Chapter 34

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Star's P.O.V.

'Why does he look different? This can't be good....' "No way.... How can you be Rogue?!" Natsu asked as he looked at Future Rogue with wide eyes while Wendy's eyes widen in confusion. "The same one from Sabertooth!?" Wendy asked in disbelief as we all looked over to Future Rogue while he let out a small laugh through his nose, smirking at us. "You came from the future too?!" "So I'm not the only one...." Lucy and Future Lucy said as they frowned a bit while I glared at Future Rogue. "Why are you here!?" Happy asked as he looked up at Future Rogue with a confused look while he tilted the head a bit to the side. "You seem pretty different then you were before." Natsu said, moving his hand out to the side of him as he frowned at Future Rogue while I felt Jake come a bit towards me. "So why did you come back!? Just what do you want!?" Carla asked as she frowned at Future Rogue, but I continued to glare at him since he had a smug smirk on his face and I didn't like it. "All I to use the Eclipse." I narrowed my eyes at Future Rogue as Jake took a step forward with a glare while I side glanced Jake. "What's it gonna do?" Jake asked as he narrowed his eyes at Future Rogue while Future Rogue smirked at Jake for asking that question. "It can save us all, if we tap into its hidden power." I frowned at Future Rogue as I clutched my fist tightly while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "As you know, it could be used for time travel, but it could also serve as an offensive weapon known as the Eclipse Canon. That is the only chance you have of defeating the ten thousand Dragons." Future Rogue said with a smirk as he smirked over to us while I narrowed my eyes a bit, not fully trusting him. "So then it's really possible.....we can win!" Future Lucy said in relief as her eyes soften a bit while I looked over to Natsu. "Well that sure makes things nice and simple! Glad we got you on our side!" Natsu said as he smirked at Future Rogue, feeling a bit relieved but Jake and I continued to frown at Future Rogue while I narrowed my eyes at him. "Awe Yea!! Let's go and kill ourselves some Dragons!" "Does this mean everything's gonna be ok!?" Wendy asked as she had a small smile on her face while I noticed that Future Rogue was frowning a bit. "Afraid see I've come from seven years in the future....a time when the world as you know it will have seize to exist. The Dragons will have destroyed everything and rule over the ashes." I narrowed my eyes a bit as Future Rogue closed his eyes while he continued to frown at us. "They're gonna take over?" Natsu asked with a frown as he raised an eyebrow at Future Rogue while Jake crossed his arms over his chest. "But...what happened to the people who survived the attack?!" Wendy asked as her eyebrows were furrowed slightly while I looked over to Future Lucy, frowning a bit at her. "In my time, not even ten percent of the human race remains." Everyone's eyes widen a bit at the thought of only ten percent of humans alive at this very moment while I frowned a bit at Future Rogue. "Furthermore, our Eclipse has about a fraction of the power yours can wield. Which means that this is humanities last chance. We stop them now or die." Future Rogue said in a serious tone as he frowned a bit while Jake took a step closer to me, glaring at Future Rogue. 'Something's....not right.....I don't like the aura around this Rogue....' "Seems pretty simple! All we gotta do is open the Gate and blow them up!! Let's get to it!!" Natsu yelled as he had a smirk on his face, moving his arms a bit while Future Rogue continued to frown at the ground. "Seven years in my past, something happened.....Someone prevented Eclipse to from activating." I looked over to Jake as he looked down at me with a worried look while I shook my head a bit. "But how come? Why would they do that?!" Lucy asked as her eyes were widen while Future Rogue clutched his hands tightly. "Because of that one person's actions the Gate remain shut. And humanity was left defenseless against ten thousand raging Dragons. This person let ninety percent of humanity die. So I've come back to save those lives by eradicating theirs." Future Rogue said as he clutched his hand tighter while I narrowed my eyes at Future Rogue. "That's a bit bold, even for you Rogue. There's no need for bloodshed so why don't you just explain to them about the whole thing? Don't do anything stupid." I told Future Rogue with a small glare as I saw him smirk a bit at me, but he went back to his frown while he looked down at the ground. "A person's destiny is immutable. Even if I did persuade them somehow....they would still end up stopping Eclipse. Fate has stolen that choice from them. Their future is set and stone." Future Rogue as he frowned a bit at the ground while I glared down at the ground in anger. 'Destiny.....I hate that damn word....It always has to do with something bad for us...Tch!' "They don't have a choice?" Lucy asked with wide eyes as she furrowed her eyebrows at Future Rogue while I glared up at him. "Don't assume someone's destiny Rogue. You don't expect to kill that person and the Eclipse won't close. There's always someone else that will want to have the Eclipse closed." I told Future Rogue with a small glare as he gave me a smirk while I narrowed my eyes at him. "Smart as always love-" 'Love? When did he get so flirty?' "-None of us are stronger than fate. The living remain and the dead are gone. The one who closed the Gate before will always do the same. As long as they're alive, it's bound to happen again." Future Rogue said as he continued to frown a bit while I took a step forward with a small glare. "I don't have a clue what you're talking about buddy. Spill it. Who's this person you're after anyway?" Natsu asked as he frowned a bit at Future Rogue while I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's you......LUCY HEARTFILLIA!!!!" Future Rogue yelled as he sent a shadow lance towards Lucy, who's eyes were widen in fear while my eyes widen. "LUCY!!" Natsu and I yelled as I turned my body around to stop the shadow Lance, my hand outstretched to grab the shadow but my hand went through it while Natsu's hand did the same thing. 'NO! LUCY!!' It was as if time was in slow motion, my body fell to the ground as my wide eyes watched Future Rogue's shadow lance make its way towards Lucy, but I gasped when I saw Future Lucy run towards Lucy while she took the blow instead. We all turned our heads to look towards Future Lucy with wide eyes as we watched her blood splatter in the air while she fell to the ground hard. "Oh no!!! Are you ok!?" Lucy asked with tears in her eyes as she ran over to Future Lucy while I felt my mouth open in shock and in anger. "NO!!" Happy yelled, running to Future Lucy as I shakily stood up from the ground, my right hand shaking a bit while I looked at the wounded Future Lucy with wide eyes. 'I....I could have stopped it....why didn't I stop it!?' "What? There's two? How could this be?" Future Rogue asked as he looked at Future Lucy with wide eyes while Lucy held Future Lucy in her arms. "Just hang on!!" Lucy yelled as she held the coughing Future Lucy while Happy stood next to her body. "Lucy!" "I-I didn't do it......I didn't close the Gate.....I would never do that...." Future Lucy said slowly as I clutched my hands tightly while I noticed Natsu also clutching his hand tightly. "I know you didn't!! I promise I won't either no matter what!!! But why?! Why didn't you protect yourself!?" I furrowed my eyebrows a bit at what Lucy said, as images of me telling that to Aloura and Ella came to me while I clutched my hands harder. "You're part of my past....if you were to die....then I would die a way....dying is the only way I can live...." Future Lucy took in a shaky breath as she smiled up at Lucy while blood fell off the sides of Future Lucy's lips. "I-It's so strange....I never thought that I'd die in my own's kind of comforting...." Jake gritted his teeth together to stop himself from crying as he clutched his hands tightly while Jake looked down at the ground. "No don't talk like that!!! You're gonna make it!! I won't let you die!!!" Lucy said as she look down at Future Lucy with glossy eyes while I continue to clench my hands tightly in anger. "Can't we help? We could use healing magic...." Pantherlily said as he looked at Future Lucy with a gloomy look while Carla's ears were flat down on her head. "I'm afraid that wounds too severe. There's nothing we can do." Carla said sadly as she look down at the ground while Wendy covered her mouth with both of her hands, crying her eyes out knowing that she couldn't help Future Lucy. "D-Don't's ok....I thought that I'd never get to see my friends again....but I did one last time....and that's make up for the hell that I-I've been through...." Future Lucy said with tears in her eyes, her voice getting raspy while my hands shook a bit. "Oh Lucy....Please just try to hang in there. We need you..." Happy whimpered as he placed his paws out with a sad look while my eyes were still widen in shock. "I'm not the Lucy you know....I'm from a different time....a whole nother world.....there's no reason for you to cry..." Future Lucy placed a hand on Happy's cheek as she looked at Happy with a small smile, tears in her eyes while Happy grabbed a hold of Future Lucy's hand, snuggling closer to her hand with tears in his eyes. "The me who lives in this time....she gets to keep on living with her you don't need to be sad." "B-But we are sad!! We don't care what world you come from cause no matter what anyone says your still our Lucy!!! You're our friend and we love you!!! We don't ever want to lose you!! So of course we're sad!! How could we not be?!?!" Happy cried out as he hugged Future Lucy tightly with tears streaming down his face while I gritted my teeth together to keep in the tears. I clutched my hand tightly as I noticed that Jake let a few tears slip while Natsu's mouth quivered a bit at Future Lucy. "Star...." My eyes widen a bit as Future Lucy and the others looked my way while I furrowed my eyebrows with a small frown. "M-make sure you tell them.....Tell them about it all...." I looked away from Future Lucy with gritted teeth then looked back up at her as I gave her a stern nod while I clutched my hands even harder. "Mhm....H-Hey.....could you let me see your guild mark?" Future Lucy asked as she smiled up at Lucy while Lucy looked down at her in shock, but moved her marked hand in front of Future Lucy. Future Lucy placed her hand over Lucy's guild mark, but my eyes widen a bit when I noticed that there was no guild mark on Future Lucy's hand as she smiled up at Lucy's mark while both Lucy's had tears in their eyes. "Where's yours?! What happened?!" Lucy asked as Natsu and I gritted our teeth together, our hair shadowing our eyes while I felt my eyes get glossy with tears. "I just wish....I could've....-" "-had more adventures..." My eyes widen a bit when Future Lucy's head fell to the ground as her hand fell beside her while Lucy covered her eyes with her hand and cried. ".....please....p-protect the future..." I clutched my hand tightly as Loke, Wendy, the exceeds, and Jake turned towards Future Rogue while I continued to stare at Future Lucy's body. "How could she have forgotten that she closed the Gate?!" Future Rogue asked in anger as Lucy looked up at him with a small glare while I gritted my teeth in anger. "I don't care about your Gate!! I would never shut it but you could you!?" Lucy asked in anger as she glared at Future Rogue while Natsu and I continued to shadow our eyes with our hair. "You say that now, but you will!! You've done it before and I know you will do it again!!" I clutched my hands tightly as I looked over to Natsu with glossy eyes while I gritted my teeth. "Natsu....he's getting me mad...." I knew Natsu heard me because he let out a silent growl as he nodded his head slowly while Natsu clutched his fist tightly. "I'm not gonna shut the damn Gate!! Why do you keep accusing me!? Cut it out!! I haven't done anything to you!!" Lucy yelled as tears bubbled up at the corner of her eyes while I heard Future Rogue let out a small growl. "The Gate will be closed! There's no way to prevent it! Not while you're still alive!!" Future Rogue shouted at Lucy as she shut her eyes tightly, tears streaming down her face while she gritted her teeth in anger. "You heard my future self say that she did no such thing!! Tell me, why would I lie to myself!?" Lucy asked as she snapped her eyes open and glared up at Future Rogue in anger while Natsu looked over to me with tears in his eyes, but I was the same. "Her delusions are irrelevant!! Every choice you think you have has been decided by fate!!" Natsu and I quickly turned towards Future Rogue with a glare on our faces as our fist were engulf with either shadow or fire while I gritted my teeth in anger. "Then we're gonna turn fate....into a pile of ashes!!" Natsu and I yelled as we combined our attack to punch Future Rogue, our magic swirling a bit while Future Rogue skidded away from us, but he still stood on his feet. "We won't let anybody steal Lucy's future!! Not while we're alive!!" Natsu yelled as we stayed in our positions while I growled loudly a bit, my tears blurring my vision a bit. "Please.....protect the future...." I gritted my teeth as I let my tears fall down my right eye while I felt my left eye red in anger. "I will I promise!!" Natsu and I said as our tears fell down our cheeks while we glared at Future Rogue in anger. "Get out of here now Lucy!" I told Lucy as I gave her a serious look while Lucy furrowed her eyebrows a bit. "I can't..." I frowned down at Future Lucy's dead body as I motioned my head to Loke while Loke nodded his head at me and walked up to Lucy. "Natsu and Star got this. Let's go." Loke said seriously as he grabbed onto Lucy's wrist, pulling her up while they began to run from us. "Jake you t-" "I'm not leaving you here alone." Jake said in a stern tone as he glared daggers at Future Rogue while I sighed at him, but nodded my head. "Might be a good idea to move away from the psycho murderer!!" Happy said as he and the others began to run from us while I turned back to look at Future Rogue with a glare. "Yea....sure..." "You're not going anywhere!!" Future Rogue said as he began to run towards Lucy with a glare while I jumped back so Natsu could hit him. Natsu let out a war cry as he punched Future Rogue in the face while Future Rogue glared at Natsu. "Natsu Dragneel!-" Future Rogue yelled, but was cut off when Natsu punched him in the face again as he lit his in fist, sending Future Rogue a few feet away from us while I placed my right fist in my left hand. "Ice-Make: Rampart!" I placed my hands behind me as a huge wall was formed, blocking Future Rogue from passing while he glared at Natsu and I. "Good luck getting past this jackass!!" I yelled as I still had tears in my eyes while I tried to blink them away. "I never once doubted you two, especially not you Star." I narrowed my eyes at Future Rogue as he stood up, shadows engulfing his body while he smirked at us. "Oh well, it doesn't really matter because your fate is already sealed." Future Rogue said as he disappeared into the shadows while his shadow dashed towards the wall which ended up going through my ice wall. "Damn!" I cancelled out the ice wall as I glared at Future Rogue's shadow while Natsu frowned a bit at Future Rogue's shadow. "Even if you manage to defeat me, the dragons will still kill you." Natsu, Jake, and I glared at Future Rogue in anger as we carefully watched Future Rogue while I clutched my hands tightly. "Bastard.... I didn't peg you as a butcher." Natsu said as he glared at Future Rogue in anger while I narrowed my eyes at him. "Time changes a person, aren't I right Star?" Future Rogue asked as I glared a bit, but I got into a stance when I saw Future Rogue come out of the shadows while he smirked at us. "Unfortunately for you, time is limited!!" Future Rogue yelled as he sent shadows towards us which ended up causing Natsu and Jake to scream in pain while I glared daggers at Future Rogue. I quickly stood in front if the two as I began to swallow up all the shadows, but I furrowed my eyebrows a bit while I slurped them up, causing dust to fly around us. "Your mistake....was taking someone, taking someone precious right in front of our eyes...." I told Future Rogue in anger as my hair shadowed my eyes while I wiped my mouth from slurping up the shadows. "Uh?" Future Rogue looked at me with wide eyes, watching me roughly wipe my tears away while Natsu growled lowly behind me. "I don't like the way you do things....we promised.....we're gonna protect the future....and I'll do it my way!" Natsu said as his face had bits of flames on his cheeks while I felt my eyes turns into snake slits. "You're gonna get your ass handed to you....if I can't do it then I sure as hell know that Natsu will!" I yelled as I had ice engulfed around my hands, running towards Future Rogue while I glared daggers at him. "I don't think so love!" Future Rogue tried to send his shadows towards me, but I jumped in the air, twisting my body in the air as I let out a war cry while I gritted my teeth in anger. "Ice Dragon's Iron Fist!!" I yelled as I tried to punch Future Rogue, but he held up his arms in an 'X', blocking my attack while Future Rogue smirked up at me. "Sorry love, but you're gonna have to do better than that!" Future Rogue yelled as he had shadows on his legs then he kicked me hard in the stomach, sending me flying into a wall while it cracked behind me. "ACK!!" I yelled out in pain as I slid down the wall, shutting my left eye in pain while Natsu and Jake looked at me with wide eyes. "Star! You're gonna pay!!" Natsu yelled as he let out a war cry, charging towards Future Rogue which Future Rogue did as well while both their fist collided together. Both of them ended up pushing each other away from each other as I frowned in pain while Jake came near me with a worried look. "Are you-" "I'm fine! I need to help Natsu!!" I told Jake as I quickly got up from the ground when I saw Future Rogue slip into the shadow lands while I glared at him. "You're not the only one!" I slipped into the shadow lands as I quickly charged towards Future Rogue while we both fought in the shadow lands. "You know I admired you when you first appeared in the Games, call it a crush if you will!!! You should come with me to make sure Lucy doesn't close the Gate!!" Future Rogue yelled as both our shadows bumped into each other while I growled at him. "That's not gonna happen!! I don't work with the evil!!" I yelled as I glared daggers at Future Rogue while our shadows were fighting on the ceiling. "Tch! Then I guess I have no choice but to send you to the grave with Natsu!!" Future Rogue said as he kicked me in the face, causing me to yell out in pain while I fell out of my shadow towards the ground. "Star!!" Natsu yelled out as he caught me, but we both yelled out in pain when Future Rogue covered us with shadows while he smirked at us. Natsu and I skidded a bit, but we fell to the ground as we looked up at Future Rogue with a small glare while I rubbed the blood off of my cheeks. "Question for ya....did you really come here to save the future?" Natsu asked as I noticed Future Rogue's eyes widen a bit while I glared daggers at him. "My nose is telling me....that everything about you is evil!" Natsu said as he glared daggers at Future Rogue while I narrowed my eyes a bit when Future Rogue smirked sinisterly. 'So I wasn't the only one who sensed it.' "Uh?" I looked off to the side with a small frown as I sensed something outside the castle while I shut my left eye in pain. "What's that sound?!" The area around us began to shake violently as I glared in anger while Future Rogue continued to smirk at Natsu and I. "Jake....I'm sending you to Gray." Jake looked over to me with a frown as he shook his head at me while I frowned at him. "No! I don't wanna-!" "Listen.....I want you to stay with Gray to make sure he and the others are ok. When I'm done here, I'll head over to you." I told Jake as he sighed at me then nodded his head while I shakily held my hand out. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Gray's Shadow. Oh, don't tell him what's going on." Jake nodded his head with a frown as he disappeared into the shadow lands while I glared up at Future Rogue. "The Eclipse is finally opening!!" Natsu and I looked up at Future Rogue as he came towards us with his shadows while he smirked down at us. "Even without killing Lucy Heartfillia!! Time moves forward!!" Future Rogue yelled as Natsu and I tried to block his attack while Future Rogue continued to smirk at us. "But still, she will get in the way of things without fail!" Future Rogue said as we tried to push him away, but the three of us ended up pulling away from each other while Future Rogue held his hand out to us. "She will close the Gate! It's set in stone!!" Future Rogue said as he sent shadow orbs towards us while I tried absorbing them, but they also hit me and Natsu, sending us in pain. "No way she'd do something like that! I know Lucy and she'd never destroy our future!!" Natsu yelled out as his flames surrounded us while I glared daggers at Future Rogue, my ice and shadows surrounding me. "If she closes the gate then she must know why!! I have a feeling your the one that needs to be put in the grave!!" I yelled as I tried to send my magic toward Future Rogue, but he dodged all of it while he smirked at Natsu and I. "Move aside!!" Future Rogue yelled as a shadow orb was sent our way, but we got sucked into a pillar of shadows while Natsu and I yelled out in pain. "S-Star!!" "I know!!" I yelled as I tried sucking up the shadows, but I started to cough violently while I shut my eyes in pain. "These shadows!! Something's not right with them!!" I yelled as Natsu and I groaned at the pain while I tried manipulating the shadows. "I put something in my shadows, since I had a feeling I would be fighting Star. I will end your life if you guys can't stop me!" Future Rogue yelled as he smirked at us while Natsu and I jumped out of the shadow, planting our feet on the ceiling before we pushed off of it. "NO YOU WON'T!!!!" Natsu yelled with a glare as his fist were engulfed in flames, but he suddenly had lighting around him while I let both my ice and shadows surround my fist, my eyes widening a bit. 'He's doing that spell did he end up getting two!? When did he get it!?' "Let's go!! Lighting Flame Dragon!!! AHHHH!" Natsu yelled as he was entirely engulfed in flames while I jumped off to the side to let Natsu handle it. Future Rogue placed his arms in front of him in an 'X' as Natsu's fist made contact with Future Rogue's arms, causing the ground to crack underneath him while the explosion was huge. I covered my eyes from the bright light as I heard Natsu let out a yell, but my eyes widen a bit when I saw Future Rogue still standing with a smirk on his face while Future Rogue looked like he didn't even get hurt. "Is this the power that you hid from me all of those years ago?!" Future Rogue asked with a smirk as Natsu's fist went into flames again, yelling louder, while my eyes widen a bit when I saw Future Rogue's left eye glow. "Get out of there Natsu!!" I yelled as I ran towards him, standing in front of Natsu while we shut our left eye to block the bright light. I glared at Future Rogue as shadows surrounded his body while I noticed that the right side of his face was black and his eye was missing. "Change Mode: White Shadow Dragon!" Future Rogue said as both of our eyes widen at what he said while two white lights came towards us. Suddenly the light exploded on our sides as Natsu and I yelled out in pain while I gritted my teeth in anger. "At last.....light and dark working together as one." I glared at Future Rogue as I clutched my wound in pain, Natsu doing the same while we both looked up at Future Rogue. Instead of Future Rogue's bangs covering his face, they were pulled back as he smirked at us while he out stretched his arm towards us. "White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk!!" Future Rogue chanted as white and black lines came our way, piercing our bodies while me and Natsu yelled out in pain. As the lights pierced our bodies, the hallway was getting destroyed in the process, but Future Rogue stopped attacking us as he had a smirk on his face while Natsu and I fell flat to the ground on pain. "N-Natsu.....are you ok?" I asked in a raspy voice as I shakily tried to pick myself up while I side glanced Natsu with a frown. "Ngh.....just peachy." Natsu said as he shakily moved his body up to look up at Future Rogue while Natsu frowned up at him. "W-White.....Shadow?" Natsu asked as we both looked up at a smirking Future Rogue while I glared at Future Rouge. "How the hell do you have White Dragon Slayer Magic!?" I asked Future Rogue with a death glare as I gritted my teeth a bit while I narrowed my eyes at him. "Heheh! I took Sting's power when I ended his life." Natsu and I glared at Future Rogue as I shut my left eye in pain while I clutched my hands tightly in anger. "It wasn't easy, but it was absolutely necessary. In retrospect, I should have done it sooner." Future Rogue said with a smirk as Natsu and I glared daggers at him while I looked down at my torn up clothes. "A-amazing....I knew you were all about darkness.....but I had no idea you cared so little about life!" Natsu said as he glared up at Future Rogue while I narrowed my eyes at him. "I-I never knew you'd kill your own partner... Why the hell would you do that to him?!" I yelled to Future Rogue with a glare as he smirked down at Natsu and I while I clutched my hands tightly. "Now you know and you can take that with you to the grave." Future Rogue said as he smirked down at Natsu and I while Natsu shakily stood up, but I couldn't move since my vision was going in and out. 'When....did I....become so weak?' My eyes widen a bit when I saw Future Rogue get into a fighting stance as a black and white light swirled in his right hand while Future Rogue smirked at us. "White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk!!" "NATSU!!!!" I yelled as I quickly stood up in front of Natsu, glaring daggers at Future Rogue while I held my arms out, causing Natsu to gasp a bit. 'I won't let Natsu die!! I promised Future Lucy that I'd protect the future so if I die then Natsu will make sure to protect the future!!'

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