Chapter 2

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'Hope you like this and the last chapter whelllppp here weee gooo.'

Star's P.O.V.

"I wonder what's taking Natsu and everyone at Tenrou Island so long to get back here?" I heard Wakaba say to Macao as I looked over to them with a worried look while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. 'I wonder that too.' I looked at them as I knitted my eyebrows together in worry while I crossed my arms over my chest. 'What happen to them? Gray said that they would be back in a month so why is it taking them so long?' "Hey! Don't worry Star! Everything will be alright!" I looked up at them and smiled as they gave me a reassuring smile while she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yea I know, it's just that I'm really worried about them." I told them with a frown as they both nodded their heads at me while they looked down at me in worry. All of a sudden the guild doors were opened which caused up to look over to the door with a frown while the army came in. "Is there a problem?" Macao asked them as the army people looked kind of sad while they looked up at Macao with a frown. "We're sorry to say this, but Tenrou Island has disappeared along with the Fairy Tail members that were on the island." I looked at the guy in utter disbelief as my eyes widen in shock while I heard some of the other members gasp. 'T-they can't be gone......G-Gray....he promised.' "What?! That's insane! How can that island just disappear all of a sudden!" Macao shouted as he glared at the army people while most of us looked torn, sad, and shocked to hear that everyone was gone. "I'm sorry, but we have a search team looking for them." The guy said as he looked down at the ground then walked out the guild while my eyes were widen a bit. "D-Don't worry Star, I know there not gone. Your master, Gray, promised you that he'd be back!" She said as she smiled at me while she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks." I told her as I smiled at them both while they nodded their heads to me. 'Gray you promised...'

That was seven years ago since the news came that the Tenrou Island people had disappeared and they were wrong about Gray coming back. '(Sigh) It can't be helped.' I'm currently on an S-Class quest since I'm the strongest one in the guild and I'm fit for these missions. "Star, have you finished the quest?" I heard Macao ask in my head as I looked at the village in front of me while I glared slightly. Over the years I've learned telepathy but I can only communicate with people who are close to me like Macao and Romeo. "Yea...I'm doing another one before I go back to the guild." "Alright, well Alzack and a few more members went to Tenrou Island. We got information from Ichyia about the island so they're gonna go check it out." I looked down at the ground with a glare as I gritted my teeth together while I clutched my hand tightly. "(Sigh) It'll be a waste of time but whatever. I heard that Twilight Ogre went to the guild again, is everyone alright?" I asked in my monotone voice as I frowned a bit while I heard Macao sigh. Twilight Ogre always goes to the guild and messes everything up when I'm not there, since I can beat their asses and their too scared to face me. "(Sigh) Yea they did and everyone's alright, but they want the money today." "Tch, I don't know why you just don't let me go and kick their asses. They're not as strong as us." I told him in boredom as I began to walk down the streets of the village while I heard a small snort. "That's what I tell him but he doesn't listen!!" I heard Romeo yell as I felt my eyes soften at the sound of Romeo's voice while I looked off to the side. "Hey Romeo, how are you?" "I'm fine Big Sis just a little mad that I didn't go with Bisca and them to find Natsu." Romeo said in a sad tone as I heard him let out a sigh while I frowned a bit at the mention of the others. "Like I told Macao, it's just a waste of time. Now I have to go, about to go to the clients house. I'll see you guys at the guild." I cut them off as I knocked on the door of the clients house while a young lady opened the door. "Hello, I'm from Fairy Tail, and I'm here for the monsters that have been invading this town." I told the lady as she smiled at me but then frowned when she couldn't see my face since I'm wearing a cloak, I don't like people seeing my face after that incident. "Oh, thank you for taking my request. There have been a lot of lost life's since those monsters came. Please help this village." The lady bowed as she closed her eyes while tears streamed down her face. "I will do whatever I can to stop them. Don't worry and leave everything to me." I told the lady as I began walking away, trying to find the monsters while I felt my cloak flap behind me. "T-thank you, Thank you so much." The lady cried as she fell to her knees while I kept on walking as I sniffed the air for them. 'They gotta be some-' I got interrupt by a loud roar so I looked to the right of me and saw the monsters coming out from the forest, growling at me in a dangerous manner. 'Time to go to work.'

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