Chapter 33

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Star's P.O.V.

"Hey Lucy, you feeling any better?" I heard Happy asked as I turned towards Future Lucy while she sat up in her spot. "Where are we?" Future Lucy asked as she looked down at her lap with a tired look while Jake and I turned towards her. "Not sure." "It looks like the castles dinning hall." Mira said as she looked around the area with a small smile while Future Lucy frowned at the ground a bit. I looked down at my clothes with a small frown as I moved the bandages that were placed around my waist while I tried to pull my shirt down a bit. Jake had patched me up when we were walking the halls of the kingdom and I wanted him to cover my brand mark, but he also had to cover up the wound on my stomach that Scar caused. "We're still inside the castle? Mhm...from what I remember from last time....after we escaped the Palace of Perdition...we end up getting caught by the royal army again....that's why I rushed here as soon as I was able too. I was hopping that I could warn you before hand... But luck abandoned me just like it always does..." I frowned down at Future Lucy as she placed her hand on top of her forehead with a small frown while she began to shake a bit. "To make matters worst....we're gonna be stuck behind bars until it happens..." Jake looked over to me with a worried look on his face as his ears flopped down a bit while Jake frowned down at Future Lucy. "What do you mean 'it' Lucy?" Jake asked as he tilted his head to the side with a small frown while I looked down at Future Lucy with a worried look. Lucy kept quiet as she covered her right eye with her hand, trying to keep in her tears while my eyes soften a bit. 'What happens to us in the future...?' "So these events are in our immediate future? Quite anonymous indeed." "Don't be a downer! Now that we know, there's no way they'll catch us!!" Natsu yelled, smirking down at Lucy with his fist up as he gave her a smile while I frowned a bit at Future Lucy's worried look. "Yea! I can't see them being a problem for us!-" "While we were making our escape last time we got too close to the Eclipse a result we lost all of our magic power....we were thrown into a dungeon and soon afterward..." I frowned a bit at Future Lucy as she continued to frown down at the ground while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "Our future selves sound like total morons!" Natsu said as he smiled slightly at the thought while Jake nodded his head with a small laugh. "So uh....what made you decide to risk your life and come here from the future?" Wendy asked as she knelt down a bit towards Future Lucy while Loke who was here all this time, frowned down at Lucy. "For real.....what's this all about? Why did you come back in the first place?" Loke asked with a frown as I looked down at Future Lucy's bouncing shoulders while she tried to keep in her sobs. "To change the horror that is my past..." Future Lucy whimpered out as she continued to shake while I narrowed my eyes a bit at her. "What happened that was so bad?" Natsu asked as he looked down at Future Lucy with his arms crossed over his chest while Yukino took a small step forward. "Tell us, maybe we can help and at least you won't have to do it alone." Yukino offered, causing Future Lucy to tremble even more as her hair covered her eyes while I looked down at her. "Our worst nightmares are about to come to life...a swarm of more than ten thousand dragons are going to attack the kingdom....the city will burn.....the castle will fall....and countless lives...are going to be lost...." My eyes widen a bit at the thought of thousands of Dragons coming here as the others gasped at that thought while Natsu's eyed were wide. "We're. So. Dead!! NO WAYYYYY!!" Natsu and Haply yelled as they screamed to the ceiling while Lily told them to be quiet, incase any soldiers were around these areas. "More then ten thousand Dragons...." Mira said as she gripped her right arm in worry while Yukino furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "But I thought that they were all extinct...." "They're gonna tear us all into shreds!!" Happy yelled as he placed his paws on his cheeks while his eyes were wide with fear. "Hey do you think...this could have something to do with that Dragon Grave?" Wendy asked, sitting on the ground on her knees as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit while Carla placed her paws on her hips. "I was wondering that myself." I nodded to Carla as I remembered Zircons telling us about the past while I narrowed my eyes a bit. "Now that you mentioned it..." "THEY'RE GONNA RIP US APART!!" "Pipe down!" Lily yelled as he had an ink mark on his forehead, tired of Happy's yelling while I looked over to Lucy and Loke. "You think we can sense that many dragons?" Lucy looked over to Loke with a small frown on her lips while Loke placed his hand under his chin. "It's possible we haven't noticed them because they're laying low, waiting for the perfect time to strike-" "We can't just sit around and wait for that to happen!! We're gonna have to fight'em!!" Natsu yelled as he had on a metal helmet and a bunch of spears in his hands while he had a serious look on his face. "You gotta be kidding me!" "We can't take on that many dragons!!" Lucy and Happy yelled as they looked at Natsu as if he was crazy while I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. "You actually believe me?" Future Lucy asked as she looked at us with a small frown while Natsu snapped his attention towards her with his mouth slightly opened. "Wait!! You were lying!?" "No! I would never lie to's just that I honestly didn't think you were going to believe me...I'm surprised that's all." I frowned down at Future Lucy as I took a step towards her which caused her to look up at me while her mouth hung open a bit. "You're one of us....we got no reason to doubt you....We will always believe you.." Future Lucy looked up at me with wide eyes as I gave her a serious look while she looked down at the ground with a small smile. "You really need to get it together Future me. Don't you think you should have more faith in your friends?" Lucy asked her future self as she sat in front of her with a smile while Future Lucy laughed a bit. "Am I seriously lecturing myself? But I guess you've got a good point...." Future Lucy said with a small chuckle as I looked down at Carla, watching her eyes widen a bit while I frowned a bit. 'Are Carla's visions going to come true now that Future Lucy told us a bit of the future....?' "Excuse me....if I'm not mistaken we're still inside the castle when the Dragons attack.....what happens to us?!" Carla asked as she walked up towards Future Lucy with a worried look on her face while Carla furrowed her eyebrows a bit. "I-I-" Future Lucy sighed as she turned away from us, looking towards the ground while I frowned a bit. "I'm scared...I don't think I wanna know! I've got a feeling we won't like her answer." Wendy said, looking at Future Lucy with furrowed eyebrows as she moved a bit in her seat while Jake looked down at Future Lucy with a frown. "You don't think....we're gonna end up goners!" Natsu said as he looked at Future Lucy with wide eyes while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "Oh my...." "No that can't be right....we're really gonna die?" Happy asked Future Lucy as he had tears bubbling up at the corner of his eyes while Future Lucy continued to gaze at the ground. "I'm afraid I don't remember what day it was......when I came to....I knew I had no choice but to use the Eclipse....I had no idea how to operate it....but I was somehow able to get it opened.....I was determined to go back in time and warn someone....." We all looked down at Future Lucy with wide eyes as she continued to look away from us while I looked off to the side. "I was desperate. I doubted whether or not it would work but I had to try and suddenly it was July fourth of the year X791." Future Lucy said as Loke looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows while I frowned a bit. "Hey wait a second but that was just a few days ago!" "Does that mean it's only capable of making small jumps back in time?" Mira asked as she furrowed her eyebrows at Future Lucy while I nodded my head to her. "Wasn't it suppose to go back in time to defeat Zeref?" Jake asked as he frowned down at Future Lucy while Future Lucy shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know all the details.....maybe it was broken so it wasn't able to take me back that far in time...." Future Lucy said as she frowned down at the ground then looked back up at us while she clutched her hands a bit. "If you make it out of the castle, you'll need to rendezvous with Jellal, but be careful because their are lacrimas all over the city monitoring the Games. That means you'll have to take an underground route to meet with him." Future Lucy explained as she looked up at me, knowing why Jellal would be involved into this while I frowned a bit. 'Why didn't Jellal tell me he saw Future Lucy or about this plan??' "How is he involved?" Natsu asked as he placed his hands on his hips, frowning down at Future Lucy while I continued to frown a bit. "I've explained everything to him as best I can. I'm sure that he's busy coming up with a plan as we speak." Future Lucy explained as I looked off to the side, frowning a bit while I clutched my hands tightly. "Why's he coming up with a plan?" Lucy asked as she had a frown on her lips while she clutched her fist tightly. "It's my fault.....I'm really sorry....I probably should've come here with some sort of strategy....let's be honest....I don't know what we can do to prevent it....I needed his help..." Future Lucy said as she frowned down at the ground while the others gasped a bit at Future Lucy asking Jellal for help. "I'm really sorry you guys...I hope you can forgive me-" I stopped Future Lucy's ranting as I karate chopped her head, causing her wince slightly while the others looked at me in shock. "Uh!? Star!?" Lucy yelled as she looked up at me in shock, but then she frowned a bit when she noticed that I stayed still while I looked down at Lucy with soft eyes. "You can stop apologizing now. It's giving me a headache." I told Future Lucy with a small frown, moving my hand off of her while she looked up at me with her mouth slightly opened. "Chin up...there's no need for you to apologize." Natsu said as I moved a bit away from Future Lucy while he walked up to her, kneeling in front of her with a smile. I smiled softly as I watched Natsu place a hand on top of Future Lucy's head while he placed his forehead on top of hers, his eyes closed. "I'd like to thank risked your life for us, for our future." Natsu said as Future Lucy began to cry slightly while we all watched the two with a warm smile. "We'll be fine Star." I looked over to Jake as he gave me a small smile while I nodded my head to him. "Yea....we will.." I watched as Natsu stood up in front of Future Lucy, giving her a smile while Natsu clutched his fists a bit. "We're gonna find a way to stop them. You just watch!" Lucy looked down at the ground with a bit of tears in her eyes as I clutched my hands a bit while I frowned. 'We'll all make it...'

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