Chapter 37

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Star's P.O.V.

"STAR!!!" I suddenly felt Jake push my back while I slowly turned my head to him, only for my eyes to widen. As if time slowed down, I watched as Jake had pushed me out of the way only to get shot by the dragon in the torso before the dragon disappeared like the rest. 'J-Jake.' I watch as Jake fell to the ground on his stomach in slow motion while I stared at him, my eyes dilating in horror. "JAKE!!" I yelled as I got up from the ground and ran to Jake while I fell to the ground on my knees. "Jake! Jake! Please stay awake!!" I yelled as I pulled his body up into my arms while I looked down at the huge hole in his stomach with wide eyes. "No! Jake, please st-" " looks like I'm not going to make it." Jake said as he laughed a little, smiling up at me while blood began to spill out of the corner of his mouth. "Don't say that!! Why!! Why did you push me out of the way?! Why didn't yo-you just let it kill me?!" I yelled at him as I gripped his body tightly while I shut my eyes tightly. "Because I couldn't just...stand there and watch I care about d-die. I'm h-happy that I get to die for you." Jake said as he looked up at me with small tears in his eyes while I shook my head at him, my throat getting tight. "Don't say that!! You promised me!! You promised me that you were going to stay by my side till the end!! Please Jake! D-Don't leave me. I-I don't want you yelling in my dreams that it's my fault!! It's all my fault that all the people I care about die!! You weren't suppose to leave me yet! J-Jake." I told Jake as I gritted my teeth tightly, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill while I bit down on my bottom lip. I felt Jake put his hand on my left cheek as he brought my head closer to his while Jake rested his forehead on mine. I felt Jake's tears slightly graze over my cheeks as he looked at me with half lidded eyes while I wanted to hug him but I didn't move, I couldn't move. My body wasn't letting me move because it knows that if I do move then it will happen again and I don't want it to happen, not now. "I-It wasn't your fault Star, I pushed y-you out of the way because I c-care about you. No matter what R-Rabo shows you, no matter what he tells you I-I'm telling you this, It was not your fault. H-Here." Jake said in a raspy voice as he dug into his pocket and got out those two pictures of Gray and I while Jake smiled down at them, his hands shaking a bit. "I-I want you to keep them. D-Don't throw them away, remember that I-I took them." Jake stuttered as he went into his shirt and pulled out an oval shaped locket with little designs on them while Jake lifted it up with his shaky hands which made my heart break into millions of pieces. "A-And this...This is us." Jake said as he put the locket in my hands while I looked down at his feet and gasped in shock. "J-Jake! You're cracking!!" I yelled as I watched his legs become shattered glass while I felt my throat get a bit tight. I felt my whole body run cold as I saw Jake turn into shattered glass, his legs would crack and once they've cracked they would float into the air. "This is what happens.....when m-my kind dies.....we shatter and go into the air.." I shut my eyes tightly as I gritted my teeth together while I held Jake tightly in my arms. 'T-That means I won't even be able to burry him, it would feel like he's gone...forever. Away from me.' "S-Star, You were my first bestfriend that I ever had. You showed me what a true family was and what friends are for. I-I don't regret meeting yo-" Jake was cut off as he coughed up blood on the ground while I held him up a bit, my heart breaking into pieces. "-you. I want you to live no matter what, you hear me? I-I want to see the day where you smile and h-have a good life without all this fe-fear of a friend getting hurt." I looked down at Jake's legs only too see that the cracks were already near his mid thigh while his legs were already gone. As Jake shattered, his shattered pieces looked like small blue glass just floating around us while they glowed a bright neon blue. "I don't want you to live in guilt and regret for w-what I did ok? I did it because you are my b-bestfriend and I would die all over again just to make sure you are ok." I gritted my teeth extra hard, my canine teeth popping out as I saw that Jake's hip and part of his stomach were gone, the shattered pieces in the air still floating around us. "Don't ever th-think that this was your fault cause it wasn't. K-Keep living for me......I-I will never leave your side even....i-if I shatter into millions of pieces. W-When ever you makes me happy to know that even if things are bad....y-you still have that smile on your face....I-I am so happy to be here with you.....Don't...for-forget about me...I will by your side.....Star." My eyes widen in horror as I saw Jake's eyes slowly close while his hand that was holding my cheek fell off of my face and onto the ground, his head falling limp in my hand. "J-Jake? JAKE?!" I gripped Jakes now cold body close to mine as I felt my eyes water slightly while my throat got even tighter. "Please Jake!! Don't go!! You promised me!! You promised me Jake!! I lost Ultear and I don't want to lose you now!!! You can have anything from the house just....just please!! Don't leave me...J-Jake." I placed my forehead on Jakes as I let my tears fall from my eyes while they fell onto his cheeks, wetting them all over again. 'H-He can't leave me.....Jake.' As I hugged Jake tighter, I could hear his body cracking slightly as I tilted my head a bit while I bit my lip tighter. "Star...?" Suddenly Jake burst into millions of pieces which floated around me while I looked up at the shattered glass with sad eyes as I had my mouth slightly opened. The shattered glass began to circle around me while some of the glass began to get put together to form a huge glass. My eyes widen even more as the tears continued to fall from my eyes while I let out a small gasp. As the glass had formed into a bigger one, an image of Jake and I first meeting had shown in the glass, then the glass moved away from me and another one was in front of me. This glass showed us having a drinking contest with Bacchus while Jake was passed out on the ground, but I kept drinking with Bacchus. The glass continued to form bigger glasses as it showed Jake's memories of us and our times together while I just sat there and cried my eyes out. The shattered glass began to move away from me while the last big glass showed me holding Jake close to me as he died which made me cry even more. I saw some fragments of the glass make a hand similar to Jake's while the hand grazed over my cheek then under my chin in a loving way before it went up into the sky and disappeared from me as my lips quivered at the lost of Jake's presence. 'J-Jake....Not you too.' "S-Star?" I looked behind me to see Romeo looking at me with a guilty look on his face while he had tears in his eyes. "R-Romeo?" My voice cracked as I looked at him, tears streaming down my eyes while he looked at me with wide eyes. "What have I told you about holding in your sorrow and anger Snowflake....Release it....Dig deep down and let your cries be heard." I gritted my teeth together, but I looked up to the sky as I felt my whole body begin to shake while I tilted my head back. I let my tears fall down my face as images of Jake kept flashing in my head while I clutched my hands tightly. "Come on Snowflake! Let your cries be heard!!" "AhhhRRRROOAAARR!!!" I screamed loudly, but in mid scream I let out a loud Dragon Roar as tears fell down my face while I had my eyes shut, my canine fangs popping out.

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