright guys, Jake and I will start heading towards the castle, Mercurius. My guess is that Wendy wanted to see it so we'll start there." I told them as I looked at Mercurius with a serious look while the others nodded their heads at me. "Alright, be careful you two. Contact Warren if you guys found her." Lisanna said as Romeo hugged me one last time before he let go of me while I smiled down at him. "Stay safe Star. Jake make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Romeo said as he looked at Jake with a serious look while Jake smiled, giving him a thumbs up and a wink. "You got it!" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I asked them as I looked from both of them while I had an irk mark on my head. "Nothing~ Come on Star let's go find Wendy and Carla!" Jake said as he grabbed my wrist and began to drag me away from the others while he gave me an innocent smile. "You guys be safe too!" I hollered to them as they were now out of my sights while I glared slightly at Jake who gave me a closed eye smile. Suddenly we heard a loud noise come from the Labyrinth as a blue Magic Circle was surrounding it while Jake and I saw the Labyrinth move around, switching up the place. "I hope they're alright." I said out loud as I looked at the Labyrinth with a worried look while Jake smiled at me. "They'll be fine. Come on. We need to look for Carla and Wendy." Jake said as he nudged my side with his elbow while we began to run towards Mercurius. We looked all round the city, in ally ways, in restaurants, in little stores, everything but we couldn't find Wendy or Carla anywhere. "No Sir, I'm sorry." "Thanks anyway Miss." Jake and I had also been asking people around if they had seen Carla and Wendy but they all said no to the same question. "This is really getting me worried." I told Jake as he also gave me a worried look while I looked around again. "Yea, its been an hour and Wendy and Carla haven't been seen. Warren says that she hasn't come back to the members either." Jake said as we were almost near Mercurius while I looked down at the ground with a frown. "They probably went inside Mercurius. Knowing Wendy, she probably wanted to see the garden or inside the castle." I told Jake as he nodded his head while I looked up at the Labyrinth. "Warren. Did Wendy and Carla come back?" I asked Warren as I placed two fingers on my right temple while I looked at the Labyrinth with a frown. "No, they haven't came back. Lisanna and Happy said that they also haven't seen them, along with Romeo and Nab." Warren said as I sighed deeply while I looked at Jake with a worried expression. "Alright, Thanks Warren." With that I cut Warren off as I looked at Jake then looked back at Mercurius with a frown while I let out a sigh. "Lets continue looking." Jake nodded his head as we went into separate ways to look in the small stores and restaurants while I walked up to a restaurant. "Excuse me." I asked a man who was dressed as a waiter in a monotone voice while I walked towards him with a frown. "Hi, how can I help you?" The man asked as he gave me a kind smile while he held out a note pad in his hands. "I'm looking for a little girl with long blue hair that are in pig-tails. She had a white cat with her that was in a dress and the girl is about this high." I told the man as I held my hand near my boob to show him how tall Wendy was while he turned slightly red then looked up at me. "N-No, sorry Miss." "Thanks." I told the guy as I walked out the restaurant and saw Jake also walking out of the store while he looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Any luck?" Jake asked me as I shook my head no while I nodded my head to him. "You?" "No, they said that they haven't seen her." Jake said as I frowned slightly while I looked at the Sky Labyrinth as people were falling out of it. "Hopefully Gray and the others haven't fallen out yet." I told Jake as I looked at the Labyrinth in worry while Jake had a creepy smile on his face. "Yea~ Why did you say Gray's name first~ Huh~?" Jake teased, coming closer to my face as I rolled my eyes at him while I felt a slight blush on my cheeks. "Shut up Jake." I told him as I pushed his face away with my hand while I shook off my blush. "Star." I jumped slightly as I heard Warren's voice in my head while I quickly placed two fingers on my right temple. "What's the matter?" "Happy says that Wendy and Carla wanted to go on a sight seeing tour at the palace." Warren said as Jake and I looked at the palace at the same time while I nodded my head once. "Thanks Warren! Star and I are gonna head over there so tell Lisanna and Happy not to worry about it!" Jake told Warren as he smiled at me while I gave Jake a slight nod. "Alright tell us if you found them and be safe." I cut Warren off as I looked at Jake and nodded my head again while I looked towards the palace. "Come on, lets go." I told Jake as we began to run towards the palace while I frowned slightly. "The guards are probably on duty-" "Pfft! Hehe you said duty!" Jake laughed as I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead for being childish while Jake put a hand over the part where I flicked him. "Ow! Hey~" "As I was saying, there are going to be guards so we're gonna have to go into the shadow lands." I told Jake as he shivered slightly while he hugged himself tightly. "No! Not the shadow lands!" Jake said dramatically as he put his hands on his either sides of his face while I shook my head and sighed at him. "'re an idiot." I told Jake as I shook my head at him while he stood up straight. "I know!" Jake said as he placed his hands behind his back, rocking back and forth while he smiled like an idiot. We continued walking to the palace as we continued to see people fall from the Labyrinth. We walked in front of the palace but hid quickly when we saw some guards walking back and forth in front of the front door while they looked around the area. "Alright, time to go see if they're in there." I told Jake as he groaned like a child while he crossed his arms over his chest. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Mercurius Garden." I chanted as a shadow orb came underneath us while it glowed slightly. "Urgg! I hate going in!" Jake whispered yelled as he glared at the shadow in front of him while I stood behind Jake with a smirk. "It's not that bad. Come on.....jump!" I told him as I pushed on his back which made him fall in the shadow lands while I heard a slight scream from him. I chuckled slightly as I waited for about a minute then jumped in while I smirked slightly at Jake. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! I COULD'VE DIED?!" Jake yelled as he shook my shoulders back and forth while he had an irk mark on his head, his eyes completely black with anger. "But you didn't. Now keep it down and lets start looking for them." I told him as I looked around the place while I frowned since I couldn't see them. It looked some what like a maze since the bushes were pretty high and they had small flowers in them. "We should split up. I'll transform into my tiny form so I can fly around. I'll tell you if I find them telepathically ok." Jake said as he transformed into his small form while he flew up in the air, giving me a smile. "Alright. Be safe." I told Jake as we went into different path while I looked around the bushes with a frown. 'Wendy, Carla, where are you guys?' Booonnng The sudden loud sound made me jump slightly as Mato appeared, standing tall in front of everyone while he moved his arms around. "Attention everyone! The eight teams have been determined! The Grand Magic Games Preliminary round, Sky Labyrinth, is over!" Mato announced as a bell began to ring again while I looked at the labyrinth with a frown. 'Hopefully Team Natsu and Elfman made it.' "Ohhhh! So you wanna know who's participating in the main events? Well~ you'll just have to wait until the opening ceremonies to find out!" Mato said as his hologram disappeared while I turned back around and began to look for Wendy and Carla again. "Star! I found Wendy's bag but no Wendy or Carla!" I heard Jake say as I turned around while I looked at the big bush with a worried look. "I'm coming." "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Jake's Shadow." I chanted as I quickly jumped into the shadow lands and stood behind Jake while he looked at me with a serious look on his face. "Here." Jake said as he handed me a slightly tan bag that had a red heart on it while I looked at it with a frown. "Yea, that's definitely Wendy's." I told him as I furrowed my eyebrows in worry while I looked around for them. "Come on, lets continue to look for them. They're probably not that far." Jake said as we began to run around the area while I frantically searched for them. "I smell them! Come on Jake!" I told Jake as I took a sharp right and saw Wendy and Carla unconscious on the ground while I gasped slightly. "Wendy! Carla!" I yelled as Jake and I ran to them while I had Wendy in my arms. "Warren, we found them." I told Warren as I looked at Wendy with a worried look while Jake had Carla. "Wait! You found them?! So they were at the palace. Are they alright?!" Warren asked as I tried to look for any injuries on Wendy's body but I didn't see any which made me frown a bit. "I don't smell any blood on her or on Carla. But it's kinda hard to tell since they're knocked out. Send help as fast as you can. Tell the others too." I told Warren as I slightly shook Wendy, Jake slightly shaking Carla while we tried to wake them up. "Come on Carla, wake up." Jake said in a worried tone as I looked at Wendy while I continued to look for any wounds on her. "She doesn't look injured and I don't smell any blood so that's good, but I don't sense any magic energy coming from Wendy at all." I told Jake as he turned into his human form with Carla in his arms while I frowned a bit. "Same here with Carla." Jake said as I saw Wendy's eyes open slightly while I looked down at her with wide eyes. "Wendy's awake." "Maybe she can tell us what happen to her and Carla." Jake said as we looked at Wendy but she then placed her hands on top of her eyes while she had a frighten look on her face. "No...don't hurt me!" Wendy whimpered as she shook her head side to side while I frowned down at her. "It's alright Wendy, we're here. It's me Star and Jake do you recognize us?" "Yea! I'm right here." Jake said as he walked over to Wendy and I with Carla in his arms while he gave her a small smile. "Star....Jake....what in the world.....happened?" Wendy said slowly which made me look at her in a sad way while I looked at Jake for a split second then turned back to her. "We were gonna ask you that. You don't remember?" Jake asked her as she slightly shook her head while I saw that she looked completely tired. "No." Wendy said slowly as she closed her eyes again while I looked at her with a worried frown. "She's weak right now. Whoever did this probably drained out their magic." I told Jake as I picked her up in my arms while I looked down at Wendy again with a worried frown. "Oh~ How tragic~" Jake and I snapped our heads to look behind us only to see Rabo standing there with a smirk on his face while I growled slightly at him. "Did you do this to them?!" Jake asked Rabo as he glared at Rabo while Rabo smirked at us, looking at Wendy and Carla. "I did nothing to them~ I was simply here at the wrong time~" Rabo said as Jake and I growled at him while we held Carla and Wendy in our arms tightly, in a protective way. "Mhm~ Well I guess I must go~ Goodbye my little Prophecy~" Rabo said as he began to walk away which made Jake growl loudly at him while Jake glared daggers at Rabo. "Wait you bastard!" Jake yelled as he ran after Rabo, but stopped at the end of the bush while he looked around for Rabo. "Where'd the hell did he go?!" Jake yelled in anger as I walked up to Jake and placed a hand on his shoulder while I shook my head at Jake. "Don't bother trying to find him, it's pointless." I told Jake as I walked in front of him with Wendy in my arms while Jake growled under his breath. I could tell that Jake was angry that Rabo got away from us so easily, trust me I was beyond pissed that he got away but we had to get Wendy and Carla to the others so they could help her. "Come on we need to get Wendy and Carla to the others. I'll call Porlyusica and tell her to come here to help Wendy." I told Jake as he groaned but nodded his head nonetheless while he looked down at Carla with a worried look. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Romeo's Shadow." I chanted as the familiar shadow orb appeared in front of us on the ground while I jumped in first and saw Romeo and Nab as I was in mid air. "Romeo." I called out as Jake also jumped into the air while we both landed on the ground in front of the two boys. "Hey! You found them!" Romeo said as he and Nab turned towards us with a relief look while they ran towards us. "Are they ok?" Nab asked in a worry tone as he came up to Wendy while I nodded my head at Nab. "Yea, they're not injured but some one drained them from their magic." I told them as Wendy slightly shifted in my arms while Nab and Romeo looked down at her. "Come on, lets get them to the others and see what they can do." Jake said as we nodded our heads while I looked at them with a serious look. "I'll contact Porlyusica right now." I told them as they nodded their heads while we began to walk to the others. "Miss. Porlyusica are you awake?" "Tch, I am now. What is it? What do you want?" Porlyusica asked rudely but it didn't affect me so I shook my head while I looked down at Wendy with a frown. "I'm very sorry that I woke you up late, but we need your help right now." I told her as I looked down at Wendy with a worried look while I looked at Carla in Jakes arms. "What do you need?" "Wendy and Carla were missing today but we found them in the palace. Though someone drained them from their magic and they are very week. They could really use your help at the moment." I waited for her to reply as I held Wendy closer to me while I looked down at the ground with a frown. "...I'll be there as soon as I can." "Thanks Porlyusica. You know, since you're coming all the way over here, I'll use my transportation magic ok. Get ready cause I'm doing it right now." I told Porlyusica as I heard her hum a yes while I held out my hand from under Wendy. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Porlyusica's House." I chanted as a black orb came to my side while Porlyusica walked through it which Romeo, Nab, and Jake stopped walking to look at us. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BRING HER SO QUICK?!" Jake yelled while I glared at him as I motioned to Wendy and Carla with my head. "She's here to help Jake. Come on, we need to hurry and get them to an infirmary." I told Jake as I slightly glared at him for his rudeness while he pouted slightly at me. "Lets go, we should hurry." I told them as we all began to run to the others while I furrowed my eyebrows in worry.

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