Chapter 19

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Star's P.O.V.

'These games are pissing me off. Wonder who's gonna go next?' I walked out of the Fairy Tail balcony as I had a bored look on my face while I heard the crowd go crazy. "That wasn't nice~ Interrupting my fun with Blondie~" I slightly looked behind me to see Flare and the rest of the Raven Tail guild standing there while I glared at them. "Tch that was a dirty move you played there Raven Tail. Using a small child as a hostage." I growled at them as Flare smirked at me while she tilted her body to the right even more. "Blondie never stood a chance against me~." Flare said as she laughed slightly while I snorted a little at her which made her frown at me. "Sure. That's why you were on the ground, shielding your face with a terrified look." I told her as her smirk turned into a frown while she took a step towards me. "Why yo-!" "Flare...not here. Lets go." Obra said as they walked past me while Obra stopped next to me, almost bumping my shoulder with his. "I can't wait for Rabo to break you." I growled lowly as Obra walked away from me while I glared at the wall in front of me. 'So Ivan's been working with Rabo. Tch, damn it!' I growled slightly as I walked aimlessly around the stadium while I listened to Chapati's voice boom in the halls. "It's only day one at the Grand Magic Games and this second match of the battle round has us at the edge of our seats! It's Blue Pegasus, Ren Akatsuki versus Mermaid Heel, Araña Webb! Will the play boy get tangled up?!" Chapati asked as I heard their magic from where I was being casted while I heard the crowd cheer for the two. "These two are tough! Just look at that determination!" Chapati yelled as I looked to my right slightly while I heard Yajima hum in agreement. "This should be a great match." "Go Ren! Win this one for Blue Pegasus! Sherry's in the stands and she's rooting for you!!" Jenny said as I heard Sherry's Guild Master yell some nonsense while I heard the crowd go aw. 'Mhm, I'm guessing Ren got off guard and Araña attacked him. Ren and Sherry's relationship is so weird.' I could hear their magic's colliding along with Araña's screams and a bell, indicating that Ren won the match. "And the winner is Ren Akatsuki of Blue Pegasus! Their guild has scored an impressive fourteen points on day one! While Mermaid Heel only has three points!" Chapati said as I moved my cloak a little from my hands while I closed my eyes and sighed. "Yay~ I knew you could do it Ren!" Jenny said as I heard her bracelet ring every time she moved her hand while I rolled my eyes at her. "It's time for the third match of day one! Quatro Cerberus's Warcry verses Sabertooth's Orga Nanagear!" Chapati yelled as my ears perked at Orga's name while the crowd said things about Orga. 'He'll end the fight quick, but since I'm near an opening I'll watch.' I walked to an opening and saw Orga and Warcry walking to the field while I leaned on the window part of my opening. "Just listen to the crowd! He's incredibly popular!" Chapati yelled as he looked at Orga in awe while I looked over a Sabertooth's area. I could see Sting leaning on the balcony, smirking down at Orga while Rogue got up from his seat and walked away. "Match three begins......Now!" Chapati yelled as someone hit the bong, indicating that the match is beginning while I slightly winced at the loud sound. I looked down at Warcry as his eyes began to water then he full out began to cry while I shook my head at him. "There he goes! That's Warcry's signature Tear Magic!" Chapati yelled as he held the mic in his hands while I saw Yajima shake his head. "Can't say I've ever heard of it, but the name sure is fitting." Yajima said as I nodded my head, agreeing with Yajima while I looked over at Natsu and the others to see them looking at Warcry in surprise. Warcry continued to ball his eyes out while rivers of tears fell from his face. Suddenly, Orga held his hand out with a bored look on his face while Warcry was suddenly surrounded by black lightning. Warcry fell to the ground, almost burnt to a crisp while he continued to cry. 'Looks like Laxus has some competition with Lightning Magic. Tch what a waste of time.' "And the third match is over in a little flash! Looks like black lighting scorched Warcry' tears away for the win!!" Chapati said as the bell rang while I began to lean against the balcony in boredom. "And with that one hit K.O! The winner is Sabertooth's Orga Nanagear! His team has dominated today's events they've scored a total of twenty points! Meanwhile, Quatro Cerberus only has two points! What a crying shame!" Chapati yelled as I looked over at the burnt Warcry while Orga walked to his side where his guild balcony was at. "What's the rush Orga? Couldn't you have made it a little more entertaining?" Sting asked Orga as Orga looked up at Sting with a bored look while I raised my eyebrow at Orga. "Alright fine, I'll go sing a song." Orga said as he began to walk back to the middle of the arena while Sting groaned and sweat dropped at Orga. "That ain't what I meant you big meat head!" Sting said as he glared at Orga while Orga continued to walk to the center of the arena. 'Aaaand that's my cue to leave. Luckily I brought my favorite headphones and iPod.' I quickly took them out and plugged them into my ears while I looked at Orga with a bored look. "You-!" That was the last thing I heard before my ears were filled with my music. I looked around the stadium as I saw people laughing while Fairy Tail looked like they saw a ghost. 'Would you look at that.......another Gajeel.' I looked at Orga as I saw him give the mic back to Mato while I took my headphones off and put them back in my pocket then began to walk away. 'Why is Rabo here? Now? Of all times he had to come when Gray and the others come back.' I looked down at the ground as I frowned slightly while I walked aimlessly around the arena halls. "Are you looking for me~?" I looked up quickly and saw Rabo leaning against the wall as he had his arms crossed over his chest while he smirked at me. "Why are you here!? Of all the times you could've appeared you choose now! Why?!" I asked Rabo as I let my Ice Make Magic swirl around my fist while I glared at him in anger. "Mhm~ I want to see how strong my Prophecy is when she fights~ Well~ If she fights~" Rabo said as I gritted my teeth together while I glared at him with so much furry. "Day ones matches are about to come to a close, but we still have one more battle!" Chapati said as I canceled my Ice Magic while I side glanced the wall when I heard Chapati's voice. "Fairy Tail B and Lamia Scale must be competing, since they're the only teams we haven't seen yet." Yajima said as I slowly looked back at Rabo with a glare while he chuckled at me with a smirk on his face. "Guess that's my cue to leave~ See you around~" With that Rabo was gone again as he only left his scent while I shook in anger. "These two guilds use to be equally skilled so this should be an interesting fight. I can't wait to see which team comes out on top!" Jenny said as I calmed myself down while I began to walk again. "Ok folks! Are you ready?! The final match of the first day is going to be! Fairy Tail B's Mystogan! Versus Lamia Scale's Jura Neekis!" My eyes widen slightly as I heard that Jellal was going to fight next while I looked over at Fairy Tail's B's balcony. "What the hell?! Jellal! You can't fight! What if you use your own magic?! You could reveal yourself!" I yelled as I continued to walk in the halls while I glared at the ground. "Don't worry, I won't." Jellal said in his calm tone as I sighed deeply while I heard the crowd go wild. "Mystogan is such a mysterious wizard that only a select few in Fairy Tail have ever seen his face!" Chapati said as I saw Gray sitting on the edge of an opening, his back leaning on a pillar while he frowned down at the match in front of him. "Hey, so you came up here huh?" I asked Gray as I sat down next to him while I looked at Gray with an eyebrow raised. "Yea." Gray said shortly as he continued to look at the field with a frown while he had his arms crossed over his chest. 'He's still mad about today. (Sigh) I can't blame him.' I looked down at the field only to see Jura and Jellal facing each other while I frowned slightly. "Personally, I would love to see Fairy Tail do well in this composition, but I'm afraid the old hag would throw a fit if I were to let you win." Jura told Jellal as Jura smirked at Jellal while the arena got quiet all of a sudden. "My sincere apologies, but I won't be holding back." Jura said as he smirked at Jellal while I leaned a little to look at Jura and Jellal. "Nor will I." Jellal said as he gripped onto his staff tightly while I looked at Jellal with a worried look. "It was never my goal to enter into the arena as a competitor, but nothing makes me happier than being given the chance to fight for my friends in Fairy Tail." Jellal said telepathically as I saw him side glance me while I smiled down at Jellal. "Couldn't have said it better myself." I told Jellal as I saw Jellal nod a tiny bit while he and Jura looked at each other, waiting to begin. "Merdy, Ultear, I know you guys are somewhere close to the town or the arena, but I need you to do something for me." I asked them as I heard Merdy gasp slightly while I hummed since I knew that they were here. "How'd you know?!" Merdy asked as I sighed at her while I crossed my arms over my chest. "Jellal told me that you guys were here." "What do you need us to do?" Ultear asked as I could hear Merdy talking in the back ground while I looked at Jellal, then at Erza. "If Jellal uses his powers to defeat Jura, then I want you guys to sabotage the fight. We can't risk the Magic Council finding out his identity." I told them as I frowned slightly while I continued to look at Jellal carefully. "You think he'll be found out?" Merdy asked as I sighed a little while I leaned my back on the brick wall behind me. "No, he's too smart to let that happen." I told her as I heard Ultear hum and groan while I also groaned, knowing what Ultear was thinking. "That is unless he tries to show off for Erza then he could ruin everything!" Ultear said as I looked down at Jellal while I shook my head at him. "Hopefully he won't." "Fairy Tail B's Man of Mystery going head to head with Lamia Scale's Iron Rock! Let the fight begin right now!" Chapati yelled as I saw Jellal loosen a strap from his staff holder while he ran towards Jura with his five magic staves flying near him. Jura calmly stood there waiting for Jellal to come at the precise moment then he used two of his fingers and created multiple pillars. Jellal quickly dodged all of Jura's pillars by jumping from one pillar to another while Jellal throws his five Magic Staves around Jura, setting them up for a spell. "Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song!" Jellal chanted as five purple Magic Circles were above Jura with a pillar of light in the middle. Suddenly there was a giant rock fist headed for Jellal, but Jellal held up two fingers so he could cast a spell. "Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water!" Jellal chanted as the rock fist reflected back to Jura while I leaned a bit more to look at the battle. The rock fist was head towards Jura but Jura smirked as he turns the attack back on Jellal, hitting him in the process. "It's obvious why Jura's one of the Ten Wizard Saints because he rocks!" Chapati yelled as I sweat dropped at Chapati's pun while Jellal slowly stood up, wobbling a bit. 'He knows he can't beat Jura with someone else's magic. Oh, Jellal please don't.' It was too late, he already got into his position for his own spell which caused me to glare down at Jellal. "Meteor!" Jellal chanted as he knelt down on the ground, a bright yellow Magic Circle underneath him. Jellal's speed suddenly increased as his body was surrounded by his Heavenly Body Magic while Jellal flew around the stadium. Jellal suddenly charges towards Jura as Jura looked serious so he placed his hands together while he spread his legs a bit to balance himself. "Iron Rock Wall!" Jura chanted as a huge brick wall was in front of Jura, but Jellal's speed beat him since Jellal went around the rock wall, making Jura stumble a bit. Jellal began dodging Jura's attacks from above, but I knew what he was doing which made me glare daggers at Jellal. Jura chanted a final attack and ended up hitting Jellal in the process while Jellal fell slowly. "Perfect timing." I heard Jellal say as I looked up to see seven gold Magic Circles in the air which made me frown even more. "How'd those Magic Circles get up there?" Gray asked as he looked up at the sky with a confused look while I side glanced him. "He must've put them up there while he was dodging Jura's attacks." I told Gray as I saw Jellal back on the ground while he got into his stance. "May the Seventh Stars Bring Judgement Upon You! Grand Chariot!" Jellal chanted as the Magic Circles began to glow brightly while they were shooting towards Jura. "Rock Mountain!" Jura yelled as he slapped his hands together while a huge rock man came behind Jura to take the blow instead of Jura getting hit. The blow was so big that it reached in the audience too, my cloak was flapping everywhere so I had to hold my hood down so it wouldn't fly off my face. Once the dust cleared up, I saw Jura smirk at Jellal while they both stood looking at each other while I glared at Jellal. 'He knows. Jura knows that Mystogan is actually Jellal! Tch, that damn idiot!' I growled softly as I crossed my arms over my chest while I glared at Jellal. "Forgive me Star, Ultear, but I'm going to use it now!" Jellal said as he had his right arm straight down while his left arm was angled a bit while I moved more in my seat. "Just what does he think he's doing?!" "This is bad! If he uses that spell he's gonna blow his cover!" "Damn it Jellal!" I gritted my teeth as I leaned in more while I gripped the edge of the brick tightly. "True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema!" Jellal chanted as the sky began to go dark, freaking out most of the people in the stadium while I frowned at Jellal. "Ultear, Merdy, do it." I told them as I heard Ultear sigh then began to laugh evilly while I looked at Jellal with a glare. I looked at Jellal as he glowed a little bit, the sky still dark while he looked like he was about to chant the rest of the spell. Suddenly, Jellal just stopped in the middle of his chant and began to sweat nervously while the dark clouds went away. "Hot. Hot. It's on fire!" I heard Jellal say as I looked down at his wrist only to see that familiar pink Sensory Link on his wrist. "Starr~ Ultear is making me eat hot peppers!" I heard Merdy cry as I saw Jellal get on his knees while he held onto his mouth with his hand. "I don't know what happened Ladies and Gentlemen, but all of a sudden Mystogan is kneeling in agony!" Chapati yelled as I began to hear Merdy laugh really hard while I raised an eyebrow at those two. "Now let's see how you like this Jellal!" Ultear said as she laughed evilly while Jellal was on his stomach, kicking his legs back and forth while laughing. Jellal began to roll around, holding his stomach as he kept on hitting the ground repeatedly while laughing really hard. I looked at him and began to laugh as well while Gray looked at me in confusion. "If there's a joke here I am not in on it!" Chapati yelled as I continued to hear Ultear laugh evilly while Merdy was practically dying. It was funny to see Jellal laugh so hard that he couldn't control it and I was enjoying every bit of it. Suddenly, Jellal fell to the ground, defeated by laughter while Jura looked at him in shock. I saw that everyone was rather shock at what had happened to Jellal which made it even more funny and made me break into fits of laughter. "Down in a fit of laughter! I don't know what was so funny, but it put Mystogan out of commission!" Chapati yelled as I looked at Jellal on the ground still while they rung the bell to end the match. "Good job girls. Sorry Jellal, but we couldn't risk anyone finding out." I told them as I looked at Jellal while I heard him groan slightly. "Jura Neekis gets the last laugh and the win!" Chapati yelled as Jura looked lost on how he won the match while he looked down at Jellal with wide eyes. "Well folks, that's a wrap for day one of the Grand Magic Games. Lets see how the teams did on the score board!" Chapati said as I glanced at the score board while I sighed slightly at the scores for Fairy Tail. "It's been an exciting day hasn't it? The talent level this year is off the chart. As we expected, the Sabertooth guild is in first place while the two Fairy Tail teams are in dead last." Chapati laughed slightly as I saw Gray frown down at the ground while he clutched his hands tightly. "Yes, but remember it's only the first day. Here's something we'll see some dramatic comeback to the days ahead." Yajima said as he smiled down at Master while I slightly smiled at Yajima. 'He knows we can win this. He has complete faith in Fairy Tail.' "Yea, Blue Pegasus still has a chance to win. I can't wait to see what's in store for Day Two." Jenny said as she smiled at her guilds balcony while I side glanced Gray. "I'd like to thank you for joining me today Mr. Yajima and Miss. Jenny." Chapati thanked them as he turned towards them with a smile while they nodded their heads. "It was my pleasure." "I had fun! See ya tomorrow!" Jenny said as she waved at Chapati while I looked down to see Jellal walking back to the others. The crowd began to say things to Jellal while Natsu and Erza looked at him in disbelief. "Why did you tell Merdy and Ultear to do that?" I heard Jellal ask as he panted slightly, probably because he laughed so hard while I smirked slightly at him. "You were going to reveal yourself to everyone. Jura already knows that you're you. Tch, if I didn't tell them to do that then you'd be back in prison." I scolded him as I glared slightly at Jellal while I heard him sigh in defeat, knowing that I won this argument. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Tch, it better not." I cut the connection with Jellal off as I saw Lucy walk out towards Fairy Tail A's balcony while Lucy looked at the score board with a sad look on her face which made me give her a sad smile. "Cheer up Lucy. You did good." I saw Lucy look up with a tiny smile on her face, but her eyes widen a bit when Natsu hit her back with a smile while she nodded her head a bit. "Yea, Natsu says that he's participating in tomorrow's events and that he'll get us the points." Lucy said as she looked at Natsu with a smile while I rolled my eyes at Natsu's statement. "I have no doubt that he will." I told Lucy as I looked back down at Gray while I cut the connection off with Lucy. "You ok now?" I asked Gray as I sat in front of him while he looked at me with a small glare. "Not really." Gray stated as he frowned slightly while he looked back down at the ground. 'Jesus! They're making me go soft again! ERGG!' I sighed as I moved closer to Gray, hugging him tightly while I rubbed his head in a soothing way. "What are you doing?" Gray asked as he slightly looked up at me while I felt his face burn up a bit, but he wasn't the only one. "Jake said that whenever someone is sad that you should do this to them. It's suppose to relax you I think." I told Gray as I rubbed his head and back, letting my fingers run through his hair while I felt Gray's body relax in my embrace. "Is it helping? I'm not really good with this conso-" "It's fine, it actually feels nice." Gray said as he murmured a bit in my chest while he hugged me back by the waist, sighing in relief. "What a cute scene this is~ It would be a shame if someone were to ruin it~" I hugged Gray a little tighter than I should have as I felt Rabo's presence come near Gray and I while I glared at the dark hall way. I growled silently as I looked in front of me, waiting for Rabo to appear and ruin this moment like he always does whenever I'm happy. "Mhm, some other time~" Rabo said as his presence disappeared all of a sudden while I let out a shaky breath. "You ok?" Gray asked as he looked up at me, tilting his head a bit while we both pulled away from each other. "Yea." I told Gray as I looked at all the people leaving the stadium while I glared at them in anger. "We should-" My sentence was cut off suddenly, my eyes widening a bit as I felt Gray wrap his arms around me while he rubbed my head and back in a soothing way. "Gray....?" "Your hands are clenched tightly and their shaking. Something's going on but I won't press any further if you don't want to tell me. Just know that I'm- Fairy Tail, is here to help you in whatever is bothering you." Gray said as he hugged me a little tighter while I leaned more into his embrace, closing my eyes slowly. "I know Gray. Heh, this feels like old times when I was small." I told Gray as I looked up at him while he chuckled a little bit at me. "HEY!!" Gray and I pulled away from each other quicker than quick, moving at least a foot away from each other while we looked up to where the voice came from. "What were you guys doing~?" Jake asked in a taunting way as he leaned against a pillar with his arms crossed while I saw Grays cheeks have a pink tint in them. "Just talking Jake." I told him as I stood up, so did Gray while Jake just smiled at us, but it slowly turned into a smirk. "Uh huh~ Suureee you were~" Jake teased as he wiggled his pointer fingers at us while I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever helps you sleep at night Jake." I told Jake as I fixed my cloak a bit while he smiled at me. "Hehe~ Now I got two things to blackmail you guys!" Jake said as he held up two pictures of Gray and I while both of our faces dropped a bit. One was from today and the other one was from when we were at that hotel doing those four jobs. "JAKE!!" Gray and I yelled as we charged towards him while Jake transformed into his small form and flew away. "(Sigh) That idiot. He's going to be the reason why I die." I mumbled as I shook my head at Jake while I rubbed my temples to ease the oncoming headache. "Are you still mad about not being in the Games?" Gray asked me as an irk mark formed on my head while I slightly growled at him causing him to take a step back from me. "Hell yea I am! Master knew that I wanted to be in the Games and he still didn't include me in the second team! (Sigh) It can't helped.........OOOO I CAN'T WAIT TILL KILL THAT OLD GEEZER!!" I yelled in anger as I clutched my hands tightly while steam came out of my ears. Gray chuckled softly as he shook his head at me while he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know, I know, I'm calm." I told Gray as I began to imagine a thousand ways to kill Master while I breathed in and out slowly. "Wanna go somewhere? I know a great place to just relax." I told Gray as we began to walk in the stadium halls while I looked up at him from the corner of my eye. "Sur-" "My beloved Gray! Where are you! Juvia wants us to grieve in our sadness together!!" We heard Juvia yell as we saw her looking for Gray while Gray had a fearful look on his face. "So! That place! Where is it?!" Gray asked as he grabbed my wrist and began to run away from Juvia while Gray tried to look for a way to get far from Juvia. I laughed lightly as I shook my head at Gray while I grabbed Grays hand and took the lead. I smirked as I ran full speed towards a wall while I felt Gray tense up a bit at the sight of the wall. "Star?" Gray asked as he pulled back slightly while I continued to run to the wall at full speed. "STAR!!" Gray yelled as I made a shadow appear on the wall while we went through the shadow orb instead of hitting the wall. Instead of being in the stadium halls we were behind a hotel in Crocus city while Gray held his heart as he looked at me with wide eyes. "Don't do that again." Gray said as he panted softly while I laughed at him. "What? I thought you wanted to get away from Juvia~?" I teased as I smirked down at Gray while he slightly glared up at me. I chuckled softly at Gray as I motioned for him to follow me, which he did while I gave Gray a small smile. "I thought you'd be with Juvia by now?" I asked Gray as I gave him a confused look while he rolled his eyes and groaned at me. "Don't even think about that. I don't see her like that, just a comrade that's all." Gray said as we walked out from behind the hotel while I nodded my head at him. "Mhm, alright. (Sigh) I like Crocus." I told him as I looked at all the people smiling and laughing to one another, not having a care in the world while Gray walked next to me. "Yea, it's pretty here." Gray said as he also looked around while we both looked at the city with a small smile. I looked to my right and saw that stand I had saw the other night with the dragon bracelet on display. "I'll be right back. I wanna check something out." I told Gray as I walked to the stand while Gray nodded his head at me and continued to look around. "Hello dear, what can I help you with?" An old lady asked as she smiled at me while I grabbed my hood, pulling it back slightly to show her my face and gave her a small smile. "I was wondering if you still had a dragon bracelet displayed here by any chance?" I asked the lady as I looked around the table while she smiled at me. "Why yes! I still have it, but I added a little something to it." The lady said as she brought out the dragon bracelet but it also had an icicle gem with it and the price went up. 'Damn it! It's too much now!' "Were you looking to buy it dear?" The lady asked as she looked up at me while I sighed sadly and shook my head at her. "No, just looking is all." I told her as I pulled my hood to cover my face again while I turned to leave. "Thank you ma'am." "No problem dear." I sighed sadly as I looked down at the ground while I walked back to Gray who was looking at a fruit stand. "Hey, did you get anything?" Gray asked as he smiled at me while I shook my head side to side. "No, I was just looking that's all. Come on, I wanna show you that place." I told Gray as I looked back at the stand one last time before walking to that place while Gray nodded his head at me. As we were walking to my spot, we would see kids and their families smiling with each other which made me long to have something like that. Laugh and have fun without worrying if you or your loved ones might die, but of course, things don't go my way for a change. "Is this place always this lively and nice?" Gray asked me as he looked at the people with a small smile while I slightly smiled at him. "Yea, it's always like this during the Games. Even after the Games, the people here always look happy." I told Gray as two little kids ran in between us, laughing to each other while they slightly pushed us. "Hehe! Sorry Miss and Mister!" One of the kids said as he stopped in front of me and Gray while his other friend looked at us with a smile. "It's fine." I told them as I smiled down at the two kids in front of me while they walked closer to Gray and I. "Hey Mister!" The little girl said as she tugged on Grays pants while she looked up at him with a smile. "What's up?" Gray asked as he bent down to her level while he gave her a kind smile. "Is that your girlfriend?" The little girl asked as she pointed at me while both our cheeks turned red. "W-we a-" "Of course they are Paige! Look at them! I bet she's pretty!! Miss can we see you?!" The boy asked as he walked up to me with a smile while he looked up at me with a slight blush. "I-I guess." I pulled down my hood as my hair came down to my sides while I smiled at them, watching Gray stand up straight behind me. "See Paige!! I told you they were together!! Mister is smiling at her!" The boy said as he pointed at Gray while Gray turned the other way, his ears were slightly red. "We ar-" "Alright Sage! I see!! Do you guys love each other?" Paige asked as she looked up at me with a smile while my cheeks burned a little more. "We aren't t-Whoa!" I gasped slightly as someone bumped into me, making me bump into Gray while Gray caught me by the waist so it looks like we were hugging in a romantic way. "Look Sage!! They're in loovve~" Paige said as she pointed at us while they both looked at us with a huge blush. "Kiss her Mister!! You love her right?!" Sage said as he moved closer to us while I hid my face in Gray's chest since I'm short. "This is embarrassing." I mumbled into Gray's chest as I clutched his shirt in my hands while my face began to burn more. "Paige! Sage!" Gray and I looked behind us to see a women running towards us with a frantic look on her face while Paige and Sage looked behind us. "Mom!/Miss. Ren!" The two kids said at the same time as they smiled at her while the women was in front of them with a frown. "I told you two not to wonder off alone! What if something were to happen to you guys?!" The women asked as the two kids looked down at the ground in shame while the lady frowned down at them. "We're sorry mom." Sage said as he turned away from his mom while Paige looked up at Gray and I. "We just thought that they looked cute together." Paige said as the women looked at Gray and I while Gray and I looked at each other, then the position we were in then we jumped away from each other with pink on our faces. "See mommy! They're in love!" Sage said as he pointed at us while the lady smiled at Gray and I. "You two are very cute, I'm sorry if these children caused any trouble. Sage, Paige, lets go now." The lady said as the two kids smiled and waved at us while they walked beside the lady. "Bye Miss and Mister!" The two kids yelled as they continued to wave at us while we smiled awkwardly at them and waved back. "Well that was....awkward." Gray said as he scratched the back of his head while I laughed a little, the blush not leaving my cheeks. "Yea, come on. The place I wanted to show you gets really pretty at dark." I told Gray as I continued to walk to my place while he followed closely behind me.

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