Chapter 29

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'A/n: This chapter is by far the longest chapter in this whole book!!! It's because it's very suspenseful and I had a lot to write about!! It has 12,134 words!! I know, I know! I'm sorry, but I promise you that it will be good!! Enjoy!!'

Star's P.O.V.

"She's gonna be ok isn't she?" Happy asked as he stood next to Lucy's bandaged sleeping form while I gritted my teeth in anger, looking at all the bandages on her body. With Porlyusica's help, along with Wendy and Shelia, they made sure that Lucy was stable from all the beatings and made sure they gave her plenty of healing though it wasn't enough to calm me down. No....Now I'm out for some blood and revenge....They're going to pay for what they did to Lucy. I clutched my fist tightly as I felt my body shake in anger while I noticed that Jake and Gray were looking at me with a worried look on their faces. We all stayed silent, looking at Lucy with a worried look as we waited for her to wake up, but I knew that she was exhausted while I continued to clutched my hands in anger. "Any word on Lucy's condition?!" "Is she awake?!" I side glanced at the door and saw Juvia, Cana, Mira, Gajeel , and Laxus walk into the room with concerned looks on their faces while Jake looked at them with his mouth slightly opened. "You guys came!" Jake said as he gave them a small smile while they walked into the room in a hurried pace. "We may be on different teams, but we're all in the same guild." Cana said as she frowned slightly at Lucy's condition while I heard Natsu gasp slightly in shock when he saw Laxus walk through the doors. "Laxus?!" Natsu asked, surprised to see Laxus as Laxus continued to frown at Lucy while I glared daggers at all the bandages. " is she?" "She's not out of the woods yet, but she'll pull through thanks to Wendy." Prolyusica said as Wendy shook her head side to side while I tried to control my Dragon side from coming out......but it was too hard. "No it wasn't just me. We're lucky Sheila was there to help out too." An image of Shelia and Wendy healing Lucy came into my mind as both of their magics entered Lucy's system while I gritted my teeth in anger. "Thank goodness." "I'm glad to hear she hasn't sustain any lasting injuries." Erza said as I glared daggers at the bandages, clutching my hands tightly while I heard Natsu let out a throaty growl. "They're gonna pay!" Natsu growled out as he glared slightly while I nodded my head at Natsu's comment. "You can sure as hell bet on that one." I nodded my head at Laxus, my glare never going away as I clutched my hands tightly, buy my face soften when we heard Lucy groan while Lucy's face scrunched up a bit in pain. "She's awake!!" Happy yelled as he leaned a bit on Lucy while Lucy moved her head a bit then opened her eyes to look at us. "You guys....I'm sorry..." I gasped slightly as I looked down at Lucy with wide eyes while Lucy pulled the blankets up a bit to her nose. "Say what? Why are you apologizing?" Natsu asked as he looked at Lucy in surprise while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit at Lucy when she turned her head away from us. "Because I screwed up again.." Lucy said, her voice cracking a bit at the end as she pulled the blankets up a bit while I frowned down at her. "Are you kidding? Second place is nothing to be sorry about." Gray said as he tried to cheer Lucy up, smiling slightly while I clutched my hands tightly. "We got eight points in that round!" Wendy smiled at Lucy as I nodded my head at Wendy, giving Lucy a sad smile while I looked over at Erza. "Yes. Good job!" Erza nodded her head as she smiled down at Lucy while Lucy looked over her blankets to look at us. "But......I lost my keys..." "I've got them right here." Happy placed Lucy's pouch in her hands as I felt my eyes soften a bit when she had a smile on her face while she clutched the pouch close to her chest. "That's a relief....Thank you Happy...." Lucy's head fell as she fell back to sleep, holding her keys close to her while I clutched my hands tightly. "I think she's gonna be ok." Mira said as she smiled softly at Lucy, but I shook my head side to side while I felt my anger build up. "But we still can't let those guys get away with this kind of crap!" Cana said as she gritted her teeth in anger while I turned my head to look at her, giving her a slight nod. "I feel the exact same way." "Me too." I looked over at Gray with a slight glare as I tried to have my dragon side under control, but I felt my eyes change for a split second while Grays eyes widen a bit. Suddenly we heard the door creak open which made us all turn as we saw Gramps walk inside the infirmary with a serious look on his face while I frowned at him. "Master!" "Unfortunate circumstances, but I'm glad both teams are here. I have something to tell you." Master said as my eyebrows furrowed slightly at how serious Master looked while I leaned on my right leg. "I was just contacted by the Games Organizers. Though I'm not sure if it will be a help or hindrance to us, we've been asked to consolidate our two teams into one." Gramps said as my eyes narrowed a bit while I crossed my arms and sighed at the Organizers. "Say what?!" "So we gotta be like everybody else now huh?" Laxus asked as he frowned slightly at the news, Natsu slightly glared at the ground as well while I glared slightly. "Why are they doing that?!" Mira asked as she ran up to Master while I sighed loudly, causing everyone to look over at me with confused looks. "Isn't it obvious? Since Raven Tail is out of the Games there is an odd number of teams in the Games so that means we have to lose our two teams and make one single team that has five members in order for the fights to go well." I told everyone as I looked at them with a serious look on my face while I glanced up at the clock. 'Fifteen more minutes....' "So we're losing five members." "But how will this affect our scores?" Carla asked as she looked over at Wendy while Wendy looked down at Carla with a frown on her lips. "We're only allowed to keep the lower one and that would be the thirty five points from Team A." Master said as he had a serious look which made me frown a bit while Happy looked at Master with wide eyes. "But that's totally unfair!!" Happy shouted as Jake nodded his head, frowning a bit while I narrowed my eyes a bit. "Fair or not. The decisions been made so we better accept it." Erza crossed her arms over her chest as she had a glare on her face while I noticed that Gray was frowning in anger. "Look on the bright side, this just means we're gonna be able to put together an even more kick ass team." Cana smirked at her theory as she placed her hand on her right hip while I sighed in anger. "Well I wish this would have happened a little bit earlier because the only thing we have left now are the two man battles and Stars battle with that Saber right?" Gray asked as I gritted my teeth in anger, clutching my hands tightly while images of Lucy's bruised body came to my mind. "You're wrong. Traditionally there's a mandatory Do Off. Followed by a battle involving all members. It's important to choose carefully. The last time Star went into one of these in her first year, she came back with bruises and what not." Porlyusica said as everyone looked at me, causing me to frown at them while I nodded my head. "No matter what happens I'm gonna get revenge for Lucy!" Natsu said as he stood up from his chair, clutching his hand tightly while I lowered my head a bit in anger. "They think they can treat her like that?! I'll show them myself that they're dead wrong!!" Natsu shouted as his eyes turned into dragon slits while I stood up straight, clutching my fist tightly. 'That bitch made Lucy feel like a damn loser.....I won't hold back....I don't care if Sting doesn't go all out....I. Will. Take. Him. Down!!' "Yes~ Feed off of this anger~ Show that Blondie what you can do~ Don't stop.....till you see blood on your hands~" I clutched my hands tightly in anger at Rabo's words as I gritted my teeth in anger while I looked up at the clock. 'Ten minutes.....I can be ready by that time.' "You don't have to worry about doing that Natsu." I told Natsu as I looked up at the others who looked at me in confusion while I held my right hand out in front of me. "What do you mean Star?" Wendy asked as she looked at me with a worried look on her face while I continued to glare at all the bandages on Lucy's body. ".....It means that I'll show Sting and those Sabers what'll happen if they mess with one of our own again.." I growled out as I turned my back away from them to look down at Master with a frown. "I'm going to get ready Gramps." I told Gramps as I gave him a serious look, but Gramps face turned into a chesire cat, his eyes closed while I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "Ah yes! Mavis and I chose your outfit for you!!" Gramps said as he had blush on his cheeks, making all of us look at him as if he was crazy but I shook my head while I walked towards a room that was in the infirmary to change. "I'll be back."

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