Chapter 8

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(A/n: That is Star's house but it's surrounded by a lot of trees.)

Star's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly as I saw that familiar brown ceiling above me while I blinked a couple times. 'I guess Jake carried me back home.' I sat up, groaning at the pain and soreness in my back while I rubbed my tired eyes. "Morning stupid!" I heard Jake yell from beside me, making me look at him with an irritated look but then smirked as I rubbed my head a bit. "Morning Moron." I told Jake as he pouted at me while I swung my legs off the bed, getting ready to stand. "How you feeling?" Jake asked me as I fully stood up from my bed while I stretched slightly but winced in pain. "Sore but ok I guess." I told Jake as he nodded his head while I sighed at the pain in my back. "Well you know that I can't cook sooo....HURRY UP SO WE CAN EAT!! I'M STARVING!!!" Jake yelled as he waved his arms around while I shook my head at him, smiling slightly. "Oh, but I'm too sore to move fast~" I told Jake in a whiny voice, smirking slightly as I took very slow steps making Jake's stomach grumble. "SSSttttaaarrr~ Stop being meeaann~!" Jake whined as he walked over to where I was while he pulled on my arm. "Ok, ok I'm just teasing you." I told Jake as I walked over to my closet and got out a black V-neck shirt with pre-ripped jeans. I also got out a small jacket that went up to my mid torso then went to the restroom to take a shower. I took a quick shower, but I forgot about my bandages so I walked out the restroom with only my bra and my jeans on. "Jake I need you to bandage me please." I told Jake as he nodded his head while he gave me a closed eye smile. "Sure, let my just go get the medical kit." Jake said as he walked out of the room to find what he needed while I dried my hair with a towel. Jake was the only person that has ever seen me in my bra but I trusted him.....that and he already saw most of my body since I always get injured so it wasn't anything new to him. Now if he saw me naked then he would have been six feet under or more in the grave. "Ok I got the stuff, turn around so I can bandage.......well mostly your whole body." I nodded my head as I turned around, letting Jake do what he needed to do while I let the towel hang on my shoulders. "Oh I almost forgot, your gonna need some stitches so try not to move too much today ok." I nodded my head at Jake as he got the needle, ready to stitch up my wounds while I winced every time the needle went through my skin. Once Jake was done stitching me up, he wrapped the bandages all around my body while I sighed deeply. "Thanks Jake, good thing you know about that medical shit." I told Jake as I put on my shirt while Jake shrugged his shoulders. "Your welcome and it's really easy. I guess I just have mad skills when it comes to medical!" Jake said as he flexed his mussels, smirking at me while I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Whatever, come on lets go to the guild to get something to eat." After my statement, our stomachs grumbled in hunger together while we both blushed slightly. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Fairy Tail Guild." A black orb came next to us, shaping our body size, but before I walked into the orb, I grabbed my cloak and put it on me while I nodded to Jake. We both walked into the shadow lands and ended up on the second floor while I heard everyone chatting among themselves. "I hate going into the shadow lands, it always gives me the shivers." Jake said as he hugged himself, shivering slightly while I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh your just being a big baby it's not soo bad." I told Jake as I walked towards the stairs while I looked over my shoulder to look at Jake. "It's because you have the power so your use to it!" Jake yelled as we both walked down the stairs while Jake looked at me with a playful glare. "Your just a baby." "Am not!" "Are too." "Am not!" "Are too." "Well at least I'm not short!" "Hey! I'm not short I'm average height!" I yelled at Jake as I turned around to look at him with a glare while he glared back at me. "Suuree cause being 5'1 is average!" "You really want to start something you can't finish?!" "Don't be mad over the facts Star. It's the truth." "The truth!?! Well at least I don't have fleas!" "Hey! That was too deep! And I already told you! I don't have any fleas!" Jake yelled as he scratched the side of his head while he gave me a serious look. "Ohh right that explains why your scratching your head!!" "What?! It's b-because I was thinking!" "Suure Jake!" "I was shorty!" "Sure flea bag!" "Shorty!" "Flea bag!" "Loser!!" "Moron!!" "Big Siiss~ It's too early to be fighting!" I turned around to see Romeo rubbing his eyes tiredly as he frowned up at us two while I smiled down at him but of course he didn't see it. "Sorry Romeo, but you know how Jake is." I told Romeo, pointing over to Jake as Jake pouted slightly, crossing his arms over his chest while I petted Romeo's head. "You started it." Jake mumbled as he glared at me while I rolled my eyes at him, smiling slightly. "I missed you Big Sis." Romeo said as he hugged my waist tightly, making me wince but I made sure that he didn't see it. "Me too Romeo, but you know I always come back." I told him as I ruffled his hair while Romeo blushed slightly, smiling at me. "Come on! Lets get something to eat! I'm hungry!" Jake yelled as he ran towards Mira at the bar while I shook my head at Jake. "Yea come on. Did Macao feed you yet Romeo?" I asked Romeo but he shook his head 'no' while he smiled at me. "I left early because Natsu said that you guys were back." Romeo said as I nodded my head while I grabbed his hand and began to walk to the bar. "I'll buy you something to eat ok." I told Romeo as I laughed when Romeo's eyes sparkled at the mention of food while we walked to the bar only to see Jake stuffing his face with food. "Thif if great!" Jake yelled as he gave Mira a nasty smile while his food was still in his mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full idiot." I told Jake as I slapped him on the back of his head while he swallowed all of his food. "Don't talk with you mouth full." Jake mimicked me as he made his voice a little high while he continued to stuff his face. "Order whatever you want, I'll pay." I told Romeo as he nodded his head while Romeo began to look over the menu. Romeo ordered whatever he wanted to eat while I just ordered some bacon and an apple with some water on the side. "Coming right up!" Mira yelled as she went to make the food while I looked over at Jake. "Slow down Jake! You'll choke!" Romeo yelled at Jake as he looked at Jake with a worried look while Jake continued to stuff his face. "Do'f worfy! I won't ch-" Jake then started to choke on his food which made me chuckle at him while he held onto the bar with a blue face. "I told you!" Romeo yelled as he started to pat Jake's back while Jake calmed down from his choking. "Let him choke, he should've listened." I told Romeo as I took a sip of my water while Jake glared at me. "Why you gotta be so rude." Jake mumbled as he recovered from his choking while he played around with his food with a fork with depression waves around him. "It's good too see that your fun side hasn't changed." Mira said as she smiled at me while I rolled my eyes at her but smiled slightly. "It's because of this idiot." I told Mira as I pointed to Jake behind me while he waved at Mira with a stupid smile on his face. "How were the jobs?" Romeo asked as he gave me a big smile while Mira looked interested as well. An image of me killing Darrel popped in my head, his dead body falling to the ground. "It was good I guess. It was like every other mission I go on." I told them as Romeo eyes sparkled, he always loved it when I told him about my missions but sometimes in the end he would scold me for getting injured. "You didn't get injured did you?!" Romeo asked as he grabbed my arm with a worried look while he looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm fine Romeo." I simply told him as I gave him a small smile while I ruffled his hair slightly. I didn't want to worry him about the wounds I have on me, so I had to lie to Romeo. "Are you sure?" Romeo asked as he finished fixing his hair while he looked at me with a worried expression. "Yes, I'm sure Romeo. You should stop worrying before you get grey hairs. Oops! Spoke too soon." I told Romeo as I smirked slightly while I plucked a hair from his head. "Whhhaa! I don't have grey hairs!" Romeo yelled as he got up from his chair while he checked his head for grey hairs in the mirror. I chuckled slightly at him as I shook my head while I took a bite of my apple. "Hey Guys!" I slightly turned my head to see Natsu, Happy, and Lucy walking into the guild while Natsu waved at us. "Natsu!" Romeo yelled as he hopped off his chair and ran towards Natsu while he had a huge smile on his face. "Hey Romeo! How've you been!" Natsu asked as he ruffled Romeo's hair while Romeo gave Natsu a huge smile. "Good! I was just talking to Big Sis over there!" Romeo yelled as he pointed towards me while I gave a small wave. "Hey Star!" Lucy yelled as she smiled at me while she waved at me. I only nodded my head towards her while taking a bite of my apple again as I gave her a small smile. "Oh! Hey Star! Star.......STAR!!" All of a sudden, Natsu ran towards me with a smirk on his face while his fist was on fire. I lazily moved to my right as Natsu's fist hit the bar, breaking it in the process while I looked down at him. "Huh? What was that for?" I asked Natsu as I took another bite of my apple while I raised an eyebrow at him. "Me and you are suppose to fight! We made a deal that once we get back to the guild we were going to fight!" Natsu yelled as he smirked at me while hitting his right fist in his left hand. "Oh yea, I forgot all about that. Alright let's go outside before we break anything else. Mira, can I have another apple?" I asked Mira as I turned towards her, who was already holding an apple to me while I placed my other eaten apple on the bar. "Thanks Mira. Come on old man lets go outside." I grabbed the apple from Mira then began to walk outside with Natsu following behind me while I felt Jake stare at me. "Star! You weren't suppose to move a lot today! Your stitches will re-open if you fight Natsu!" I heard Jake yell as I put my hand where my wound was while I turned to look at Jake. "It's fine Jake, you need to stop worrying so much or you'll grow grey hairs too." Me and Natsu stood about seven feet away from each other while the rest of the guild was placing bets on who will win. "Natsu's totally going to win!" "Don't be stupid! Star's gonna win, she's been training her whole life!" "Natsu for sure!" "Kick his butt Star!" "Go Star!" "You got this Natsu!" 'Their idiots, but that's what makes Fairy Tail Fairy Tail.' "Lets just get this over with! Also don't hold back!" I yelled towards Natsu as I bit down on my apple while Natsu smirked at me. "Alright! Here I come!" Natsu yelled as he ran towards me with his fist in flames while he looked really serious so I also got serious. 'I hate doing this but I gotta let Natsu hit me, just so I can see how hard he hits.' Once Natsu got close enough, I put my left arm up while my right arm went down so my apple will be safe. Natsu then punched my left arm with so much force that I almost flew back but I stood my ground. "Mhm, well your strong I'll give you that." I told Natsu as I shook my left arm while I took a bite of my apple. "Stop blocking my attacks and fight me! Shorty!" Natsu yelled as I stopped halfway from eating my apple while I slowly turned towards Natsu. "Shorty?" My eyebrow twitched in anger as I took a big bite of my apple then tossed it away while I glared at Natsu. "Ha! Now I'm fired up! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as he punched me in my stomach while I felt the stitches come undone, making me wince slightly. 'Crap! Guess I can't play around anymore.' I landed on the ground, wincing slightly as I felt my blood trickle down my back and stomach. "I guess that's enough warm up." I heard him gasp a little as the other guild members mumbled under their breath while I smirked a bit. "Ice-Make: Floor." I mumbled as I tapped the ground with my foot while the ground was covered with a thick layer of ice. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Natsu yelled as he tried to keep his balance on the ice while I smirked slightly at him. "Ice Dragon's Deadly Storm." I chanted as a huge ice storm went towards Natsu, since he wasn't balanced he would get directly hit and fall over by my ice storm. Natsu then got sucked up in the storm, sending him at least thirty feet in the air while he yelled out in pain since some of the ice shards scraped him slightly. Once I knew Natsu was high enough in the air, I called off my ice storm and transported in the air above Natsu. Once I was above him, I flipped in mid air while I dropped kicked him towards the ground. I felt my back get torn open again also my lower stomach while I felt blood run down my stomach and back. 'Shit!' Natsu slammed on the ground, face first while his leg twitched slightly in pain. I landed safely on the ground while I began to make my way towards Natsu, wincing slightly as my wound throbbed a bit. When I got near Natsu, I grabbed him by the hair only to see that his eyes were closed while he was snoring slightly. "He's out." I simply said as I dropped Natsu's head back on the ground while I turned to look at the other members. "I told you Big Sis would win!" Romeo yelled as he ran towards me while he gave me a big hug which made me wince slightly. "Uh?" Romeo let go of me as he looked down at his hands only to see my blood on them while his eyes widen slightly. "Big Sis what happened?! Did Natsu hurt you that bad?!" Romeo yelled as he gripped my arms while he got the others attention. "Again! She's an idiot!" Jake yelled as he slapped the back of my head then placed an arm around my waist but I pushed him away while I frowned a bit. "I'm fine, take Natsu to the infirmary first. I'll follow you guys." I told Jake as he looked at me with a worried look but then nodded his head while he went towards Natsu, picked him up, then took him inside the guild. "Hey! Star!" I looked behind me to see Gray, Lucy, and Happy running up to me with a huge smile on their faces while I held my wound under my cloak. "Huh? Hey guys." I stopped walking as I faced them while I winced slightly at the sudden movement. "That was so cool! Your really powerful!" Lucy yelled as she smiled at me while Gray smirked at me. "Flamebrain got a good ass beat! Best one I've ever seen!" Gray said as he smirked slightly while they all laughed and smiled at me. "You were awesome Star!" Happy yelled as he gave me a huge smile while he flew into my chest. "Thanks Happy." I told Happy as I petted his head while wincing slightly at the throbbing pain. Happy's eyes widen slightly as his little nose twitched while he pulled away from me while looking at me with a worried look. "Star, are you bleeding?" Happy's question made Lucy and Gray turn their attention towards me while I scratched the back of my head. "Yea, I had stitches but my fight with Natsu kinda reopened them." I told them as I held onto my side while I put pressure on my wound so it would stop the bleeding. "Where's Jake?" Gray asked as he came near me while he gave me a worried look, making me frown slightly. "He took Natsu inside to treat his wounds. I was just gonna follow them so Jake can re-stitch my wounds." I told them as I winced slightly while I took a step forward but Gray stepped in front of me. "If you knew you had stitches then why did you fight Natsu?" Lucy asked as she looked at me with worry while I gritted my teeth together. 'God, ever since they came back they've been giving me that look. I hate it. Gray should know this. He knew I hated it when people looked at me as if I'm weak. I hate the pity and worry they give me!' "It's nothing for you to worry about, I don't need your damn pity." I said in a cold tone, making her flinch slightly while Gray flinched a little as he frowned a bit at me. "We're only worr-" "That's the thing Happy, I don't want you to worry about me. One day, I'm going to die and there is nothing you guys can do about it. I don't need your pity nor do I need you guys to worry about me, it makes me sick." I told them harshly as I had my bangs covering my eyes while I bumped my shoulders into Lucy and Gray, making my way into the guild. "Are you ok Star?!" "Romeo told us that you were bleeding!!!" "Why did you fight?!" "Are you alright?!" "We were worried!!" I gritted my teeth as the guild members asked me those question while they gave me a worried look. I glared at them with a cold stare making them be quiet and shuffle away from me while I went towards a shadow, disappearing into it and reappearing in Jake's shadow. "You finish?" Jake jumped a bit but then calmed down as he saw me behind him while he gave me a small smile. "Yea, come on so I can bandage you up." Jake took me to an empty bed as I took a seat while Jake went to find the medical stuff. "(Sigh) I don't know why you didn't listen to me about this Star." Jake scolded as he lifted up my shirt to take out the bad stitches while I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't need your pity too nor your worry." I told Jake as I glared at him making him look at me with a frown while he stopped moving his hands. After a few minutes of looking at me, Jake smacked his lips making a 'Tsk' sound while he flicked my forehead. "Idiot, is that what's getting you mad, because you don't like being pitied? Star, we are not showing you pity, we're showing concern cause we damn well know that you like to be reckless and almost get yourself killed in the process. We ask you if your ok because we love you, sure you don't like when we are worried about you but we can't help it alright. We are a family in Fairy Tail and family worry about each other whether you like it or not Star." Jake said as I looked down at the ground with a frown while Jake finished his lecture. "Wow! Couldn't have said it better than myself!" Jake and I looked towards Natsu as he sat up from the bed, smiling at us while he rubbed his head a bit. "How are you feeling?" Jake asked Natsu as he looked at Natsu while he walked towards him. "I'm alright! Hey! St-" I didn't let Natsu finish since I had already walked out the room while I clutched onto my wound. 'Stupid Jake, scolding me like that.' I stopped walking as I looked down at the ground with a frown while my eyebrows furrowed slightly. 'But he's right, they are just worried about me. I just feel like I'm too weak if they ask if 'I'm ok'. (Sigh) I'm just over thinking this whole thing. I guess with Rabo out there, there's no way of telling when he will pop up.' "And it might be soon~" My breath hitched in my throat as I heard his voice in my head while I growled slightly. "How the hell did you get in my head?!" I yelled in my head as I glared at the ground, holding my onto head with my right hand while I moved my eyes around in confusion. "It's quite simple once you've drained almost everyone's magic." He chuckled, giving me a headache in the process while I gritted my teeth as the headache only got worst. "So your friends made you apart of their group~? Do they even know what you did~? Or that you are destined to do evil~? Mhhm~ Guess not~ I guess on my next visit I'll have to tell them~" My eyes widen as my heart began to increase while numerous of scenarios popped in my head. 'If he comes near us there is no way of predicting who he will hurt.' I gritted my teeth harder if that was possible as I clutched my left hand tightly while I glared at the ground in front of me. "You leave them out of this Rabo! If you don't leave them out of this so help me I will kill you just like I killed Darrel!" I yelled in my head, but that ended up with my head pounding like crazy while I shut my left eye in pain. "Are you demanding me~? Oh my dear Star~ Do you know what happens when you demand me? I guess I'll just have to teach you a lesson about commanding me~" I flinched at the tone of his voice while I began to shake slightly. 'Why the hell is he after me?!?! What is so special about me?!' I gripped my head in frustration as I gritted my teeth in anger while I heard him chuckle darkly. "Come on Star~ I've told you this a thousand times before~ You are my gateway to being an elemental wizard, with your Dragon Slaying Magic I will be the most powerful wizard in all of Fiore!" Rabo said as he laughed like a maniac, giving me a headache in the process while I gritted my teeth in anger. "As if I'd let you take my magic without a fight! One day....One day I'll find you and kill you for good!" My outburst in my head made Rabo laugh loudly while I gritted my teeth even more. "Oh~ You won't~ Well that other Dragon Slayer could also be apart of my plan~ Or maybe your little wolf friend oh he would make the perfect carpet rug with his fur~ Or~ Maybe that little Dragon Slayer what was her name again? Ah! Yes, I remember now~ It was little Wendy~" My eyes widen as he mentioned Wendy being apart of his plan while I felt my canine teeth pop out. "YOU LEAVE WENDY AND EVERYONE ELSE OUT OF THIS!! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND YOUR WHOLE DAMN GUILD!! IF YOU SO HAPPEN TRY OR EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING MY FAMILY INVOLVED WITH THIS I PROMISE I'LL MAKE YOUR DEATH PAINFUL!!" "Ack!" I gripped my head tightly as it began to throb painfully while Rabo chuckled at my pain. "Well this has been a fun chat~ but this magic is fading so ta-ta my darling Star~" With that, my headaches went away but my breathing was coming out hard and ragged, I even had beads of sweat rolling down my face. 'He could go after anyone if he wanted to, he could even go after Wendy just for what? Power? Why? Why go after people just for fucking power!?!? I-I can't risk them being hurt, I have to get stronger. I have to train harder. I ha-no I need to protect them, even if my body is screaming to stop. Even if my body can't take another step, I need to protect them and keep them away from Rabo. I don't want to involve Jake but I know he'll know something, even by looking at me. Why? Why must my past catch up to me? I don't want anyone to save me, I have to deal with my own monsters without any help.' "Star? Hey!? Are you ok?!?" I looked behind me only to see Jake running towards me while he knelt next to me with a worried look on his face. 'I guess I fell down while talking to Rabo.' "I-I'm fine Jake, I just got a little light headed from the blood lost that's all." I told Jake as he looked at me with a concern look on his face while he examined my face, frowning a bit. "Your lying, I can see it in your eyes Star. Your face may say 'I'm ok' but I know that something is wrong, so tell me." I looked away from him but he just got in front of me and lifted my face with his fingers to where our eyes were looking at each other while he looked down at me with a frown. "Now." Jake said in a serious tone while I flinched slightly at his sudden change of tone. "It was him. He somehow talked to me through my thoughts again, but he said that the magic was fading so he stopped. Jake, h-he said that he would go after you, Natsu, or even Wendy for power. Wendy! He would hurt Wendy just so he could have all the power in Fiore. That's why I didn't want to be in the team Jake, cause I know that he wouldn't give a damn if he hurt Wendy. I-I don't want them to get hurt cause of me. Ella and Aloura had already died because they were with me. Jake, I-I'm scared. Not for my life but for yours, for team Natsu's, the guilds, everyone's life. What do I do?" I was shaking violently, my whole body was shaking and I knew that Jake could feel it too. "What you can do is not worry about this so much. I know it's hard to forget this, but look you have the strongest team here in all of Fiore and I know for a fact that they will not stop fighting for you. I know Gray wouldn't, I've see the way he looks at you and he looks worried about you. Everyone wants to know what's gotten you so scared, but I know you don't want them to get involved. Sooner or later they're going to be apart of this whether you like it or not, it's better if you tell them about this now. But that can wait, right now we need to get you back to the infirmary so I can finish bandaging you up before you pass out from blood loss." Jake said, smiling slightly at me as I nodded my head while Jake lifted me off the ground. "Hey! What happened?!?!" Jake and I turned around only to see Gray, Lucy, and Happy coming towards us with a worried look. "I didn't make it to the infirmary so I kinda passed out till Jake came." I told them as I looked at the ground, not bothering to look at them at the moment. How could I? I spoke to them in a harsh way for just worrying about me. "Gray can you help me take Star to the infirmary, she's hurting my shoulder a little bit." Jake said which ended up with me hitting him on the head, a bump forming while I glared daggers at him. "ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!?!?!" I yelled at him as I clutched my fist tightly while Gray came to my right side, helping me up while Jake rubbed his head in pain. "Well you ar-" "Do you wanna another bump to match the other one?" I asked in a threatening way as I pulled him a bit closer to me by his collar while I sent him a death glare. "Nono, one bump is good enough for me." Jake said as he wrapped my arm around his neck while he and Gray took me to the infirmary. We got to the infirmary and saw Natsu already fast asleep on his bed so Jake and Gray placed me on an empty bed while Jake got the medical stuff he needed for my wounds. I turned away from the others as I took off my shirt then moved my long hair away from my back so Jake can get a better view of my wound. "Alright, you guys can either stay or leave it doesn't matter to me just don't get in my light." Jake told them in a serious tone as they nodded their heads to show that they under stood. Jake began to take off the bloody bandages from my back while I winced slightly at the burning feeling in my back. "How did you get that many claw marks? I remembered that you had four, but where did the other four come from?" Gray asked as Jake began to put medicine all over my back while I looked up at him. "I saved Lucy from a bear attack. She was frozen with fear and that bear was about to strike her, but I jumped in front of her just in time to take the blow instead of her." I told Gray as Jake finished putting the medicine on my back and stomach while he began to wrap my body. "Yea, if it wasn't for Star I'd be a goner, but now I feel bad for getting you hurt. I'm sorry Star, if I would have moved then you wouldn't be that hurt." Lucy apologized as she had a guilty look on her face while she looked down at the ground. "Don't be, your too pretty to have nasty scars going down your face. Then who will ask you out on a date?" I asked her as I saw her blush slightly at my comment while she looked up at me and began to smile. "Your pretty too Star!" Lucy yelled as she walked up to me while she grabbed my hands in hers. "And I'm sure that one day someone will ask you out! I know they will love being in a relationship with you!" Lucy said as she smiled at me while the others guys smiled slightly at me. "I don't know about being in a relationship. They would die on the first date since I would criticize everything wrong about them. Trust me, even in Blue Pegasus the guys know not to flirt with me, but of course there are three guys that don't stop no matter what." I shook my head as Jake began to chuckle at how I freaked out at the physical contact when I first meet those boys. "What's so funny Jake?" I asked in an angry manner as I glared at him while he gave me a closed eye smile, wiping a fake tear. "Ohhhh~ Nothing~ Just thinking is all~" Jake said as tried to cover up his laughing, but he went all out while he clutched his stomach. "Tch, put a sock in it Jake." I told Jake as I grabbed a roll of bandages while I threw it at him, hitting him in the face almost knocking him off his feet. "Ow! Star! You know you throw hard!! That shit hurt!!" Jake yelled as he held up the bandage roll in his hand while he rubbed his forehead. "Then you shouldn't be laughing if you know I'll hurt you at the end." I told Jake as I smirked at him while he had an irk mark on his head. "Wipe that smug look off your face!!!" Jake yelled as he pointed at me while I laughed slightly, standing up but winced in the process. "You shouldn't be standing Star, you need to rest before moving a lot." Happy said as he flew in front of me while I gave him a pained smile. "I will Happy, I just want to go home and rest. I'll see you guys tomorrow alright. Jake, you coming or staying." I asked him as I stood next to Jake while I made a shadow orb near me so I could walk through it. "Yea I'm coming!! We'll see you guys tomorrow." Jake said as he waved to them goodbye while they smiled at us. "Bye!! Hope you feel better soon!" Lucy yelled as she waved at us while Jake and I went through the shadow orb and stepped into my room. "Alright you get some sleep and tomorrow you should be a little better." Jake said as I walked over to my bed, pulled the covers back then got in while I gave him a small smirk. "Yes mother." I taunted as I did a tiny salute while Jake chuckled and shook his head at me. "Goodnight Star." Jake said as he smiled at me before closing the door, leaving me alone in my room. "Night." I whispered as I slowly closed my eyes while I sighed slightly. With that I went to sleep, waiting for my nightmares to haunt me.

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