Chapter 26

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Star's P.O.V.

'I knew you could do it Erza. Now the question is, what will the others do?' I looked down and saw that Mato walked towards the others, but I was suddenly turned around and pulled into a hug while my eyes widen slightly. "Erza did it! Maybe we can finally be number one again!" Jake mumbled into my neck as he hugged me tighter while I smiled slightly and hugged him back. "Maybe....maybe Jake." "Ok, after some calibration we've decided that the seven remaining teams still need to be ranked!! So we're having another contest!!" Mato said as a sphere that was in the middle of what looked like a diamond, came next to Mato while I saw Natsu and the others walking out of the arena. "This game might be a little on the boring side compared to Pandemonium, but I think it'll suffice!!" Mato said as he pointed at the object behind him while one of the competitor's looked at Mato in confusion. "What is that thing?" Orga asked as he looked at Mato with a slight frown while Mato turned towards Orga. "The Magic Power Finder or MPF for short! Pretty snazzy huh?!" Mato asked as I rolled my eyes at Mato while Jura looked at the MPF with a slight frown. "In other words, it measures a wizards Magic Power?" Jura asked as he looked down at Mato while Mato nodded his head once at Jura. "Righto!! If you cast a spell on this device it'll display your Magic Power in numerical form!! We'll use this number to decide the rankings for the remaining teams!! Quick and Easy!!" Mato said as he held his arms out while I saw Hibiki put his hand on his chin in a thinking way. "Is this strictly a contest of strength? I wonder if there's some way I can work around it?" Hibiki asked out loud as he looked slightly worried while Cana was jugging her alcohol. "But the real question is are you free later tonight?!" Hibiki asked as he leaned towards Cana while he gave her a flirty smile. "Mhm? Well I could be~ but then I wouldn't have room for another barrel~" Cana slurred as she gave Hibiki a closed eye smile while Hibiki also gave her a closed eye smile. "You might have a problem." "Might?! How is she not dead yet?!?" Novali asked as he pointed at a pile of barrels next to him while he looked at Cana with a crazy look. "That's ok! I still have my one true love in the stands!!! Star!! You grey eyes shine so bright I could get lost in them!!! You're free tonight I just know it!!" Hibiki yelled as he looked over to me, outstretching his hand towards me with hearts in his eyes while I froze slightly then glared at Jake who was laughing his ass off. "Lets begin shall we?! Since you all drew straws earlier we'll continue in that order!" Mato said as I looked over at Millianna who was smirking slightly while she gave them a closed eye smile. "That means it's finally my turn!! Here it goes!!" Millianna said as she quickly took off her cloak, throwing it off to the side while she got ready to attack the MPF. "Oh my! The cape is off and the sexy meter is off the charts!!" Cahapti said as Millianna had a pink Magic Circle in front of her while she put both her hands in front of her. "Kitten Blast!!" Millianna chanted as her Kitten paw thing came out and hit the MPF while the number three hundred sixty-five showed up on top of the MPF. "Millianna scores three hundred sixty-five. That being said since we didn't set a bench mark for comparison, I'm not really sure whether that's a good number or not." Chapati said as I frowned slightly while I saw Yajima cross is arms over his chest. "Mhm." "Maybe I can help. We Rune Knights use MPF's in training fairly often, she actually did very well. That score would qualify her for squad captain." Lahar said as Milliana had her hands on her hips while she did a closed eye smile, but I rolled my eyes at Lahar. 'Then those Rune Knights are weak.' "Wow! What an impressive starter!" Chapati said as he looked at Millianna in awe while I shook my head slightly. "I am one pumped up kitty!!" Millianna yelled as she threw her left arm in the air, her left leg up while Novali walked up to the MPF. "Locking in at one hundred twenty-four is Novali of Quattro Puppy! A bit on the low side wouldn't you say~" Chapati teased as Novali looked down at the ground in shame, his hands shaking slightly while his mouth hung open in shame. "Guess it's my turn to shine." Hibiki said as he fixed his collar, smiling slightly while I heard some girls scream loudly. "Do you think Hibiki can do it?" Jake asked me as he leaned on the balcony while I shrugged my shoulder. "Don't know." "Hibiki of Blue Pegasus scores a measly ninety-five points." Chapati said as Jake laughed loudly while Hibiki was on his knees, crying slightly in shame. "I'm so sorry I let you down my beautiful Star!!!" Hibiki yelled as he hugged Cana around the waist while Cana rubbed Hibiki's head, too drunk to care. "Excuse me!!" Mato interrupted as he looked at Cana and Hibiki with a slight sweat drop while Cana mumbled some nonsense. "Next up is Obra of Raven Tail!" Chapati said as I glared at Obra while he walked towards the MPF. "Another Raven huh?" "I wonder what kind of Magic he'll use?" Jake and I jumped slightly as we heard Lucy and Wendy's voice while we looked over our shoulders. "WHEN DID YOU GUYS GET HERE?!?" Jake asked as he fully turned towards them, pointing at them while his eyes were slightly widen. "Uh, when Hibiki went and speaking of Hibiki, what was that all about Star?" Lucy said as she smirked slightly at me while I groaned, leaning on my hand. "We'll tell you guys later! Lets see what this bastard uses!" Jake said as they turned to looked at Obra who outstretched his arms while that little monkey thing came out of his chest, hitting the ball with its body. "Obra clocks in at...four points?!" Chapati yelled in confusion as I narrowed my eyes slightly at Obra while I clutched my hand tightly. "Huh?!?" "Is this some kind of joke?!?" Gray asked as he frowned down at Obra while I gritted my teeth in anger when I remember what he had said to me a while back. "I can't wait for Rabo to break you." I clutched my hand tightly as I continued to glare at Obra while I tried to calm myself down before I accidentally let my Dragon side come out. "Anyone buy that?" Lucy asked as she placed her hand on her hip while she continued to frown at Obra. "No." "I know you wanna watch but you should really be in bed." Lucy said as she smiled slightly at Erza while Erza continued to frown at Obra, her bandaged arms crossed over her chest. "Uhhh! I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid we can't allow any do overs-uh?! Hey!!" Mato yelled as he turned around only to see that Cana had taken his hat while she put it on her head, dancing side to side. "Give that back!!" "Hahaha!" Cana laughed as Mato tried to get his hat back while I saw Flare, who had bruises all over her, looking at Obra with a frown. "Okk!! Millianna of Mermaid Heel is currently in the lead with three hundred and sixty-five points!!" Mato announced as he looked over at Milliana with a smile while I continued to glare at Obra. "Meow!! This is better then chasing my own tail!!" Millianna said as she shook Mato's hand, causing him to move up and down while she smiled at him. "I'm about to change that." Orga said as he stepped up towards the MPF while the crowd began to get loud. "And the crowd goes berserk for Orga! Probably one of Sabetooths strongest pair!!" Chapati said as Orga held up his fist while I saw Sting smirking slightly at Orga, causing me to roll my eyes at him. "One Twenty Millimeter Black Lightning Cannon!!" Orga chanted as his yellow and black lightning hit the MPF while Hibiki and Novali looked at it with wide eyes, their mouth hanging open. "Whoa!! It's almost four thousand!!" Chapati yelled as Millianna eyes widen in shock while I rolled my eyes. "No way!! He's ten times stronger than me!?!?" "Whaaat!!" Natsu yelled as he and Gray looked at Orga in shock while I slightly laughed at their expression. "That number can't be right!!" Gray yelled as I shook my head at him while Jake threw his head back, laughing really hard. "Crazy." Lucy said as she also looked at Orga in shock while the crowd cheered loudly for Orga. I groaned as Orga began to sing while Mato tried to take the mic away from Orga. "Things are really heating up down there!! Can the Wizard Saint Jura pass that incredible score?! Or has Orga set the bar?!" Chapati asked as Jura closed his eyes, then opened them while he moved towards the MPF. "Do you mind if I give it my all?" Jura asked as he stopped in front of the MPF while I smirked slightly at Jura, knowing he's gonna go over board. "That's the game isn't it?" Mato asked as he had his arms out while I held onto the balcony tightly, knowing what's coming up. "Here he goes folks!! What does Jura have in store for us?!" Chapati asked as Jura closed his eyes again, putting his hands together while a yellow aura surrounded him, rocks flying in the air. "You guys might wanna brace yourselves!" Jake said as he gave them a closed eye smile while the others looked at him in confusion. "An earthquake?!" Mato questioned as the ground began to shake violently while I steadied my ground. "He's giving off intense magically pressure!" Lahar said as I saw Jura snap his eyes opened while I positioned my feet to where I can balance myself. "Rumbling Fuji!!!" Jura chanted as a bright pillar of light stood in the middle of the MPF, spreading outwards a little while I felt the wind slightly push me back. "Eight thousand five hundred and forty-four that is absolutely mind blowing!!" Chapati yelled asked the crowd looked at Jura in awe while I smirked slightly at the number. "NO WAY!!!" "He sure packs a lot for someone his age!!" Gray yelled as he and Natsu looked at Jura in shock, blue lines coming down from under their eyes while their eyes widen in shock. "And here I thought it would be a little higher." Erza said as she smirked slightly while I turned to her, nodding my head slightly. "Same." "Outstanding!! This is a new MPF record!! Jura has proven that the title of Wizard Saint should never be taken lightly!!" Chapati yelled as Jura still had his hands together while he bowed to show his respect. "The final challenger is Fairy Tail's Team B, Cana Alberona!!" Chapati announced as Cana had a hand behind her head while she hiccupped slightly. "Your so sweet saving the best for last~" Cana slurred as she smiled down at Mato while she had a blush across her face. "I certainly wouldn't wanna follow Jura that's for sure!" "Alright! Do your best pumpkin!" Mato said as he waved at Cana while she drunkly waved back at Mato, talking gibberish to him. Cana suddenly started to take off her white jacket, leaving her in her bra while my eyes slightly widen when she fully took off her jacket. 'Mavis..' "Now!! The grand finally!!" Cana yelled as she held her right arm in front of her, smirking slightly while the mark on her arm was a bright red. "It's Time to Assemble! O River of Light That's Guided by Fairies!-" Cana chanted as she held up her arm, a bright yellow pillar of light surrounded her while my eyes widen slightly at this spell. "-Shine Your Light! So that I May Vanquish the Fangs of Wickedness! Fairy Glitter!" Cana yelled as the bright light hit the MPF, sending debris flying every where while I smirked slightly at Cana. Once the dust cleared, the MPF was completely destroyed as the numbers nine thousands nine hundred and ninety-nine were floating in mid air while the mark on Cana's arm began to fade off of her. "Oh my goodness!! I can't believe this ladies and gentlemen!! The MPF is history!! Her power is off the charts!!! This guild is beyond incredible!! Fairy Tail has taken today's event by score!! Is this their true strength?! Can anyone stop then now!?" Chapati yelled as I smirked slightly when I saw Sting looking at Cana in complete shock while Jake laughed loudly at Stings face. "There's no stopping us!! We've just started to rock your world!! Fairy Tail will be number one again!!!" Cana yelled as she had her arms outstretched, smirking at the crowd while the crowd began to cheer loudly for Cana. I side glanced Raven Tail, only to see Nullpudding giving Alexia a paper as they turned away from the arena while they began to walk out of their balcony. 'Something's not right and I'm gonna find out.' I narrowed my eyes slightly at the Raven Tail balcony, but then turned my attention back to Cana who was smiling proudly while I heard Master and the others cheer for Cana. "I'll be right back you guys." I told them as I began to walk out of the balcony while I headed towards Raven Tail. I heard the crowd cheer for Fairy Tail as I walked in the hall but stopped when I smelled two familiar smells. "So that's the plan?" "Yes~ And more people might know of her little problem~" I frowned slightly as I heard Rabo's and Ivan's voice while I gritted my teeth in anger. "We have to go back, we will keep in touch." Ivan said as I heard him and his guild mates walk away from Rabo while I walked into the shadow lands and appeared somewhere far from Rabo and Ivan. 'What are they planning? More people will know my problem? Tch! Damn them!' I frowned as I began to walk back to the others while I clutched my hand tightly. "Star! Where did you go?" Lucy asked as she smiled at me while I walked next to them. "Had to use the restroom." I told her as I stood next to Jake while he smiled at me. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something Star." Gray said as he looked over at me with his arms crossed, a frown on his lips while I looked up at him. "Shoot." I bit my lip slightly when I noticed that Gray was looking at me with a serious look which made me nervous while I felt Jake tense up a bit next to me. "......Why are you and Jake the only one's that can come over here with us?" Gray asked as the other look at me, waiting for my answer while I sighed but smirked slightly at his question. "It's cause I've been here since the very beginning and for some reason Chapati likes my fights so he said that I can hang at the balconies when Fairy Tail participates." I told Gray as I smile a bit while the others nodded their heads at me. "Oh! What's up with you and Hibiki?" Lucy asked as she smiled at me while I saw Gray have a frown on his lips. "Oh! This is funny!!" Jake said as he started laughing at me while I groaned at the thought, looking off to the side. "For some reason he "likes me" but I don't know. When I first met him, Ren, and Eve I was so scared I thought I was a goner. They would hug me out of no where and give me compliments oo! It just made me shiver and Jake over here would laugh his ass off whenever it would happen!" I said as I glared at Jake while he smirked and laughed at me. "She was as white as a ghost!!" Jake said as he laughed at me while I had an irk mark on my head. "Shut up Jake. It's going to start now." I told Jake as I moved my hood down more while I looked towards the arena. "We're half way through day three of the Grand Magic Games so let's take a look at the teams current standings!! In first place is the Raven Tail Guild!" The crowd cheered loudly as I side glanced the Raven Tail members with a slight glare while I clutched my hand tightly. "What's wrong Star? I can hear you growling from here so keep it down or the others will hear you." Jake said as I side glanced him, calming myself down while I turned away from the Ravens. "They're planning something with Rabo, I heard them." I told Jake as he frowned slightly, looking back at the arena while he crossed his arms over his chest. "We'll talk about it later." I nodded my head as I turned back to the arena while I sighed slightly. "Holding on to second place, is Lamina Scale! Dropping down to third place is the Sabertooth Guild!" Chapati said as Jake and I snickered a laugh, our shoulders shaking slightly while we had our hands near our mouths which made the others looked our way, as well as Sting. "You idiots." Gray said as he smirked slightly, shaking his head at us while he chuckled slightly. "In fourth place the ladies of Mermaid Heel!! Next we have the group who jumped up two spots to tie for fourth place. Let's hear it for Fairy Tail Team A!!" Chapati said as the crowd went wild for Fairy Tail while I smirked slightly. "Aw yea!!" Natsu yelled as he smirked slightly, clutching his fist tightly while I looked over at Lucy. "And we're gonna keep climbing the ranks just you watch!!" Lucy said as she smirked at the arena while I let out an airy laugh. "In sixth place it's Fairy Tail Team B!! And here are the rest of the teams!!" I laughed slightly since Chapati didn't announce the last two guilds as I saw Hibiki trying to keep his cool while he looked over at me with slight tears in his eyes. "Let's shake up that score bored with some one on one battles!!" Chapati yelled as I sighed slightly while I turned away from the others, walking towards the exit. "I'll see you guys later. I want to walk around the area. Tell me what happens." I told them as I walked out of the balcony while I felt Jake's eyes on me when I walked away. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Jake asked as I heard Chapati continue to talk about the matches while I hummed to Jake. "I'll be fine, it's ok Jake." I told Jake as I heard him sigh slightly while I heard that Milliana was going up against Quatro Puppy. 'I wonder what those Ravens are up to? Tch, it can't be good if it has to do with Rabo.' I frowned slightly as I clutched my hand tightly while I glared at the ground when a memory of Rabo and Ivan talking popped into my head. 'I hope.....nothing happens. Tch! Damn you Rabo! I can't believe he's doing all of this. Mhm? It looks like Rufus and Eve are fighting. (Sigh)' I continued to listen to all the fighting going on in the arena as I looked around my surroundings while I balled up my fist tightly. 'I guess I can go see Porlyusica before I walk around again.' I sighed as I began to walk to the infirmary, keeping my guard up while I frowned slightly.

"Star? What are you doing here?" Porlyusica asked as she looked at me with a shock look while I closed the door behind me. "I just came to get away from the crowd. How's Elfman?" I asked Porlyusica as I glanced at Elfman's tired body with Evergreen laying over the bed while I smirked slightly at them. "He's fine, just needs rest." Porlyusica said as I nodded my head at her while I frowned down at the ground, clutching my hand tightly. "What's the matter child?" Porlyusica asked as she looked up at me with a slight frown while I took down my hood so Porlyusica could see my face. "It's him, he's planning something with Raven Tail and I don't know what it is." I told Porlyusica as I clutched my hand tightly, glaring at the ground while I saw Porlyusica look at me with wide eyes. "Raven Tail? What do they have to do with him?" Porlyusica asked as she moved her body to look at me, frowning slightly while I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, but it has something to do with me. Tch! Damn him!" I yelled as I moved my arm in the air while Porlyusica shhed me. "Be quiet, you'll wake them." Porlyusica said as she glared at me, motioning towards Elfman and Evergreen while I tried to calm myself down. "Sorry, it's just so frustrating. (Sigh) Why is he here?" I asked out loud as I rubbed my forehead to ease the headache while Porlyusica looked off to the side with a frown. "I do not know, but we mustn't let him near the others." I nodded my head as I clutched my hand tightly while I growled silently. "I know and I won't let him get anywhere near them. I will end him." I told Porlyusica as I crossed my arms over my chest while I glared at the ground. "Does the mutt know about this?" Porlyusica asked as she looked up at me with an eyebrow raised while I nodded my head, leaning on the wall behind me. "Yes, we are going to talk about it later on today. We might talk about it at the hotel or somewhere private to discuss the matter." I told Porlyusica as she nodded her head while she looked up at me with a serious look. "Why won't you tell Makarov? I'm sure he can help." Porlyusica said as I frowned, sighing at the end while I looked up at Porlyusica with a frown. "Porlyusica.....Fairy Tail is a light guild. They don't need me to taint more blood then there needs to be on their hands. I want-no I need to do it alone or else someone might get hurt because of me and I will not let that happen to them. Fairy Tail is my first family and I will do anything to protect them, even if it means I have to give up my life." I told Porlyusica as I sighed deeply, pulling my hood back on my head while I looked over at Elfman and Evergreen one last time before turning my back on Porlyusica. "I'll be off. I hope they get better soon." I told Porlyusica as I began to walk towards the door while I heard her hum. "Be careful Star." Porlyusica warned as I nodded my head to her, fully walking out of the infirmary while I sighed slightly. 'This Prophecy.....I want it to-' "Uh?!" I gasped as I got into a fighting position, but it was too late, a dark purple Magic Circle was placed underneath me while I got transported somewhere else. "Hello Star Mayweather." I growled lowly as I saw Ivan standing in front of me in Alexia's amour while he smirked at me. "What the hell?! What am I doing here?!" I yelled as I was about to gather my ice in my fist but someone came behind me and put cuffs on my wrist while they held my arms tightly. "Time for a show." Ivan said as he nodded to who ever was behind me while they hit the back of my head hard, making my world go black. 'Shit!'

"-save her?" I slowly opened my eyes as I saw that we were in the arena, but we were surrounded by dark shadows while I saw illusions of Laxus and Alexia fighting. "Star?" I slowly looked up, my body aching and suddenly feeling tired came over me as I saw Laxus looking at me with wide eyes while I frowned slightly. 'Shit!'

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