Chapter 39

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Third Person P.O.V.

'I think it's time to head to the others....Jake...Ultear. Thank you....' As Star stood up from the ground, Jellal and Merdy were encountered by the old women as she gave them a letter which was written by their former member Ultear while they mourned over her death. Star made a step to move, but she stopped as she frowned down at the ground while she let a tear drop fall down her cheeks, her eyes shut closed. 'Jake....You promised me....You promised me over and over again and I couldn't do anything!'

"More than likely he will, but with this much people around it'll be hard for him to make a move on us." Star told Jake as they got to their hotel and began to walk to their rooms while Jake smirked slightly. "Then I guess we'll have to be on top guard huh?" Jake asked as the two walked into the elevator while Star gave Jake a stern nod. "Yea, Jake please don't let your guard down. I-I can't lose you to him." Star told Jake as she looked down at the ground with a slight frown while Star felt Jakes body turn towards her. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna die anytime soon!" Jake said with a smile as he made Star look up at him by placing his two fingers under Star's chin while Jake gave Star a small nod. "Promise me." "Eh?" Jake looked down at Star with wide eyes as Star looked up at Jake with a serious look on her face while Star furrowed her eyebrows a bit. "Promise me that you won't leave my side anytime soon." Star told Jake with a serious look as Jake placed his right hand on her shoulder while Jake gave Star a closed eye smile. "I promise I won't die anytime soon Star."

"Jake...You were serious right?" Star asked Jake as Jake could hear the sadness in her voice while Jake saw Star's hand clutched tightly. "Uh?" "You were serious when you promised me...that you wouldn't die soon....right?" Star asked Jake as Jake's eyes soften for a little bit while Jake smiled down at Star. "I promised that I'd be by your side for a long time. I'm not going anywhere Star." Jake said as he hugged Star, which she returned, while Star sighed deeply. "I'm just....scared to lose you Jake. I don't need another friend dying for or because of me." Star said as the two pulled away from each other while Jake smiled down at Star. "You have my word." Jake said as he gave her a closed eye smile while Jake tilted his head a bit.

Star slowly opened her eyes as she quickly wiped away her tears while she washed her face all over again and then dusted off any dirt on her. 'I'll start heading back now....' Star let out a small sigh as she looked at the lake with a small frown on her face while she furrowed her eyebrows bit. "Lucy, are you there?" In the carriage, Lucy gasped which caused the others to look over to her as Lucy had a huge smile on her face while Lucy moved up a bit in her seat. "It's Star!" The others eyes widen a bit as they watched Lucy concentrate on talking to Star while Star looked at the lake with dull eyes. "Yes! It's so good to hear your voice! We were all worried about you and Jake cause we haven't heard from you or Jake in awhile!!" Star's eyes dropped slightly when Lucy mentioned her dead bestfriend as she took in a deep breath to calm herself down from crying while Star grasped the golden locket that once belonged to Jake in her hand. "Sorry......but Jake's home." Lucy tilted her head a bit at how Star sounded as the others looked over to Lucy, wondering what her and the Dragon Slayer were talking about while Happy nudged Lucy a bit. "What's she saying?!" Happy asked, happy that Star had finally talked to them as he smiled up at Lucy while Lucy gave them a smile. "Star says that Jake's went home and he's currently sleeping." The others let out a small laugh, knowing that it was something that the Wolf would do as they continued to look at Lucy to get more information about Star. "I see. Where are you then?" "I'm at a lake at the moment. I was wondering if I could catch a ride with you and the others." Lucy let a smile graze her features as she felt happy that Star was coming to the carriage while Lucy nodded her head. "Of course!!" "What did Star say Lucy?" Wendy asked as she looked up at Lucy with a smile while Lucy smiled at Wendy and the others. "Star's gonna catch a ride with us!" The others felt a bit happy that they were gonna see Star again while Lucy looked over to Gray with a smile, causing the said Ice Mage to blush a bit. "Good....who's by the opening?" Star asked as she watched the fish in the lake swim around while Lucy looked over to the two males that sat near the opening. "Gray and Natsu." "Alright. I'm going to sit by Natsu so move his sick self over." Lucy hummed a yes as she looked over to Natsu with a small smile while she maneuvered a bit in her seat. "We gotta move Natsu a bit closer to us. Star's gonna sit in front of Gray~!" Lucy sang, causing Gray to blush and glare at her as they began to move Natsu more towards them while Lucy smiled a bit. "Can you guys please not make it obvious to Star?" Gray asked as he continued to looked at the others with a small blush while the others laughed at Gray, but nodded their heads at his request. "Fine! Fine! We won't say anything!" Lucy said as she rolled her eyes a bit at Gray with a small smile while Lucy looked up a bit. "Alright Star!" Star hummed an 'ok' as she looked around the lake one last time before she outstretched her right hand next to her with a small frown on her lips. "Shadow Dragon's Transportation: Natsu's Shadow." A black shadow orb came next to Star as she looked at it with sad eyes, pulling her hood up to cover her face while Star slowly walked in the shadow orb. "Star!" Lucy yelled in gleam as they all watched Star sit in the place Natsu was sitting while she gave them a small nod, her hood covering her face. "Hey..." Gray looked at Star with a worried look, noticing her trying to cover her face from the others as he tilted his head a bit while Gray furrowed his eyebrows at Star. "We were worried about you." Wendy said as she gave Star a worried look while they all watched Star look down at her lap. "Sorry. I just wanted to be by myself for awhile." Star said as she looked up at the road, feeling a bit sad while the others looked at Star with a frown. "Wait, how come your not all sick like Natsu?" Carla asked as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit at Star while Star shrugged her shoulders, still looking out the window. "Don't know.....Maybe I'm not thinking about my motion sickness like Natsu." Star said as she side glanced Gray, who was looking at Star in worry while Natsu tried to hold in his barf. "My tummy hates me!!" Natsu groaned out as he had his arms crossed over his stomach while the Fire Dragon Slayer began to sweat buckets. "It's my fault!! The Troia Spell just seems like it gets less and less affective the more times that I use it on somebody!!" Wendy cried as she closed her eyes in shame, feeling bad for Natsu while Wendy held Carla closer to her body. "Well that can't be helped!" Carla said as she frowned a bit at Wendy, but she side glanced Star with a small frown while Carla watched Star's cloak flap in the air. 'I wonder what's the matter with that child...' "With all your moaning and groaning it's impossible to take a nap." Gray commented as he frowned a bit at Natsu, looking at Star occasionally while Happy sat inbetween Erza and Gray with hearts all around him. "Can you do me a favor and draw a yummy looking fishy for me?!" Happy asked as he smiled up at Erza, looking down at her drawing pad while Erza nodded her head with a small smile. "Yes I'd be happy to! In fact, drawing is my forte!" "Ya think so?" Gray asked as he looked over to Erza with a 'really' look on his face while Erza began to draw Happy a fish with a smile on her face. "Strange as it sounds, I think I'm missing that rickety old hub!" Carla said as she smiled over to Lucy, swishing her tail around while Lucy had a huge smile on her face. "Yea I guess I kinda am too!! But you gotta wonder where Jellal and his group were going after all this?" Lucy asked as she frowned a bit, no one noticing Star flinching a bit while Star thought about Ultear and her burnt body that she saw during the dragons attack. "I don't know-" Erza was cut off when Natsu gagged a bit as he quickly covered his mouth and leaned forward a bit towards Gray while Gray moved back away from Natsu. "No way!! You're not getting that on me!!!" Gray yelled as he moved a bit away from Natsu while Natsu tried to find something to throw up in. "Do we need to pull over again?!" Wendy asked as she side glanced Natsu with wide eyes, moving away from him while the carriage passed the old women who was once in Crocus and dropped off the letter to Jellal. "If we stop this carriage everytime he whines, we'll never reach Magnolia!" Carla commented as she shook her head a bit, trying to move away from Natsu while Erza smirked down at her picture. "I'm done Happy!! Look!!" Erza said with a huge smile on her face as she showed Happy her drawing pad while there were stars surrounding her. "Whoa!! What the!?" Happy asked as his eyes widen a bit at the drawing while Lucy moved a bit from her seat with a smile on her face. "Oooo! Let me see it!! Uh?! AHHH!!" Lucy yelled as she looked at Erza's drawing with wide eyes while Erza had a small smirk on her lips. "Screams of joy! That's the highest compliment an artist can hope for!!" Erza said as she glowed with pride while Natsu began to gag even more. "Here use this!!" "No!! Don't!! That's my purse!!" Star looked at the curtain with a small smile, but she frowned a bit as she closed her eyes while Star heard the others bicker behind her. 'They'll be fine.....they'll still be happy even after....' The old women stopped walking as she smiled at the carriage full of the Fairy Tail Wizards, hearing them bicker with one another while she looked up at the sky with a peaceful smile on her face. 'I had always cursed my lot in life......felt cheated by the hand fate had dealt to me.' The old women was indeed the famous Ultear Milkovich of Crime Sorcière who she gave up her life to save millions, though not many people know that she was indeed alive and Ultear knew that it was painful for Merdy, Gray, and Star who she also thought of as a daughter. 'The rage that burned inside was eating away my seemed huge and insatiable, but once I opened my eyes....and looked at the limitless skies above....I had a revelation....I saw how small I was in comparison.....the world around me was infinite.....full of more wonders that I could ever imagine....' The wind blew slightly, causing the curtains to sway a bit as it made Star open her eyes while her and Gray looked out the carriage only to see an old women standing in the middle of the road, looking up at the sky. "Uh...." Star and Gray looked at the old women with their mouths slightly opened as the wind blew back Star's hood, revealing her face while they watched the old women's hair sway in the wind. '......And through the clouds golden rays of sunlight shown down on a gentle shower washing away the warmed my soul.' Gray and Star moved a bit in their seats, turning their backs to the others as they looked at the old women, but they both let out a slight gasp while their eyes widen a bit. 'I've never felt more at was the first time I'd experienced true joy....At last, I was thankful for the gift of life I'd been given.' Ultear looked towards the carriage with a smile, tilting her head to the side as Star and Gray gasped a bit while Star began to feel tears bubble up in her eyes. ' can't be!!' "Hey stop!!" "We have to stop the carriage!!" Gray and Star yelled as they looked back slightly towards the others while the others looked at Gray and Star with worried looks. "Is there something wrong you guys?" Star clutched her hands tightly as she watched the older Ultear in front of her while Star furrowed her eyebrows a bit in confusion, wondering how Ultear was alive. "Yea, what's the matter?" Erza and Lucy asked as they looked at the two in worry while Star and Gray looked back at Ultear. 'At the end of my journey......I found what had eluded me all along......I was happy..' Ultear frowned a bit at the two as she shook her head, causing Star to grit teeth a bit while Star and Gray's shoulder were pressed together. "No...." Star said slowly as she trembled a bit while Gray looked down Star with a small frown. "We're ok.." Gray said slowly as Star and Gray watched Ultear get farther away from them while Star's body continued to tremble. 'I was able to forgive myself....I could finally let go....' Star felt her tears continue to bubble up in her eyes as her and Gray had a flashback of when Star died while Star clutched her hands tighter. 'Ultear.....she gave up her life for Stars.....Star...' Gray looked down at Star's trembling body as Star placed her clutched hands on the window while Star gritted her teeth in anger. In the middle of a dirt road, Merdy cried in Jellal's chest as Jellal comforted Merdy while he looked up at the sky in sadness. "She gave away all she had....time.." Jellal said as he frowned a bit, thinking about Star and how she was feeling while Star placed her head on Gray's shoulder. Gray looked down at Star, but his eyes widen a bit when he saw Star's tears fall down her cheeks while she gritted her teeth together. "Why does everyone have to die for me....? Why?" Star whispered out, trying to control her sobs as she moved more into Gray's shoulder while Gray's eyes softened a bit at Star. 'Ultear.....Jake...' Gray placed his head on top of Star's head as he let a few tears fall down his face while Gray grabbed a hold of Star's hand, trying to comfort her. '.....Goodbye my friends....but don't cry.....I love you all...' Star looked over to Ultear as tears continued to pour out of her eyes while Star felt her throat get tight. "Ultear.....thank you....Thank you so much!!" Star cried as she watched Ultear face soften a bit at Gray and Star's crying faces while Gray pulled Star closer to him. "Don't cry Star...I love you all." Star shut her eyes tightly, letting her tears fall as she gripped Grays hand in hers while Gray moved his head a bit to put his lips on top of Star's head. 'Star....'

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