Chapter 20

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Star's P.O.V.

'Nothing but blood shed and heart break~' I shot up while breathing hard as I felt sweat roll down my face. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It's ok, calm down." I looked to my side to see Jake smiling at me as he sat down on the side of my bed. "W-What happened?" I asked Jake as I rubbed my head, trying to remember last nights events. Jake looked down with an angry look then looked at me, seriously. "What do you remember?" Jake asked me while I looked down at my lap then I gasped.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked Jellal as I tilted my head a bit while he looked my way. "Just sitting." Jellal said as I nodded my head at him while I sat next to him, looking down at the bar. "You seem pretty upset about todays events huh?" I asked Jellal as I smirked slightly while he sighed and slumped deeper in his spot. "It wasn't exactly how I planned on repaying Fairy Tail, but I do feel embarrassed for the events that happened." Jellal said as he looked at me while I slightly laughed at him and shook my head. "Well~ I didn't expect to see you here." I quickly got to my feet and glared at Rabo as he came near us while I balled up my hand. "What do you want?!" I asked Rabo as I glared at him while I got in front of Jellal, letting ice and shadows swirl around my fist. "Ne~ Ne~ I just came to see how my Prophecy was doing~" Rabo said as he walked near, me but I began to growl loudly while I let off a massive amount of magic. "Get away from here before I kill you!" I yelled as I took a step towards him while I felt Jellal's eyes on me. "Oh please~ You won't kill me~ Well~ At least not in front of your friend~" Rabo said as he laughed slightly while he pointed to Jellal. "If I may ask, but who are you to Star? What business do you have with her? Who are you?" Jellal asked as he stood next to me, but I put my body in front of him while I continued to glare at Rabo. "Me~? Well~ I'm Star's Maste-" "Like hell you are!!" I yelled as I glared at Rabo while Rabo lifted up his pointer finger in the air. "Tsk~ Tsk~ Tsk~ Child, the adults are talking~" Rabo teased as he waved his pointer finger side to side while my eyes went snake like. "As I was saying~ My business with her is that she will make me more powerful and stronger so that I can rule Fiore. And who am I~?" Rabo asked as he chuckled darkly at the end while I glared harder at him. "I am Rabo, the man who will break little Star until she is nothing but little pieces of nothing. Has she told you what she's destined to do~?" Rabo asked as he looked at Jellal with a sinister smirk while I growled louder at him. "Leave him outta this! This is just between you and I!" I yelled as I ran at him, but he disappeared and reappeared behind Jellal with a knife to his neck, making my eyes widen a bit. "Little Star here is destined to destroy the world~ She will cause nothing but blood shed and heart break to those she is around. I'm just here to see her life crumble down into nothing~" "RABO!!" I yelled as I charged at him, moving Jellal out the way so I can punch Rabo but he disappeared before I could. "Until next time.....Prophecy~" I heard Rabo say in the wind while I growled at the direction Rabo disappeared from. "So that was Rabo." I heard Jellal say as my head began to feel a little dizzy while I felt my body wobble a bit. "Catch me." I mumbled to Jellal as I fell into nothing but darkness while I felt Jella's arms under me. "Nothing but blood shed and heart break~"

"I-I remember Rabo coming up to me and Jellal and then after he left I collapsed." I told Jake as I rubbed my head while Jake frowned deeper. "What happened after that Jake?" I asked him as I looked up at Jake with a worried look while Jake ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I was walking out of Bar Sun a little sober-" "Mhhmm. Sure. Sober." I told Jake as I crossed my arms over my chest while I gave him a small smirk. "Not the point! Anyway, I was walking out the bar when I saw Jellal coming towards me with you in his arms. I asked him what happened and he said that Rabo came. He also said that Rabo managed to slip a needle in your neck that made you pass out, luckily there wasn't anything poisonous in the needle. Just something to knock you out." Jake said as he looked at me with a serious look while I gritted my teeth and clutched my hand tightly in anger. "Damn that bastard! Why?! Why is he coming after me now?! Of all times he chooses now!!" I yelled as I glared at my lap while Jake rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. "I can't answer that Star, all I can say is that we have to be on guard. We can't let him go anywhere near the others." I nodded my head as I threw the blankets off of my legs while I swung my legs off the bed. "Alright lets head out. I want to see if Natsu is going to participate in today's events." I told Jake as I got off the bed while I walked towards the closet and got out some clothes. "Yea! I wonder if we'll get any points this time!" Jake said as he took off his night shirt and pants, walking around the room in his boxers while he smiled like an idiot. "Idiot." I shook my head as I grabbed my clothes and changed in the restroom while I sighed deeply. After I changed into my clothes, I put on my combat boots while I grabbed my cloak from the coat rack. "The rest of the guild is already at the arena, it's just us." Jake said as he finished putting on his brown shirt while he smiled at me. "In that case, we'll take the shadow lands." Jake shivered slightly making me roll my eyes at him while I outstretched my hand. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Erza's Shadow." I chanted as the orb shadow was below our feet while I jumped in the shadow lands first, me being in the air behind Erza. "Did the match start?" I asked them as I stood next to Erza while Gray, Lucy, and Elfman's shoulders jumped a bit. "Yea, ab-" "WHOOAAA!!" Jake yelled as I side stepped away from him, making him land on Erza while I smirked slightly at Jake. "I'm so very sorry!! I never know how to land!!" Jake yelled as he bowed repeatedly to Erza while he hit his head on the cement ground. "It's fine Jake. You can stand up now." Erza told Jake as she gave him a small smile while Jake stood up from the ground. "Thank you!!" Jake yelled as he stood up with a smile while I looked at Natsu in the Lacrima Screen. "It's day two of the Grand Magic Games and the stands are exploding with excitement! Joining me once again is Mr. Yajima and our new special guest, Sorcerer Weekly's, Jason!" "SO COOOL!!" Jason yelled as I saw wagons out in Crocus while I flinched slightly at Jason's voice. "Lets get back to the action already in progress as our wizards take on the Chariots! The point of this game is to reach the final goal without falling off! Simply right?! Wrong! The Chariots are constantly in motion and those that fall off could cost you a point! Which team will survive this rough and tough road and be the first to cross the finish line!! For those of you here with us at Domus Flau, we'll be showing the race in crystal clear Lacrima Vision!" "COOOOOLLL!!" I covered my hears as I heard Jason yell once again while I glared up at him. "You've seen a lot in your days, but would you have ever predicted anything remotely like this?" Chapati asked Yajima as I looked at Natsu and Gajeel, shaking my head at them while I sweat dropped at those two idiots. "Well...." Yajima said as he looked at Natsu and Gajeel while I groaned and shook my head at the two Dragon Slayers in front of me. "Why in the hell did we pick him?" Gray asked as he frowned at Natsu while I looked at them, wanting to know the answer. "Yea! You'd think the name Chariots would be a big clue, even for Natsu!" Lucy said as she looked at Natsu while Erza crossed her arms and closed her eyes. I looked over at Erza, waiting for her to tell me why the idiot participated in this. "He was absolutely insistent on participating." Erza said as I let out a small groan while Jake laughed at the two idiots. "Maybe he thought he was gonna get to fight Chariots or something." Elfman said as he looked at Natsu while I sighed and shook my head. "Uh oh! I don't know what's wrong with Fairy Tail A's Natsu, but he can't clearly put one foot in front of the other!" Chapati said while Natsu wobbled on the wagon as he looked like he wanted to vomit. "But that's not all! Near feet away our Fairy Tail B's Gajeel and Sabertooth's Sting appear to be in the same boat! I can't imagine what could be causing them to slow down like this!" Chapati said as I groaned at the Dragon Slayers while we all heard the crowd yell 'what!'. "I could be wrong, but I'd say they share a common weakness for moving vehicles." Yajima said as he looked at the guys while Natsu, Sting, and Gajeel began to bust in a sweat. "Now lets take a look at the group leading the pack! This race is as neck and neck as it gets folks! At the front is Black Snake from Raven Tail! Followed closely by Blue Pegasus's Ichiya, Lamia Scale's Yuka, and Mermaid Heel's Risley!" Chapati said as we saw Ichiya in front of Yuka and Risley while they ran side by side. "Coming in behind them is Quatro Cerberus's resort member it's Bacchus!" Chapati said as I turned to look at the front of the race while I saw that familiar drunk head running behind Ichiya. 'I'm surprised Bacchus is competing in this. Usually he's out hitting every bar in Crocus.' I looked at Yuka as I saw him activate his Shock Wave spell but Risley used her Gravity Magic to get past Yuka's shock wave. "There it is! Risley's Gravity Change Magic! She dodged Yuka's raid and is now making her way towards the lead!" Chapati said as Ichiya stuffed two tubes up his nose while he inhaled his Perfume Magic. Yuka looked shocked as Ichiya and Risley had easily passed through his shock wave while Bacchus had a smirk on his face. Bacchus then stopped and stomped his foot down on the wagon causing the other ones to flip while his wagon broke in half. "I don't believe it! Bacchus demolished the Chariot with brute force!" Chapati yelled as Bacchus began running in front of everyone while I stared at all the messed up wagons. "Amazing. He's even stronger than before!" Erza said as she looked at Bacchus in shock while Elfman looked slightly scared. "What's with this guy?" Elfman asked as Bacchus took off running, full speed while smirking slightly. Suddenly Risley went skinny and began to run ahead of everyone, surprising some of the people here. "What happened to Risley? Her gravity change?" "SO CCOOOLL!!" I could hear Bacchus laughing like a mad man as he ran past Black Snake like it was nothing. Bacchus jumped off the Chariot then ran towards the finish line with a smirk on his face while I smirked slightly. "We have a winner!!" Chapati yelled as the bells went off while the crowd went wild for Bacchus. "Quatro Cerberus goals ten points!" Chapati yelled as the others looked at Bacchus in shock while Gray and Lucy began to sweat nervously. "In second place is Raven Tail's Black Snake! Risely's in third, Yuka takes fourth, and Ichiya comes in fifth. That just leaves a three way battle for last place." Chapati said as we all looked at the three Dragon Slayers while the guys held their mouths with their hands, trying not puke. Everyone began to laugh slightly as I looked at Rogue while I could hear him saying in his head that he's glad it's not him. "Aarrgg! Aaarhg! I gotta keep moving! I'm not gonna lose like this!!" I heard Natsu yell while he and Gajeel yelled in pain. 'I guess they put speakers out there so we could hear them.' "Talk about uncool, anyone can see you got no strength left. Your just making fools of yourselves." Sting told the two guys as Natsu gritted his teeth together while yelling along with Gajeel. "Fine, whatever. I didn't need this win so I'll just let you guys have it. Sabertooth's just gonna keep racking up the points after this. In the end, one measly little point isn't gonna change the out come." Sting said as I glared at him while I saw Gajeel smirk at Sting. "One point is nothing to scoff at kid, don't you forget that!" Gajeel told Sting as Sting frowned slightly while he growled at them. Gajeel and Natsu continued to scream in agony as they began to crawl on the wagon while Sting looked at them with his mouth slightly opened. "I don't get it. Can you explain something to me?" Sting asked them as Natsu and Gajeel glanced over their shoulders to look at Sting. "Why'd you even bother entering the tournament? Seriously? I mean you're nothing like the Fairy Tail I knew growing up. Your obsessed with how tough you are and what the rest of the world thinks of you. What happened to the Fairy Tail of my childhood?-" I looked down at the ground as I clutched my fist tightly while I glared at the ground. "-The guild that did whatever the hell they wanted, whenever it wanted. They never cared what anybody else said or thought of them." Sting said as he looked at Natsu and Gajeel with a questioning look while I glared daggers at Sting for saying that. 'He dares say that when he's been saying shit about us?! That's bullshit!' "The reason we're for our friends!" Natsu yelled as I gasped slightly at him while I saw Sting's eyes widen a bit. "The ones....who waited for us...for all the years we were gone! Who fought through the pain! And the heartache!-" By this time I could feel my hands shaking as I tried to not cry, remembering how much I cried when they were gone while I bit down on my lip. "-They were humiliated...but even so! They stayed strong! A-And they kept our guild together! We're doing this for all of them! And were gonna make sure that everyone here knows.........THE FAIRY TAIL GUILD NEVER GAVE UP!! NOT FOR AN INSTANT!! SO THERE'S NO WAY I'M GONNA GIVE UP NOW!!" Natsu yelled as I could hear the other Fairy Tail members crying, the ones that felt the pain of losing them. Remembering how hard it was to let the Fairy Tail guild become weak. Remembering the pain of how much we missed them, the endless nights of memories of them, crying yourself to sleep each night. 'Natsu...' "Are you ok Star?" I heard Gray ask as he grabbed my fist in his hand while a tear drop landed on his hand. The others looked at me with a sad smile as I turned a away from them while I sniffled a little to keep in my tears. "Y-yea, I'm fine. Tch, stupid Natsu." I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes, frowning down at the ground while I heard Jake chuckle softly at me. "I'm going to go." I told them as I began to walk away from them while Jake didn't bother to follow me since he knew I needed some space. As I was walking I could hear Natsu screaming in victory while the crowd went wild for him. "He did it!! Fairy Tail A's Natsu comes in sixth place and scores two points! Gajeel from Fairy Tail B takes second place in last and scores one point!" Chapati yelled as I heard the crowd say good things about them like how 'we aren't so bad' and 'how it touched them in the feels' the crowd was cheering for them as they got their points. "Crowds favorite Sting, forfeited the race so Sabertooth gets zero points." Chapati said while I walked deeper in the halls so I couldn't hear anything else they were saying. 'Tch, talk about all bark and no bite. He couldn't even finish the damn race, how pathetic.' "-oad of crap. And you know it." I heard Sting say as I turned a corner while I saw him standing in the middle of the hall. "You lost the game and now you're talking to yourself that's something odd, even for you." I told Sting as he turned around to face me while he glared daggers, growling a bit. "Your friend Natsu is a load of crap. Doing this for your friends. Tch, don't make me laugh." Sting said harshly as he glared at me while I pushed myself off the wall and glared at him. "Maybe your guild is full of crap. Tch, I guess you really are a pathetic excuse of a Dragon Slayer son if you can't even finish a race let alone back up your insults." I told Sting as I crossed my arms over my chest while he growled at me, but I only glared back at him. "Oh yea? Your the same. All talk and you can't even do a single thing about it since you're not in the Games. You truly are weak Star Mayweather." Sting said with a small smirk as I glared hard at him while I began to walk towards him in a dangerous manner, my arms falling to my sides. Sting stood up straight as he glared down at me while I passed him, but stopped next to him so we were shoulder to shoulder. "Even if I'm not in the Games, we'll have our fight. Even if it's gotta be outside the arena. Sooner or later, I'll show you how strong an Ice Make Wizard can be." I told Sting as I walked away from him while I heard him growl at me. As I walked further away, I heard Sting punch the wall while I heard the sound of rocks fall on the ground. "Tch." I side glanced where Sting was then made my way towards the infirmary to check on Wendy and Carla.

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