Chapter 25

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Star's P.O.V.

"Star wake up." I groaned as I felt Jake shaking my shoulders while I opened one eye. "What do you want Jake?" I asked Jake as he smiled at me while I turned my head towards him. "Get up so we can cheer for our Team!!" Jake yelled as he threw his hands up in the air while I shook my head and sat up. "Alright. Gosh you're too hyper this early!" I groaned as I rubbed my head while I got up from the bed and headed over to the closet to get new clothes. "IT'S NOT EVEN MORNING IT'S TWO IN THE FREAKEN AFTER NOON!!" Jake yelled as he pointed at the clock and out the window while I rolled my eyes at him, slowly making my way towards the closet. "Come on!! Hurry up you slow poke!!" Jake yelled as he ran around the apartment, putting on his clothes while I rolled my eyes at him and his naked butt. "Whatever." I got what I was going to wear today then walked to the restroom so I could take a shower. After my shower I walked out the restroom with my new clothes on while Jake sat on my bed with his legs crossed, waiting for me. "You look like a kid waiting for some candy." I told Jake as I put my night clothes in a dirty basket while I grabbed my cloak. "I'M WAITING FOR YOU!!! HURRY UP LETS GOO!!!" Jake yelled as he jumped up from the bed while I flinched at his loudness. "You wanna hurry so we can get there? Fine. Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Lucy's Shadow. See you out there." I told Jake as I put the magic circle underneath his feet while Jake looked down at the shadow then glared at me. "I HATE YOU-!" Jake yelled as he fell into the shadow lands while I laughed slightly and jumped in as well. "Welcome to day three of the Grand Magic Games! That puts us in the half way point!" "How are we ever going to top the fights from the last two days?" I heard Yajima asked as I saw Jake on the ground while I stood behind Lucy. "I personally will be on my best behavior around todays guest. From the Magic Council it's Lahar." My eyes widen slightly as I heard the Magic Council was here while I looked towards Lahar. "It's been quite a while." "Thank you for having me here." Lahar said as I looked at him with a slight glare while he smiled at Yajima and Chapati. "As chief of the Custody Enforcement Unit, your job is catching the bad guys isn't that right?" I furrowed my eyebrows in worry as I thought about Jellal getting caught while I clutched my hands tightly. "Yes, and let me remind any wimpy cheaters that I'm watching you." Lahar said as the crowd laughed slightly while I glared daggers at Lahar. 'Does Jellal know that they're here?' "That's right! He's got eyes in the back of his head and he never sleeps so no funny stuff." Chapati said as the crowd laughed again while I glared down at the ground. 'I hope he's the only one here from the Magic Council. It could be bad if there were more of them around here.' "Lets kick off this day with a game that sure to be exciting. That we call; Pandemonium!!!" Chapati said as the crowd cheered loudly while I walked next to Gray. "Pandemonium?" I asked out loud as I looked at Chapati with a confused look while the others jumped a bit at my voice. "As usual, we will have just one member from each team competing so please choose wisely!" Chapati said as I looked at Erza while she looked deep in thought. "I got this one! I'm still pretty fired up from what went down last night." Natsu said as he clutched both his hands tightly while Gray glared at him. "You did yesterday's round so it's not your turn!" Gray said as he raised his fist to Natsu while I walked towards Erza. "Yea Natsu, you're not the only one who would love to get some sweet payback!" Lucy said as she smiled at Natsu while I put a hand on Erza's shoulder. "Go, you do it." I whispered to Erza as I gave her a slight smirk while she nodded her head and faced the others. "Right, so I'll play then. I'm certain that you'd only complicate the matter further if you were to compete." Erza said as she began walking away from us while I smirked down at her. "Alright! Go and get us a win Erza!" "Yea you've got this!!" Wendy said as she smiled at Erza while Natsu looked mad since he couldn't go. "This is so unfair I called this one!!!" Natsu whined as he pouted a bit while I shook my head at Natsu with a small smile. "The decisions been made so would you shut up." Gray said to Natsu as he slightly frowned at Natsu while I nodded my head. "You'd just lose in this one." I told Natsu as I looked at him from under my cloak while he looked at me in shock. "Whaa?! How?!?" Natsu asked as he slid his way to me while I looked out in the arena with a small frown. "Pandemonium, it usually means chaos or panic, but sometimes it can be used to refer to a den of demons or monsters. If I'm guessing correctly, this has to do with monsters or something. Usually as the days go by, the games will get a little harder. Erza's got this because whatever is thrown at her, she'll adjust to it quickly and be able to win you guys some points." I told them as I crossed my arms over my chest while they looked at me in shock. "She does have a point." Gray said as we saw Erza and Millianna walk onto the field while Erza slightly slapped herself. "Putting her paws onto the field for Mermaid Heel, it's Millianna!" Chapati said as Millianna came on the screen while I looked at Raven Tail with a slight frown. "Hey I remember her!" Lucy said as she looked shocked to see Millianna in the Games. "So do I!" "I guess she was the one wearing the hood, so she finally joined a guild?" Gray said as I looked at Millianna with a small smile while I saw her smile at Erza. "She joined a few years ago." I told them as they looked at me in shock while they moved a little closer to me. "You know her?!" Lucy asked as I nodded my head while I looked at them with a slight smile. "I had helped her with a few missions here and there but we aren't close. Well, to me but I don't know about her." I told them as I saw all the competitors on the field while I sighed a bit, wanting to be able to be in the games. "All of the competitors have been chosen; From Sabertooth Orga! From Lamia Scale: Jura! From Blue Pegasus: Hibiki! From Raven Tail: Obra! From Mermaid Heel: Millianna! From Quattro Puppy: Novali! From Fairy Tail A: Erza! From Fairy Tail B: Cana! Lets all give them a big round of applause folks!" Chapati announced as the whole crowd went into cheers while I saw a dark purple Magic Circle being placed in the sky. Suddenly, something started to come out from the Magic Circle, it was a huge building with skulls and everything to make it creepy. I saw Hibiki trying to see what he can find on his Archive Magic while Orga look at him with a confused look. "Before you stands a castle filled with vicious monsters! That's Pandemonium!!" Mato yelled as the other looked shocked while I looked back to Natsu and the others with a small smirk. "Told ya." I smirked slightly as I looked at the participants while they looked at Pandemonium in awe. "Holy crap." "I take it we're to do battle with these monsters?" Jura asked as he looked down at Mato with his hands in his sleeves while I looked over at Mato. "Yes! You are correct sir!-" The crowd gasped as they looked scared while I rolled my eyes at them."-One hundred terrifying beast are lurking within the castle walls! But don't panic, there's no danger of them escaping and attacking the crowd. They're magical projections we created for only this game. They are classified by their degree of difficulty, we have five classes; D, C, B, A, and S the distribution break down is shown here. To give you an example let me show you how strong a D class monster is. They're the weakest remember." Mato said as he laughed and pointed above him while a screen of the monsters showed. On the screen showed a monster walking as it roared into the camera while it took down a pillar. The crowd screamed and gasped while Lucy and Wendy looked at the monster in shock. "The Pandemonium castle is filled with these vile creatures and many more that are far stronger! One hundred monsters awaits you!" Mato yelled as I looked at Gray and Natsu only to see that they looked shocked to hear this which made me slightly smirk. "Monsters of a higher class are two times stronger than the ones beneath them. So if you think that D-Class guy looked nasty, you'll lose your mind when the S-Class reveals its ugly head! I'm not even sure that a Wizard Saint could beat one of those." Mato said as I saw Jura look at the castle with a glare while the others looked at it with a serious look. "You will all take turns in choosing the number of monsters that you wish to fight in each round. We call this the competitors right to challenge!" Mato yelled as he looked at the participants while I narrowed my eyes a bit at Pandemonium. "So we make the choice?" Erza asked as I smirked at her while I gave a slight nod, knowing what she was planning. "That is correct! So for instance, if you say you wanna fight three monsters, then lord and behold there will be three waiting inside for you! You will go in alone of course. If you successfully vanquish those three creatures you will then be awarded three points! The next competitor in the rotation will choose a number out of the ninety seven that still remain to challenge!! And then the process repeats!! The game will end when either all the monsters have been cleared or if the point that everyone runs out of Magic Power. Which ever comes first." Mato said as Millianna bend over to him while I looked at the Pandemonium's structure with a frown. "So there's math involved, huh?" Millianna asked as Mato nodded his head slightly while he lifted up his finger. "Yes! To a degree, after the first round choosing your numbers wisely will become a bit more important! But you do wanna remember that not all of these monsters are created equal. Whether you choose to test your skills against five monsters or only one they will be chosen completely at random." Mato said as I smirked slightly at this game while the other looked a bit worried. "So that means we'll have to strategize and use our heads to try to avoid going against the S-Class guys in there." Hibiki said as he twirled a piece of his hair while I smirked at him for his strategic thinking. "He just told us that they're gonna be chosen at random so how the hell can you use any kind of strategy?" Orga asked Hibiki as he gave Hibiki a confused looked while Hibiki turned to him with a smirked. "You can't but I sure can. I know all about probability and my Archive Magic will come in handy." Hibiki said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes when I saw him look my way with hearts in his eyes while I heard Jake snort a bit at me. "Although the higher rank creatures are more difficult, points are determined solely by the numbers of monsters you can defeat. Once you enter the castle you will NOT be allowed to leave until you've successfully completed your challenge." Mato said as he lifted up a finger while I continued to observe the Pandemonium. "So what happens if you don't beat all of them and get knocked out inside?" Cana asked as she crossed her arms over her chest while I hummed, agreeing with her. "You'll keep all the points you accumulated in the previous rounds, but you'll also be out of the game. No points will be awarded if you beat less then the number you challenged that round." Mato said as I slightly smirked while I looked at Erza who looked like she was thinking of a plan. "Now to decide the order you'll go in! I'd like everyone to please draw a straw!" Mato said as he went around to everyone while they drew a straw from the small bucket. I looked over to Erza and saw that she got a number one, indicating that she'll be the first one to enter Pandemonium. "I'm going first." Erza said as she looked at the straw in shock while I smirked down at her. "Guys, do you think Erza will be ok?" Wendy asked as I looked down at her while I gave Wendy a small smile. "She'll be fine!! She is strong after all!!" Jake said as he gave the others a closed eye smile, making me smile while we turned to look back at Erza. "No. In fact this is no longer even a game." Erza said as she smirked at the castle while she walked towards it. "Inside this castle...weighed one hundred monsters...I choose to challenge...all of them!" Erza said as the people in the arena looked at her in shock while I looked over at Sabertooth and saw Minerva with her mouth slightly opened. 'Heh! Guess she wasn't expecting that. Take that you weird eyebrow bitch!' The whole area gasped in shock while Natsu and Gray began to laugh which made me slightly chuckle. 'I know Erza is capable of taking down all the monsters in the Pandemonium with such ease. I already know that Erza has her Second Origin open since Ultears magic didn't effect her so I know she could handle this.' I looked at Erza as I saw her standing at the bottom of the ramp that lead to the front door of Pandemonium. Erza then began to walk into Pandemonium as she had a serious look on her face while I smirked slightly at her. Once Erza disappeared into Pandemonium, they put Lacrima cameras in the halls so we would see Erza kick monster ass while she showed that Saber bitch not to mess with her. On the Lacrima screen, we could all see Erza stand in a room that was lit by blue fire as Erza waited for the monsters to come out while she kept her guard up. "I'm worried." Lucy said as she looked up on the screen with a worried look while I smirked at Erza. "Weird, it looks like it's bigger on the inside somehow." Gray said as he looked at the screen with a confused look while I nodded my head. "It looks like it's upside down." Lucy said as she tilted her head a bit to the side while Wendy did the sane thing. "Just looking at it makes me wanna blow junks!!" Natsu yelled as his face puffed out a bit while I chuckled slightly, shaking my head a bit. "I'm sure Erza can take down those damn monsters in a blink of an eye!!" Jake said as he smirked down at Erza while I rolled my eyes at him. "I am Erza Scarlett of Fairy Tail's Team A. I will face one hundred." Erza said as she walked a bit till she stopped and turned her body slightly while all different kinds of monsters came out and surrounded her. "Uh! Is she sure she can take on that many?!" Wendy asked as she put her hands near her mouth while she looked at Erza with a worried look on her face. "Even the weakest ones look deadly. Do you think she's got a plan?" Lucy asked as she looked over to us in worry while I smiled over at Erza. "Don't ask me. I can't understand what goes on in her head." Gray said as he put his hands in his pockets, looking at Erza with a serious expression while I continued to smirk at Erza. "I can. This is nothing. She's got this." Natsu said as he smirked at Erza while I nodded my head to Natsu. "That's Natsu! He never worries does he." "Yea, he's too busy dreaming of beating Erza himself." Lucy said as she smiled over at Natsu while Wendy turned towards Jake and I. "What about you guys? Do you think Erza will be able to take on all those monsters?" Wendy asked as the others turned to look at Jake and I while I smirked and nodded my head. "I have no doubt that Erza will defeat all the monsters. She's strong and she's determined to beat them so you guys can have your points. I have complete faith in Erza." I told Wendy as she smiled at me, the others as well while I crossed my arms over my chest. "Yea!! She's one of the strongest wizards I know!" Jake yelled as he smiled at Erza while I nodded my head, agreeing with him. "Requip!!" I looked at Erza as she glowed brightly while she requiped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor, slashing any monster that came to her sword. Erza jumped high in the air, slashing down the monsters as she landed on top of a pillar while she held out her swords. "Heaven's Wheel: Blumenblatt!" Erza chanted as she sent multiple attacks towards the monsters while she took out most of them. "Holy moly!! Erza Scarlett wastes no time and attacks with full force!! It's raining destruction as the D-Class board falls one after another!" Chapati said as the crowd went wild while I looked up at the board and saw that Erza took out most of the monsters already. Erza then began to glow again as she began to requip into another armor while I smirked slightly when she requiped into her Black Wing Armor. Erza slashed every D-Class monster that came her way, but I saw a C-Class monster come behind Erza while it opened it's mouth and shot fire at Erza. "No!! Erza!!" Wendy yelled as she looked at the screen with wide eyes while she put her hands on her mouth. "The bigger ones use Magic huh?" Gray asked as he looked at the C-Class monster with wide eyes while I smirked. "Don't worry about it!! She can handle a little fire!!" Natsu said as he smirked at the screen while Lucy had an 'oh' look on her face. "Oh yea! Her Flame Empress Armor!" Lucy said as she smiled slightly at Erza while I turned to look at Natsu. "Didn't she kick your butt with that armor Natsu?" I asked Natsu as I smirked at him, Jake laughing in the back ground while Natsu turned towards me with a slight glare. "SHUT UP STAR!!" Natsu yelled as I chuckled slightly then turned back to look at Erza only to see her slash at the C-Class's fire with her Crystal Sword. Erza jumped up in the air and slashed two C-Class monsters as they disappeared into thin air while I continued to smirk at Erza. "Whoa mama!! That's five C-Classes down in mere seconds!!" Chapati yelled as I saw Erza run towards another monster, slashing them down while she stopped and held out her hand, a bright red Magic Circle appeared in front of her. Erza stuck her hand in the Magic Circle and grabbed her Flame Sword as she began to take down the other monsters while she began to create smoke and blow up Pandemonium. "My word!! What's happening?!" I frowned down at Erza as she began to breath really hard while a dark blue monster appeared right in front of her. "Are you the S-Class beast? No, I guess not." Erza said as the monster opened its mouth, a light blue light coming out while he went for Erza, but she quickly requips into her Sea Empress Armor with her Spear of Lightning and defeated the monster. Erza continued to take down the monster with her Spear of Lighting, but Erza suddenly got hit by one of the monsters, sending her flying to a wall hard while I frowned slightly at how hard she hit the wall. Erza quickly requips into her Flight Armor and uses her Giant Metal Spiked Mace as she defeated several C-Class monsters all at once. "What precision!! What incredible power!! Fifty monsters have already fallen!!" Chapati yelled as he looked at Erza with a big smile while I slightly frowned at her form. 'She looks so tired, but I know she will pull through. She is Erza Scarlett after all.' "The fight seems to have taken it's toll on Miss. Scarlett!" Chapati said as I moved a bit closer to the balcony while Natsu smirked down at Erza. "Go get'em Erza!!! Tear them to shreds!!" Natsu yelled as he held up his fist, smirking slightly while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "Is she gonna pull this off?" Gray asked as he looked at Erza in worry while Erza changed her weapon with her Crystal Sword and Spear of Lightning. "She's exhausted and the hard part still to come." Lucy said as she had her arms crossed over her chest while I narrowed my eyes slightly when Erza got sent to the brick wall by one of the monsters. Erza quickly got off the wall, dodging all of the monsters attacks as she twirled her Spear in her hands while she pointed the tip towards the monster, sending lighting in their directions. Pandemonium began to shake as Erza was destroying the inside while the crowd looked at Pandemonium with wide eyes. "Amazing!! Despite her injuries!! Erza continues to defeat foe after foe, but how will she defeat her next foe! An A-Class Monster!!" Chapati yelled a huge red monster struck its fist at Erza while I smirked slightly at Erza's next weapon. The crowd gasped as they saw Erza in her Adamantine Armor, breaking the monsters arm while she sent the A-Class monster out of Pandemonium. Erza then requiped into her Giant Armor as she began to chase a small eyeball, but more monsters come out of no where and attacked her. Erza blocked their attacks as she threw her weapon towards them, taking them out while another A-Class monster came at Erza, its fist ready to it her. Erza had changed into her Morning Star Armor as she charged towards the monster, slashing it down while more monsters came towards her. "Yeaa!!" "Go Erza!!" Wendy yelled as the others began to cheer while Gray smirked at Erza, his fist clutched tightly next to his chest. "YOU GOT THIS ERZA!!! SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS!!" Jake yelled as he cupped his hands near his mouth while he closed his eyes when he shouted. Erza continued to requip into different armor, slashing any monster down as I smirked slightly when I saw Sting looking at Erza with his mouth slightly open while I smiled down at Erza. "Way to go Erza." I whispered as I looked off to the side, smirking slightly while I looked back at Erza. "She's doing great Jellal." I smiled slightly as I heard him hum while I crossed my arms over my chest. "Mhm, I can hear all their cheers. Looks like the crowd is enjoying the show." Jellal said as I laughed slightly while I looked at the crowd with a slight smile. "They do." "Tatiana can not be stopped folks!! The monsters can't keep up with her requips!! Even the most vicious monsters fall before her! She's taken their hits and used a ton of Magic power but she keeps going!! Only four opponents remain!!" Chapati yelled as Erza changed back into her normal Armor while Wendy looked at Erza with a worried look, her hands clenched together tightly. "Yea, but every single one of them is super powerful." Lucy said as she looked up at the screen while I frowned slightly at Erza's panting form. "She hasn't beaten the S-Class one yet either. Do you think she has enough Magic left to win?" Wendy asked as I slightly smirked at Erza while I continued to look at Erza on the screen. "Watch! We'll all know soon enough!" Natsu said as he smirked at the Lacrima screen while I looked up at Gray. "Don't forget, Erza is S-Class in her own right. There's no way she'll let it take her down!" Gray said as I saw the red monsters on the side of a tower while I continued to smirk. "I may not have known Erza that long, but I know that Erza will never give up and will fight till she can't move." I told them as I felt their gazes on me while Erza began to charge towards the red monster, but I frowned when I saw that eye thing near her feet. The red monster lifted up both of its fist up in the air then slammed it down where Erza was, creating a lot of dust but when the dust cleared, Erza had requiped again while she blocked the monsters fist. A blue monster jumped on the pillars as it got closer to Erza and the red monster, but Erza changed into her Clear Heart Clothing and cut the red demon in half with her katana next to her while she had her eyes closed. The bridge under the red monster's feet crumbled as Erza jumped down the bridge, going towards the blue monsters. Erza slashed one of them then used its tail to jump towards the other monster while she slashed it, both monsters disappearing. "Amazing! Ninety-nine dead! Only the S-Class left still remains!! What sort of horror awaits our heroine?!" Chapati asked as Erza looked towards a tower while the one eyed thing stared at her. "Wait! What the?!" I frowned slightly at the one eyed thing as I saw Erza clutch her katana tightly while I put my hands down to my side. "Just as I thought! It was you all along!" Erza said as she glared at the one eyed thing while I narrowed my eyes at it. "No way!!" "That thing?!" Gray, Jake, and Natsu said as they looked at it with wide eyes while I continued to glare at it. "For a monster, it's actually pretty cute don't you think?" Wendy asked as she looked at the one eyed monster with a slight blush while I frowned at it. "Mhm, I've got a bad feeling about this." Lucy said as she frowned slightly as well while we all saw Erza summon two katanas in both her hands. "Come at me." Erza said as she glared at the monster while its eye began to glow brightly, emitting a bright purple light. "Don't say I didn't give you fair warning!! The S-Class monster was designed to increase it's powers if it became the last one standing! You may have had a chance before, but now it's game over!" Mato said as I slightly frowned at him, but continued to look at Erza while I saw Natsu and Gray's mouth slightly opened. "Pandemonium is down to a one on one duel! And it looks like the action has moved to the top of the tower where Erza's completely overwhelmed!! The humongous S-Class monster has her trapped under its foot!!!" Chapati yelled as I glared at the huge monster in front of Erza while it began to crush her under its foot. 'Come on Erza.' The huge monster kicked Erza across the of the tower causing Erza to skid across the ground while she let out a small grunt in pain. "Get up!! That big rusty old hunka tins got nothing on you Erza!!!" Natsu yelled as the monster kicked Erza again, making her fly in the air while she turned her body in mid air and began to slash at the monster. The monsters fingers broke as Erza appeared behind the monster, her katanas glowing while she slashed the left side of the monsters face, but the monster lifted up its leg and kicked Erza down. I quickly side glanced the Sabertooths balcony, only to see Sting looking at Erza with wide eyes as his mouth hung open while I smirked at him. Erza quickly charged towards the monster, slashing the monster left and right as her blades began to chip slightly while Lucy and Wendy hugged each other. "GO ERZA!!" I yelled as I raised my fist in the air while I saw Erza holding her sword tightly, the monster breaking down behind her. Natsu and Gray smirked slightly as they fist bumped each other, but I gasped slightly when Gray hugged me tightly while I returned it, smiling slightly. The eye ball of the monster fell to the ground as it shattered while Erza stood up tall, raising her sword high in the air. "That....was....UNBELIEVABLE!!! Erza Scarlett has single handedly defeated all one hundred monsters!! Fairy Tail Team A swept todays contest in an absolute, undisputed victory!!" Erza, still raising her sword, began to glow as she had one of her eyes closed while she disappeared. "Let it be known!! We just witnessed history!! The strongest guild from seven years ago has returned from the grave!!" Chapiti yelled as Pandemonium disappeared while the dark purple Magic Circle went on the ground and Erza appeared, her sword still in the air. The crowd went wild as they all looked at Erza in awe while I saw most of the Fairy Tail members in tears. "The crowd is going bananas over that inspiring performance!!" Chapati yelled as the crowd yelled again, making me flinch slightly while I smirked down at Erza. "I thought the suspense was going to kill me!" Yajima said as he sighed slightly while he put his hand over his face. "I must say that was breath taking!" I turned towards the others as I smiled slightly while I motioned for them to go. "Go congratulate Erza." I told them as they nodded their heads while they began to run towards Erza. I smiled slightly as they all laughed with one another while the other guilds looked at Erza with a slight smirk, others frowned at her. The crowd began to chant Erza's name loudly as Erza looked over to the Fairy Tail balcony while the Master danced on the edge. I ignore Chapati and the others as I looked over at the Sabers balcony while I smirked at their awe expressions. I side glanced Jake and my face soften a bit when I saw tears bubble at the edge of his eyes while I felt my throat get tight. 'This was the victory we've been waiting guilds better watch out cause Fairy Tail's coming in first!!' "Fairy Tail A dominates the Pandemonium contest and scores ten points for their team!" Chapati said as Erza held up her fist while she smirked at the crowd. 'I knew you could do it Erza. Now the question is, what will the others do?'

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