Chapter 14

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Star's P.O.V.

'How are we going to win the Grand Magic Games now?' "I can't believe this." Erza said as she leaned on a rock while depression waves surrounded the others. "Three months worth of training, wasted." Natsu groaned as he looked down at the ground while I shook my head at them. "Just cause we spent one day in the Celestial Spirit world, this sucks." Happy grumbled slightly as I looked over to Jake while Jake also sulked on the rock. "Can someone send us back in time for once?" Gray asked out loud as he looked down at the ground while I shook my head at him. "What are we gonna do?" I sighed while rubbing my temples as everyone began to sulk near a boulder. "Princess, I may have the answer..........More blocks or maybe you should tighten the ropes?" Virgo said as she shook slightly while she was sitting on her knees and had cement blocks on her knees. "Just leave." Lucy whined as Virgo vanished back to the Spirit World while Lucy still had depression waved around her. 'Wow, this must suck for them. They're going to have to sit out if they can't participate in the Games.' "We've only got five days left until the games. How are we suppose to win?" Droy asked as he ate a watermelon while there were seeds sticking to his face. "Well you aren't gonna do it by stuffing your face." Jet told Droy while Droy gritted his teeth, glaring at Jet in anger. "I guess we'll be sitting on the side lines while everyone else competes in the games." Levy said as she looked over at Juvia while Juvia sighed, looking down at the ground. "How am I suppose to catch up with Lilly when he has a three month lead?" Happy cried as he had tears streaming down his face while Wendy and Carla looked at Happy in shock. "I didn't know you cared about that?" "GR! It's not too late! We still have five days to train! It'll be hell on earth so prepare yourselves! You may not survive!" Erza yelled as she held up her fist in the air while a deadly aura surrounded her. "Ehhh?!" "I didn't live this long just to die from a work out!!" Gray yelled as he backed away from Erza while I shook my head at them. "Sounds good to me!! Do your worst Erza! I'm ready to feel the burn!!" Natsu yelled as he also stood up with his fist in the air while I sweat dropped at them both. "Yes! That's the spirit Natsu! We'll start with some running-huh? Uhhhhhh?" Suddenly a white pigeon was dancing on top of Erza's head while Jake began to laugh hard at the sight. "A bird?" Lucy asked as she walked up next to Erza while she looked at the bird in confusion. "Check it out, there's something around its leg." Gray said as he was behind Erza's head while he pointed to the little note around the birds leg. "It's a note!" Natsu said as everyone made a tiny circle around the note to read it while I walked closer to them. "A love letter maybe?" Natsu asked as he began to unravel the note while Juvia's face went red. "You could've just given it to me directly Gray." Juvia said as she had hearts in her eyes while Gray slightly turned his head towards Juvia, frowning. "Yea, like I wrote it." Gray said harshly as he took a quick glance at me then went back to looking at the note while Natsu finished opening it. "Here we go." Happy said as he held the note in his paws while he caught our attention. "Hey Fairy Tail, you better come to the broken suspension bridge on the Western Hill." Happy read out loud as the others looked at each other in confusion while I frowned at the letter. 'What if it's from Rabo?' "Dumb notes not the boss of us!" "No kidding, I don't care for their tone, not one bit." Gray said as he looked at the note with an irritated look while Wendy looked up at Erza. "What should we do?" Wendy asked Erza, who still had the bird on her head while Erza crossed her arms over her chest as she frowned a bit. "Why ignore it of course!" Carla yelled as she looked at Erza in shock while I nodded my head, agreeing not to go. "I think we should go there." Erza said as she looked at all of us while my frown deepened even more. 'No! Don't!' "You know, this sounds like a trap to me." Levy said as I looked at Levy while Lucy walked up to Erza with a worried look. "I'm with Levy, this has trap all over it." Lucy tried to explain to Erza, but Erza still insisted on going as she closed her eyes while I gritted my teeth together. "We'll just have to see." "Sweet! I was really hopping she would say that." Natsu yelled as he pounded his right fist on his left hand while I clutched my fist tightly. "You guys can go, I'll stay here to train a bit more." I told them as I backed away from them while some of them looked confused, but Gray looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Why? You think it's a trap?" Natsu asked as I nodded my head while Jake gave me a look that he knew why I wanted to stay. 'If I don't go and Rabo's out there, then he'll see that I'm alone and come after me directly.' "Alright, we'll be back soon, be careful." Erza said to me as the rest began to walk into the forest while I nodded my head at her. "Why didn't you want to go with them?" Jake asked as he gave me a confused look while he came up next to me with his arms crossed. "Because I think it's Rabo who sent that letter." I told Jake while his eyes widen slightly as he gripped my shoulders tightly. "AND YOU LET THEM GO?!?!?!" Jake yelled as he shook my shoulders, making my body move back and forth while my head bobbed slightly. "Tch, if I'm alone then Rabo will come after me directly, so they won't be in any danger if Rabo is targeting me." I told Jake as I gripped his arms so he would stop shaking me so much while he looked at me with wide eyes. "Oooohhhhh~" Jake said as he let go of me and smiled at me but then his smiled turned into a frown. "But wouldn't it be better if the whole team was here to back you up?" Jake asked as he looked at me with a serious look while I glared at him for suggesting that. "You already know that I don't want to get them involved with my issue. Besides, they're still weak from that seven year sphere and three months of not training. A fight with Rabo will surly end their lives." I told Jake harshly as I glared at him while he looked at me with a frown. "You know that won't happen, you're just afraid of letting them die. You think it'll be all your fault again, am I right?" Jake asked with a small frown which made me look down at the ground with a frown while I clutched my fist tightly. "And if you are? It still won't matter, they'll die if they go against Rabo." I told Jake in a monotone voice as he looked at me with an angry expression while I continued to glare at him. "But it's ok for you to drop your life like that?! What kind of bullshit is that!?" Jake yelled as he gripped my shoulders tightly while my hair shadowed my eyes. "My life doesn't matter. If my life can save anyone then I'll gladly give it up. Without me, Rabo will find someone else to finish this prophecy, but if I finish him....even if my life gets taken away in the process, then this won't happen again. No one will feel how I felt once Rabo's gone." I told Jake, my hair covering my eyes as his grip tighten on my shoulders while I felt him shake slightly. "D-Do you think they're fine?" Jake asked, changing the subject while he let go of my shoulders as I nodded my head. "They'll be al-" I stopped mid sentence as I smelt a familiar smell, a smell that I haven't smelt in for a long time. "HEY! WAIT!!" Jake yelled as I took off running towards the forest while I heard him follow me. 'I know these scents! It's been a long time since I've seen them!' "Is it them!?" Jake yelled as he ran by me in his huge wolf form while I nodded my head. "Is it really you guys? Are you all here?" "Star? Wow?! It's been forever!!" "Mhm, it has. Is he also with you?" "Yea, he is! Oooooo! He's going to get it!!" She yelled while I smirked slightly as I began to pick up my pace. "Hell yea he is!" I yelled as I continued to follow his scent while Jake laughed beside me.

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