Chapter 13

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Star's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Master announced that we were participating in the Grand Magic Games. A lot has happened since I was asleep, Michelle turned into a doll, Jake wanted to find Rabo alone and much more. A few day ago, Lucy suggested that we train at the beach for the Grand Magic Games so that's where we are right at this moment. "Ahh~ It feels good to be on vacation~" Jake said as he stretched out his arms while he gave me a closed eye smile. "We're not here to play around Jake, we're here to train." I told him as I crossed my arms with a frown while Jake pouted slightly at me. Jake was wearing black trunks that had weird blue designs on them but I on the other hand was wearing some jeans with a blue and black long sleeve shirt, my combat boots and my cloak. "Aaawww~ But why do they get to play~" Jake whined as he pointed at Gray and Natsu while I sweat dropped at the two idiots. "SWIMMING CONTEST!!" "SAND BUILDING CONTEST!!" "EATING CONTEST!!" "SUN BATHING CONTEST!!" "Wow I'm tired, I could really use a nap." Natsu said as he and Gray began to walk away while Natsu stretched. "Seee~" Jake whined as I sighed deeply while I shook my head at him. "Fine Jake, I'll give you an hour to go pl-" "WHAOOOOOO!!! THANKS STAR!" Jake yelled as he gave me a quick hug before running towards the water with a stupid look on his face while I sweat dropped slightly. "Idiot." I mumbled as I shook my head while I looked at everyone train or play around. 'I guess I could go look around before I start my training.' I began to walk towards the forest, just to get a good look at my surroundings while I made sure no one was following me. As I was walking, a beautiful lake came into view which made me stop to look at it while a small smile reached my lips. 'I guess going in for a dip wouldn't-' Snap I snapped my head towards the direction of the noise while I got into a defense stance as I jumped back slightly. "Who's out there?! Show yourself?!" I yelled as I put my right fist into my left hand while I glared at the direction the noise came from. "I-It's me Star!" Lucy said in a panic tone as she held up her hands while she moved away from behind the tree with a fearful look. "Sorry Lucy." I told Lucy as I shook my head while I looked back at the lake. "I'm going in for a dip, join me?" I asked Lucy as I pointed at the lake while she smiled and nodded her head. I took off my cloak, letting it fall to the ground, then began to take off everything but left on my swim suit that I had under my clothes. I dived into the lake then came up for air while I saw Lucy get in the lake, but I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. 'This feels weird but nice at the same time...' "How's your training Lucy?" I asked Lucy as I faced her while she gave me a small smile. "It's going good I guess. I just barley started training with Capricorn but then I saw you walking alone so I followed." Lucy said as I nodded my head, letting my wet hair cover my right eye while I moved my hand in the water. "Can't wait to train?" Lucy asked, trying to start a conversation while I turned towards her, a smirk forming in my lips. "You know it. I want to get a little stronger so I can beat that boy." I told her as I brought my fist out of the water while I smirked at Lucy. Lucy and I stayed in the lake for a while till we decided to get out and go train. "Come on Luce, we have to get back to training or we'll be behind." I told Lucy as I stood up from the water while I heard Lucy gasp in shock. "Lucy, I know I have scars on my bac-" "Nononono! They're gone!" Lucy yelled as my eyes widen slightly while I tried to look behind me. "What?!" I tried to look at my back and I could slightly see that my scars were gone, all of them which made my eyes widen a bit. 'Does that means it's also gone?!' I quickly looked down at my stomach, but I still saw my brand mark there which made me glare at the mark while I clutched my hands tightly. 'Why is it still there?!' "How?" I whispered as I walked out of the water, tracing my brand with my fingers while I began to get dress again. "Hey, what's that?" Lucy said as she pointed at a sign that was covered by vines while I looked at it in confusion. "I don't know, lets check it out." I told her as we began to walk towards the sign while Lucy and I began to pull the vines off the sign and saw some writing on it. "What do you think-" "Qui renovatur anima quae vitiorum tenebris, et tenebrae casted qui reliquerit signum. (One who's soul that has been tainted with darkness shall be renewed, but he who has casted the darkness shall leave his mark.)" I frowned slightly at what I read as I glared at the sigh while Lucy looked at me in shock. "Y-You know how to read this?!" Lucy asked as she looked back at the sign while she pointed at the sign. "Yea, it's Latin." I told her as I sighed slightly while I rubbed my temple in anger. "What does it say?" "It says, One who's soul that has been tainted with darkness shall be renewed, but he who has casted the darkness shall leave his mark." I told Lucy as she looked confused for a bit, but then she looked down at where my brand mark was while she frowned when she saw that it was there. "H-How did you get that brand mark?" Lucy asked in a timid way as she pointed at the brand mark while I pulled down my shirt more. "You don't need to worry about it Lucy, just know that this-" I stopped as I pointed at the brand mark while I gave her a serious look. "-will never go away. It will stay on me till I die, it's something that I must live with." I told Lucy as I sighed slightly while I put my hood on from my cloak. "Go and train with Capricorn. I'm going to train in the water, away from people." I told her as I began to walk away from her while she gave me a nod and a sad smile. "See you later then!" Lucy yelled as she ran back to Capricorn while I went back to the beach. Once I got to the beach, I saw that everyone was working on their magic in different ways while I looked around for Jake. "Jake, make sure you train. I'm going to go somewhere else to train." "Alrighty! Just be careful ok!" "I know and I will." I then began to head away from everyone, going to the other side of the beach so I could train alone. Once I got to my location, I sniffed the air and checked my surroundings, making sure no one was around me when I train. 'Alright, time to train.' I sighed deeply as I took off my cloak and clothes again, leaving me in my black swim suit that had blue lines on them while I stretched my mussels out. After I got all my clothes off, I walked towards the water trying to get a good distance from land so I could train while I swam in the freezing part of the ocean. Once I got to a far enough distance, I dived underwater as far as I could then I closed my eyes as I concentrated on my magic energy while I felt fish swim around me. 'Focus Star, you can do this.' I still had my eyes closed, but I could feel the water around me drop a couple degrees, making it freezing while I felt the sea creatures swim away from me. 'Shadow Ice Dragon's Roar!!' My eyes shot open as black and light blue swirls came out of my mouth, shooting up and out of the water while I watched my spell spiral in front of me. 'With this much pressure down here, I could get my power to level up a bit.' I swam up to the surface to get some air in my lungs while I looked down at the water in thought. 'I should probably focus on my Ice Make Magic. Since I'll be using it for the games.' I took my final breath then went underwater again while I went back to where I was. Once again, I closed my eyes and focused on just my Ice Make Magic while I put my right fist on my left hand. 'Ice-Make: Ice Barrier!!' I stretched my hand out as I casted the spell when all of a sudden, I wasn't in the water anymore, I was in a giant spear that was under water, keeping the water out. 'Ha, been practicing on that one for awhile.' I smiled slightly at my own creation but I knew that I would have to break it to get out of here. "Ice-Make: Dagger." A small ice dagger came into my hands, but then I threw the ice dagger towards the ice spear making it go through, causing a crack to form. Water started to fill the spear up and eventually the ice spear disappeared so I swam up to the surface, gasping for air again. "STARR!!" I snapped my head towards the shore and saw Gray standing there with his hands cupping his mouth while my eyes widen a bit. 'How did he know I was here?!' I frowned slightly as I dived back underwater while I opened a shadow portal to Gray's shadow. I swam through the shadow orb only popping my head out of Gray's shadow while I looked up at him. "How'd you know I was here?" I asked Gray as I frowned at him while Gray jumped in his spot before he turned towards me with a slight glare. "You scared the crap out of me!! And I saw you walking over here. Why are you over here?" Gray asked as he had a hand over his heart while he looked down at my head. "(Sigh) I usually like to train alone. I don't want someone to get hurt....again." I told Gray as I mumbled the last word while he looked at me with a small smile. "Why don't we both train, like old times?" Gray asked as he smiled slightly while I smirked at him, remembering the times we trained on the snowy mountains. "I guess, in water or on land?" I asked Gray as I tilted my head to the right while Gray looked at me in confusion. "Water?" Gray asked in a confused tone while I nodded my head before turning around. "Alright, well wait till I come back ok?" I told Gray as he nodded his head while I sucked in some air before going back under water. 'Ice-Make: Ice Barrier!!' I made the ice spear bigger this time so me and Gray could fight and thicker so if our Magic hits it, it wouldn't break. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Gray's Shadow." A shadow came into view so I stuck my head in it like before only to see Gray looking out in the ocean with his eyebrows furrowed together. "Jump into the shadow Gray." I told Gray as he slightly jumped at the sound of my voice, but then looked down at me and nodded his head. I moved out of the way so Gray could jump in but I didn't move fast enough so Gray ended up landing on top of me. "Urg, Gray!" I groaned as I looked up at him with my left eye closed while I rubbed the back of my head. The position we were in was kind of awkward, he was on top of me with his left leg in between my legs while his right leg was on my right side and his hands were on the side of my face, caging me. "S-Sorry!" Gray said as his eyes were widen while he began to look over my body and began to blush deeply. "SORRY!" Gray yelled as he got off of me quickly while I continued to rub the back of my head in pain. "It's fine, I didn't move fast enough." I told Gray as I sat up while I continued rubbing my head, but Gray's eyes didn't leave my figure. "Your scars are gone?" Gray asked as he came up from behind me to inspect my back while I slightly flinched when he touched my back. "Yea, Lucy and I went to a lake and when I came out they were all gone.....except for one." I told him as I mumbled the last few words while Gray looked down to my hip bone. "What about that brand mark? Where-" "That's not important right now Gray. What's important is that we start training so we can participate in the Grand Magic Games." I cut Gray off as I stood up from the ground while I glared daggers at him. I was tired of them asking about my brand mark, it's there, just drop it already. "Alright." Gray said as he looked a little mad, but nodded his head nonetheless while he also stood up from the ground. "We'll just spar, last time I checked I beat you." I told Gray as I smirked at him while he looked at me with a small smirk. "I was going easy on you." Gray said as his smirk grew wider when I frowned while I walked ahead of him. "Tch, don't expect me to go easy on you old man. I'm giving it everything I've got." I told Gray as I got into my stance while he did the same. "I'm not old!! And I'll do the same!!" Gray yelled as he and I stood in our stances while we both stared at each other, waiting for one of us to make the first move. "Go!" We both yelled at the same time as we ran at each other while we put our fist in our hands. "Ice -Make: Lance!!" Gray chanted as he held his hands out towards me while he sent huge lances at me. "Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur!!" I chanted as I cut the lances before they could hit me, creating an explosion behind me while I waited for Gray to chant another spell. "Ice-Make: Ice Impact!!" A massive, intricately-designed hammer with ice spikes at the head came into my hand, hitting where Gray was, but he dodged it on time. "Ice-Make: Knuckle!" Gray chanted as multiple fists started to attack me while I began to dodge them but one punch got me, making me fly across the spear. "Ha! I got a hit on you! Who's old now?!" Gray yelled as he smirked at me, but I also smirked at him while I gave him a scary smirk. "Tch, I guess my warm up is over if you're getting this cocky." I told Gray as I stood up with a smirk on my face while Gray's eyes widen slightly. "W-Warm-up?!" "Ice-Make: Saucer!" I aimed the saucers towards Gray, which hit him and made him fly farther than me while I heard a grunt from him. Gray had trouble getting up since the air was practically knocked out of him, but he still got into his stance while he got ready to chant another spell. "Ice-Make: Crescent Blades!!" Multiple blade like ice came at me but I decided to scare him a bit, just like he did to me seven years ago. "Ice-Make: Shield!!" I yelled as I held out my hands while the blades came into contact with my shield. "Arg!" I yelled in "pain" as I moved away from the Ice Shield while there was smoke around us so it was easy for me to escape. "Ice-Make: Clone." I whispered as I made a clone of me in a fetal position while I quickly moved away from my clone. "Star? Hey! Are you ok?!" I heard Gray yell as he began running towards my clone so I ran the opposite way to avoid him seeing me while I let a smirk graze my features. "Hey! Are you ok?! Did I hurt you!?" Gray asked as I was behind him while he knelt down to my clone to check if I'm ok. "Say some-" "Ice-Make: Ice Geyser!!" I casted the spell as the geyser hit Gray making him fall to the ground with a grunt while I quickly ran to Gray and pinned him down before he could get up. "Pinned ya." I told Gray as I smirked down at him while he panted and gasped for air. "Damn (pant) you beat (pant) me." Gray panted out as his chest was heaving up and down while he looked at me with a small smile. "I told you I wasn't holding back, and besides-" I quickly made an ice dagger and held it near Gray's neck, making him gasp slightly while he looked at me in shock. "-I'm treating this as if my life depended on it. I don't expect anyone that I'm battling to go easy on me." I told Gray as I made the ice dagger disappear while I still sat on Gray's torso, but Gray lifted himself up so I was in between his legs with his hands on my waist. "Why are you treating training as if you're in danger?" Gray asked as he looked at me, his eyebrows knitted together while our breathing was starting to get even. "(Sigh) Because any day, our lives will depend on a single battle. It could be today, or perhaps tomorrow, or even at the Grand Magic Games. I train as if I'm about to die, that's the only way I can train." I told Gray as I looked down at the ground while I felt Gray's gaze on me. "Lets go again, you still need a lot of training old man." I smirked down at Gray as I stood up from the ground while he looked at me with a glare. "Whatever, lets start!"

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