Chapter 32

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Star's P.O.V.

"That's a lot of fireworks! I think the final round is starting!" Mira yelled as we ran across a bridge in Crocus while I nodded my head to her. "Perfect! This is our chance guys!!" "Aye Sir!!" Happy yelled as he smiled over to Natsu while I began to run next to Natsu, looking around for any guards. "Rushing in while everyone's distracted by the Games is smart, but the Master's strategy hardly covered all the bases." Lily said as he frowned up at the palace while Carla flew next to Wendy with a frown. "It may not be iron clad, but it's the best he could do on such short notice." I nodded to Carla's statement as I side glanced the shadows of the buildings while I stayed on top guard. "So then what's the plan for sneaking into the castle without being seen?" Carla asked as she narrowed her eyes a bit while I looked her way. "Oh Happy's got it covered!" Happy said as he had a small smirk on his face while I raised an eyebrow at him. "Somehow that statement doesn't inspire much confidence." Carla said as she looked over to Happy while Lily hummed an agreement with Carla. "You just wait and see~ Heha!" Happy laughed darkly as he flew forward while he got Natsu, Mira and Wendy into some weird costumes which made me laugh at them. " Wella!! Tell me this plan's not full proof!!" Happy yelled as I continued to laugh at the three while they glared at me a bit. "Considering a fool came up with it." "This is what you guys get for laughing at me!" I told them as I gave them a smirk while Natsu glared daggers at me. "This plan will work! We just have to tweak it a bit!!" Mira said as she moved side to side, holding up her pointer finger while Natsu smirked at Mira. "Yea!! I'm all for tweaking!" Natsu said as he held up his fist while I pouted a bit, sad that they were gonna change into something different. "It's hard to believe in any plan that involves outfit like those." Lily said as he crossed his arms over his chest while I let out a small laugh at Lily. "Erza and the others will be doing everything they can to win the Games. So we have to try everything we can to get Jake and Lucy back!" Wendy said as we all looked up at the Domus Flau with a serious look while I looked at the others with a smirk. "I got an idea. Mira will use her Take-Over Magic to disguise herself as a solider. She will act as if she's taking Wendy and Natsu into custody while Happy, Carla, and Lily hide inside Mira's coat. You guys got it?" I ask them as I gave them a serious look on my face while they nodded their heads, but Happy flew towards me. "What about you Star?" Happy asked as he furrowed his eyebrows a bit while I smirked down at Happy. "I'll be in the shadow lands watching you guys. If the soldiers think you guys are lying then I'll knock them out." I told them with a smirk as they nodded their heads at my plan while I smirked a bit. "Then let's go." We all began to run towards the palace again as we somehow got a soldiers coat while Mira put it on and changed her face into a mans. "Alright, go ahead guys. I'll be watching over you." I told them as I dropped into the shadow lands while they all nodded at me and got into position. "Halt! What's your business here?! And....who are they?" I popped my head out of the shadow lands as I shook my head at Natsu's face while the soldiers glared at Wendy and Natsu. "Intruders. Probably here to spring the Fairy Tail girl from her cell." Mira said as she held Natsu and Wendy while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "A couple kids like them?" The solider asked as he frowned at Natsu and Wendy while Natsu pouted a bit at them. "His Majesty and Defence Minister are out on business." "Eh, just lock them up and we'll sort it out later, alright?!" The solider ordered as I frowned a bit at them while I moved a bit closer to Natsu and the others. "Understood!" Mira said as she began to walk towards the door, with me following her while I saw Natsu smirk a bit, but then he frowned when a solider took a step forward. "Hey buddy, the prison cells are that way!" The solider said as he pointed to our right while I sweat dropped slightly. "Huh? Oh uh right! Sorry! All these court yards are starting to look the same! Hahah!" Mira laughed nervously as she walked the right way to the cells while I was in Mira's shadow so I wouldn't lose them. "Great job Mira!" Wendy praised as she smiled up at Mira while Natsu let out a small creepy laugh. Mira transformed her face back to normal as she let a small giggle while I popped my head out of the shadow lands. "Aye!" "It's so stuffy!" "Let us put before we die!!" I chuckled slightly at the exceeds comments as I looked up at them with a smirk while I moved towards Natsu. "Your acting skills needs work Natsu." I taunted as I looked up at him with a smirk while Natsu glared down at me, his eyes white with anger. "WHATEVER!!! I THINK I DID GREAT!!" Natsu yelled at me as he glared daggers at me while I let out a small chuckle. "Ha! Whatever you say Natsu. How about we get to the others quicker?" Mira and the others stopped walking to look down at me in shock as I got out of the shadow lands while I held my hand in front of me. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Mercurius Jail." A shadow orb came next to us as I looked at them with a smirk while Mira began to take off her coat leaving her in a black swimsuit. "Let's go." We all walked into the orb and we were suddenly inside the prison as we all looked around while I smiled softly a bit. "Looks like we don't need to look around for them." The others turned towards me and saw what I was looking at as we all walked towards a cell while I let out a relived sigh. In one of the cells was Yukino who was sitting on the ground with her knees up while Lucy slept on the bottom bunk and Jake slept on the top, his tail swishing around. 'Jake.....he's ok...' "Lucy! Jake!" Natsu whispered yelled as he was crouched down in front of the bars while Lucy opened her eyes along with Jake, but then they went back to sleep which made me shake my head at the two. "Wake up!" Natsu whispered yelled again which seemed to wake the two as they gasped when they saw us while I let my hood down so they could see my smile. "You're here! Boy am I glad to see you four!! Now let us out-!" Natsu put a hand in front of Lucy's mouth to keep in her yells as he placed his other hand on his lips while Jake jumped down from his bed and made his way towards me. "Shh!" "Ohf! Sorrfy!" Lucy said in a muffled tone as she gave Natsu an apologetic smile while I grabbed onto Jake's hand. "I told you I'd come get you." I told Jake as I smiled at him while Jake's tail wagged back and forth. "Star..." "You guys slept on this thing!?" Happy asked as he, Carla, and Lily sat on the bed while Lucy smiled down at them. "Hey guys!" "I'm glad to see you're in good spirits." Carla said as she smiled up at Jake and Lucy while I looked over to Yukino. "But how did you get past the guards?" Yukino asked, but I ignored her as I looked down at Natsu who was tapping the bars while I smirked a bit. "My natural charisma." Natsu said with a smirk as he gripped the bars tightly while I shook my head at Natsu. Natsu let out a groan as he began to burn the bars with his magic then pulled them apart once they were hot enough which caused them to bend into a huge opening. "Awesome!!" "Nice." "Good one!" "AH!!" Happy yelled in pain as he got hit with a hot bar, causing him to fall on the hard bed while we all looked at him. "Typical." "You know I could have used my transportation to get them out right?" I asked Natsu as I placed a shadow orb under Jake and one near me while Jake fell into the shadow lands then popped up near me. "Here! I brought a change of clothes for you." Mira said as she held out some clothes for Lucy while Lucy smiled up at Mira. "Now all I need is a bath!" "YUCK!! Yea you do!" I shook my head at Happy as I smiled at Jake while Jake smiled down at me, his ears flopping down a bit. "We brought extra food if you're hungry." Wendy said as I placed a shadow orb near me while I stuck my hand in it and brought out a few lunch boxes they had packed for them. "You want some Yukino?" Happy asked Yukino as he smiled up at her, pointing at the lunch boxes in my hand while I looked over to Yukino with a small frown. "I'm fine thank you." "GIVE ME THAT FOOD I'M STARVING!!" Jake yelled as he took a box out of my hands and began to scarf down the food while I shook my head at him and faced Lucy. "You should change." I went inside the cell and grabbed a blanket as I gave the other end to Mira while we held it up as a screen for her to change. "Yea." Lucy went behind the blanket as she began to change while I made sure that the guys weren't looking at her. "No peaking understood Lily." Mira said as she side glanced Lily while Lily looked at Mira in shock. "I wasn't gonna!!" Lily yelled as he crossed his arms over his chest while I shook my head at Mira, smiling a bit. "Now we just need to figure a way out of this hell hole." "If possible, we should find a room that would keep us hidden from the castle centre." Lily planned as we all looked towards Lucy while Jake nodded his head at the plan. "Hold your horses! Those royal goons still have all my keys!! It was scar nose!! I swear as soon as I find him he'll get a grand tour of the Celestial-Eh!? What the?!" The ground beneath us began to shake which caused us to looked around the area with a frown while Jake went closer to me. "Uh!??! AHHH!!" We all yelled when the ground split in half as we all began to fall, but we ended up being on a slide with Jake and I at the end. "Ahhh!!" I gritted my teeth as I looked at Natsu's pink hair in front of me, but suddenly the wall next to us flipped to where it split Jake and I from the group. "Natsu!!" I yelled out as I went to grab him, but I hit the wall next to me while Jake grabbed a hold of me just in case they try to split us up. "AHH!" Jake and I yelled out as we stopped sliding and began to free fall towards the ground while Jake landed on the ground first then I landed on top of him. "AH! S-Star!" Jake wheezed out as his eyes were shaped like an 'X' while I shut my right eye in pain. "Sorry." I told Jake as I got off of him and helped him up while we both looked around the area with a frown. "Where are we?" Jake asked as he looked around the area, rubbing his back in pain while I frowned a bit. "I don't know..." Jake and I began to walk forward as we looked around the area with our guards up while Jake furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you think we're in the execution area?" Jake asked as he frowned down at me while I shook my head at him. "No....If it was, then why would they split us up from the others?" I told Jake as he frowned a bit, not liking the situation while we continued to walk deeper into the cave. "You think the others are ok?" Jake asked, his ears flopping down as he looked down at me with a worried look on his face while I frowned deeper at the thought of the others hurt. "Yea.....they'll be fine.." Jake nodded his head at me as we both looked around for anyone while I clutched my fist tightly. 'They'll be fine....they'll be alright...'

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