Chapter 10

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Star's P.O.V.

'How? How did I end up with Rabo on me? Why? Why am I the only person that he wants for his prophecy?' "It's quite simple really~ Your beautiful body can forever be stone." My eyes widen when I heard his voice while I clutched my fist tightly. "Rabo! Come out from where ever you're hiding!!" I yelled as ice and shadows began to swirl around my fist while I looked around to try and find him. "My, my~ there is no reason for you to get so mad~ I did nothing yet~" I growled as Rabo came out from the shadows while he smirked at me, making me growl louder. He still looked the same, had the same red eyes, the same white hair, and that same fucking smirk he always wore. "Now now~ Cal-" I didn't let him finish as I sent a Shadow Ice Storm his way, making a huge explosion in the process while dust flew around us. "That was rude~" Rabo said as he landed behind me, which made me face him while I gritted my teeth in anger. "What are you doing here?!? You know what, it won't matter once I'm done with you! Shadow Dragon's Sharp Talons!!" I chanted again as I created another huge explosion, this time it was so big that Magnolia could see it and hear it. "Oh little Star~ Do you really think that will stop me~? My, you are stupid!" "Ack!" I was suddenly pinned to a tree with Rabo choking me with his hand while he smirked at me. "You will never learn will you~?" Rabo said as his hands began to tighten around my neck while I began to lose air. "F-Fuck y-you." I choked out as I clawed at his hand while I glared at him with my right eye closed in pain. "My~ is that an invitation~" My eyes widen but then turned into a glare as I swung my legs while I kicked him in the face which made him let go of me. "That was naughty of you~" Rabo said as he wiped the blood off of his nose and lips while his smirk grew wider. "That's what you get! What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked him as a deadly aura surrounded me while my Ice Magic radiated off of me. "I just came to see how my lovely Prophecy is doing." Rabo said as my growls grew louder along with my teeth while my eyes turned snake like. "How was my little gift last night? It was qu-" "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF LISTENING TO YOU!!" I yelled as I glared at him while I sent a massive amount of magic towards him, sending him flying into a tree. "Star?!? Are you ok!? Are you near the explosion?!?! Team Natsu and I-" "NO! STAY AWAY FROM THE EXPLOSION!! DON'T COME NEAR HERE DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!" I yelled at Jake as I growled a bit while I saw Rabo getting up from the ground, smirking at me. "Star, what's going on?! We are he-" "I SAID DON'T COME OVER HERE!!! YOU AND THE TEAM WILL GET HURT!! THIS IS A WARNING JAKE!! DO NOT COME!! TELL THEM IT'S JUST ME!!" With that I cut Jake off as I focused back on Rabo while he walked towards me at a slow pace. "What's wrong~ Afraid I'll hurt them~" Rabo taunted as I ran at him full speed landing a punch on his stomach, but this time he didn't fly into a tree. "Well that was weak~." Rabo said as he came behind me and stabbed me near my brand mark while I gritted my teeth in pain. "This mark will stay with you till you die~ and it will remind you that you belong to me~." Rabo said as he traced the brand mark with his hand while something clicked inside me. "You bastard!!" I yelled as I tried to punch him but he was long gone, he just disappeared. "Forever mine~." I heard his voice say in the wind while I looked to where he disappeared. I tried to take a step forward but I felt a sharp pain near my stomach which made me wince in pain while I shakily looked down to see that he left the dagger deep in my stomach, making me grit my teeth together in pain. "Alright, one....two....three! AARGHH!!" I yelled as I pulled out the dagger out from my stomach while I breathed deeply. "Star!?! Star where are you?!?" I slightly growled as I heard Jake's voice coming towards me while I sensed the others as well. 'I told him not to come!!! If he would've came here earlier then Rabo would have killed him!' "Star!! Hey! What happened?!?!?" Jake asked as he and the others came near me while I held my wound with one hand. "A dark wizard came and wanted to destroy Magnolia so I took care of him. Unfortunately, he got away." I told them as I looked to where Rabo fled then looked at Jake while I glared at him which of course made him gulp. "Wha-" "I told you not to come or bring them." I told Jake as I walked towards him, wincing slightly at the throbbing pain while he flinched slightly at my serious tone. "I-I'm sorry, but I can't just sit back and watch you do all the heavy shit! I am not about to let you die alone, no matter if you yell at me or hate me! I won't leave you alone!" "With Rabo!" Jake yelled as he said Rabo's name telepathically which made my eyes slightly widen but then went back to normal while I continued to frown at him. "Tch." I rolled my eyes, wincing again as I saw Jake looking at me with a worried look. "You're bleeding! Lets get you back to the guild!" Lucy yelled as she walked up to me while the others looked at my wound. "Guys I'm fi-" "Is bleeding out make you fine? Cause I sure as hell know that you can die like that." Gray said as he carried me bridal style while I winced at the sudden movement. "Tch, babies." I groaned as we began to walk back to the guild while I continue to hold my wound. "How did you know it was him?" I asked Jake as I looked up at him while he gave me a serious look. "His scent was all on you. I can smell the death in him." Jake said as he looked at me with a sad look before turning away from me to look at the ground while I saw his fist clutched tightly. "I want to help you when you fight Rabo Star. I don't want you to fight him alone, yo-you could of died." Jake said as I looked down at the ground with a frown while I gritted my teeth in anger. 'Jake's right.....If I hadn't been on top guard I would've been dead. I guess he's now a part of my fight with Rabo.' "Alright, next time I will definitely call you. Thanks Jake, what would I do without you?" Jake laughed slightly as he came up to me and Gray while he ruffled my hair. "You would be a reckless idiot that's what." I chuckled a little as I shook my head while everyone had a confused look on their faces. "Eh?" Natsu asked as he made a confused face while he looked from me to Jake. "We were talking telepathically." I told them as I winced at the pain but it started to burn bad which made me frown in confusion. "How are you able to talk with Jake but not us?" Lucy asked as she looked at me with slight interest while the rest looked over to me. "I have to have a bond with you in order to communicate with you telepathically." I told them, wincing slightly as I felt a stinging burning sensation start to spread throughout my body. 'He must of put something in the knife! M-My body is starting to feel weird!' "How are you able to create a bond with them? Won't that take forever?" Natsu asked as he tilted his head a little to the right while I shook my head. "Not really, I think I can talk to Lucy telepathically now." I told Natsu as I looked towards Lucy while she looked at me with a smile. "Lucy, Lucy can you hear me?" I asked Lucy as I continued to look at her while she looked shocked. "OH MY GOD!! I CAN HEAR HER!!" I chuckled slightly but winced in pain since it caused my stomach to throb in pain while I watched Lucy jump up and down in her spot. "Ok, ok, ok! I'm gonna try talking to you!" I nodded my head at Lucy as we all began to walk again while Lucy looked forward with a huge smile. "Star? Can you hear me?" "Yes, I can hear you Lucy." "Oh my god! This is sooo coool! Now I can talk to you about anything and not have to say it out loud! Oo! We can talk-" "Sorry to cut you off Lucy, but I have to tell you something." Lucy side glanced me with a worried expression while the throbbing and burning pain came back again. "Why? What's wrong?" "The dark wizard that I was fighting had a dagger with him but he put poison-" "YOU HAVE POISON IN YOU AND DIDN'T TELL US!??!" I flinched slightly as Lucy yelled in my head while I rubbed my head since a headache was forming. "Listen Lucy, the poison is spreading and...and I don't have....the energy to...s-stay awake. I need tell Jake to take" That was the last thing I said before passing out in Gray's arms while the burning sensation continued to spread through my body.

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