Chapter 6

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(A/n: Hiiiii hoped you liked the last chapter and this one! Whelp yea!)

Star's P.O.V.

I looked around me to see that I was in the same damn forest again which made me frown a bit. "I wish you would die!" I heard Aloura yell, popping in front of me while she had blood all over her face. "You're too weak to live!" Ella yelled as I saw her behind me while she pushed me from the back. "Girls~ You may go now~" Ella and Aloura nodded their heads as they smirked at me while they vanished into the fog. "You've been a very bad girl~" Rabo said, appearing behind as he wrapped an arm around my waist, much to my discomfort while I glared daggers at him. "Tch, I told you before and I'll tell you again! I'll kill every single one of those psychos from your guild!" I yelled as I tried to get out of his grasp but like before, he slammed me into an unknown wall behind me. "Maybe I should give you punishment for killing one of my pawns~ But since you have to fulfill my Prophecy~ I can't kill you~ So I guess our only option is~" Rabo stopped speaking as he moved closer to my ear and what he said made my eyes widen in fear. "Sexual intercourse~" Rabo then put his knee in between my legs before I could close them and began to nibble on my neck while I began to thrash around. "Get your filthy hands off of me!!" I yelled, biting his neck which made him pull away from me while he held his neck, smirking down at me. "What a naughty girl you are~ Refusing your master~" Rabo said as he started to walk towards me in a dangerous manner while I glared daggers at him. It was like he was a lion and I was his prey, he stalked towards me till he found an opening to strike me down. "Your not my god damn Master!" I yelled as I gritted my teeth in anger while I stood my ground. "Tsk, tsk, tsk~ I will punish you~" All of a sudden I wasn't standing in the middle of the forest anymore, I was strapped down on a bed from Darrel's guild. 'N-not this again!' I pulled on the chains but they were pretty tight on my wrist which made me grit my teeth. "Ahhh~ Remember when Darrel captured you and brought you to this room and raped you~ How long was that~ A year?~ Two years ago?~ He held you captive for four months and I would always watch your face as you cried and pleaded for him to stop~ Remember~" "PLEASE STOP!" I looked to my left and saw my younger self naked while strapped on the bed with Darrel on top of me also naked. I hated this....Darrel played with my body with his nasty fingers, he didn't find pleasure in sticking his manhood me, no he found pleasure in teasing my body and it made me sick. I shut my eyes from the scene in front of me, but I let out a slight gasp when my body was strapped onto a metal table which made Rabo smirk down at me. I flinched when I felt something cold and sharp run up my leg, making me shiver slightly at the coldness while I glared daggers at Rabo. "Your body is beautiful~ And you still have that scar Darrel gave you~" Rabo said as he put the knife near my scar while running the knife across it. Since I was a fighter, I would thrash around when ever Darrel would touch me so he got tired of my thrashing and stabbed my stomach. but I had managed to get away from his guild after that night. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled, struggling to get out of the chains while I begin to thrash around on the table as I glared daggers at Rabo. "Star! Star! Wake up!" 'G-Gray?' "Tch, our time is up sadly~ But don't worry~ The next time you fall asleep~" Rabo walked up to me, pulled my hair which made me yelp in pain while he put his mouth near my ear. "I'll have my fun~"

"-ar! Star! Your dreaming!" I gasp as I woke up only to see Gray in front of me with a worried expression while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "G-Gray?" "Star, what were you dreaming about? You were yelling saying "Don't touch me." Are yo-" I stop Grays sentences as I pulled him into a hug and started to cry softly, leaving Gray puzzled while he tensed up a bit. "Star...." Gray wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me closer to him while I cried softly in his chest. "I-I'm sorry, it was just a nightmare-" "Star, it wasn't just a nightmare. I know it wasn't. You were screaming in your sleep and you're shaking really bad. It wouldn't just be a nightmare if you're shaking in fear." Gray said as he pulled me closer to him while he began stroking my head which surprisingly calmed me down. "I-It was about Ella and Aloura. T-They still haunt me in my dreams and it only gets worst every night. It's my fault that they died, if I was stro-" "No, don't think like that Star. You were just a child and you couldn't have done anything-" "That's the thing Gray, I couldn't do anything. I was weak back then, I'm not going to be weak now." I told Gray as he looked down at me in surprise while I slightly glared at the ground. "Star, you're not weak. They saved you because they loved you. They wanted you to live so you can be happy not sad and pushing yourself like this." I looked up at Gray with tears still in my eyes while his eye soften at the tears in my eyes. "It's kinda hard to think like that when they're always in my dreams, yelling at me that it was my fault." I told him as my hair covered my eyes while I clutched my hand tightly in anger. "Star." "It's fine Gray. I'm use to having these dreams. I just get shaken up as a result." I told Gray, letting go of him while I sat up but that resulted to me being in pain. "Be careful, remember you have a gash on your stomach from yesterday." Gray said as he helped me sit up while I winced in pain at the throbbing feeling. "Hehe f-forgot." I chuckled slightly as I propped myself up with one hand while I rubbed the back of my neck with the other hand. "Star, who was that guy? You know, the one that you fought." I knew one of them was gonna ask me that, why I made them leave and who Darrel was, but I can't tell them that he's with Rabo, I don't want them to get involved with him. "His name was Darrel, Darrel Jones. He had me captive for a few months, using me as a toy. Luckily it wasn't anything major but it still haunts me. I-I guess when I saw him I kinda just saw red." I told Gray as my hair covered my eyes while Gray frowned slightly. "Is that why you don't like it when men touch you? And why you were gone for four months?" I looked at Gray in surprise while he looked at me with a neutral look 'H-How did he know that I was gone for four months?' "Yea.....How did you know that I was gone for four months?" I asked him, trying to stand up but failed due to the pain in my stomach and back while Gray looked down at me with a frown. "When we got back from Tenrou Island, Romeo and Macao told us about you and what had happened over the years we were gone. Romeo mentioned that you were gone for four years with blood all over you and a cut at the bottom on your stomach." I nodded my head as I clutched my hand tightly while I began thinking of many ways to kill Romeo and Macao. "Gray, can you help me up?" I asked Gray as he nodded his head while he stood up from the ground. Once Gray stood up, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up from the ground, careful to not put pressure on my wound while I winced a bit at the pain. "Also, why were you so close to me old man?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow at him while he looked at me with wide eyes. "It's not what you think! And stop calling me an old man!" Gray yelled as he looked away from me while he had a frown on his face. "Also, yesterday after your fight with that guy Jake carried you for six hours straight till we set up camp. Jake went to take first watch and told me that you had a fever. I told him to take you to Wendy but she already used too much Magic and he said that all I needed to do was keep you cool and you'd be fine. Jake was really worried about you that he almost cried. He looked scared and hurt that he had to leave you." I looked at Gray with a surprise look on my face while I waved my right hand since my left hand was around Gray's neck. "Wait, Wait!.........Jake carried me for six hours?!" I asked as I moved out of Gray's grasp while I grabbed his shoulders, shaking him back and forth. "Uh? Yea?" Gray said with a confused look on his face while I groaned loudly. "Ooohhhh maaann!! Now I'll be hearing him say that I was fat while he was carrying me!! Damn it!" I yelled as I ran my hands in my hair while Gray sweat-dropped at me. "Yea, he said you would say something like that." Gray chuckled slightly as he scratched his head while I ran a hand through my hair again. After that little moment, Gray and I walked out the tent to see everyone up and coming out from the woods. "Star! Your ok!" Wendy yelled as she dropped her little back-pack on the ground while she ran to me with a smile on her face. "Yea thanks to you and Jake." I told Wendy as I smiled down at her while I ruffled her hair. "How are you feeling Star?" Erza asked me as she had a relief look on her face while the rest came up to me. "I'm fine just sore as always." I told Erza with a nod as she sighed and nodded her head at me while I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "Mhm? Where's Jake?" I asked as I looked around the area since I didn't see him in the tent while I tilted my head a bit. "Oh! He said that he was going to run back to the dark guild to get you your cloak back." Lucy said as she smiled at me while I frowned slightly at the thought of Jake going back to the guild. "I see. Is there a lake around here?" I asked Lucy as she nodded her head while I rubbed my dirty arm. "Yea! I was just headed there, do you wanna join me?" I nodded my head as I made a shadow orb come near me while I stuck my hand in the shadow and grabbed a black bag, taking out some clean clothes then I put my bag back in the shadow orb. "Yea, lets go." I told her as Lucy nodded her head while we both started to walk to the lake. "Soo Star.." Lucy said, trying to start up a conversation as she side glanced me while I looked over to her. "Yes Lucy?" I asked, my eyebrow raised slightly as I gave Lucy a confused look while she gave me a slight smile. "If it's ok for me to ask but who was that guy back at that guild? You looked so mad and eager to get us all away? B-But it's ok if you don't wanna tell me! I respect your privacy!" Lucy yelled as she waved her hands in front of her while she had a panic look on her face. "No it's ok, I mean I knew this question would come up from any one of you. His name was Darrel Jones and he had me captive for four months doing what ever he pleased. But he didn't go to extreme, he only did foreplay with me." I told her, her eyes practically popping out of her head while she looked at me with a sad look. "I-Is that why you wanted us to leave? And why you wouldn't let any guy touch you?" Lucy asked, stopping in front of me as she grabbed my shoulders while she furrowed her eyebrows in worry. "Yea, I guess when I saw him it just went black. Sorry for scary you guys back there." I told her sheepishly as I looked away from her while rubbing the back of my neck. "No it's ok. I can see why now but remember this, we're all here to help you. You don't have to fight alone anymore now that we're here ok." Lucy said, putting her hands on my shoulder with a smile on her face while I looked down at the ground. "Lucy......Do you ever get that fear of being close to someone? Knowing that you'll only cause pain to every one?" I asked her as my hair shadowed my eyes, the wind blowing in my hair while my eyes went dull for a moment. "What do you mean Star?" "Nothing, forget I said anything." I told her with a smile but she gave me a sad smile while she let go of my shoulders. "Sooo where's this lake?" I asked her, trying to change the subject as I smiled a bit while I began to walk ahead of her. "Oh! Right! It's over here! Come on we're almost there!" Lucy yelled as she caught up to me while she grabbed my wrist and began to drag me towards the lake. 'Why did I even ask that question to Lucy? Either way that was a close one.' I sighed in relief as I closed my eyes while Lucy continued to drag me to the lake. "Well here we are!" My mouth dropped as I looked at the beautiful lake (look at the pic above! Thank you!) in front of me while Lucy let go of my wrist. It had a beautiful waterfall falling into the lake while the water was almost clear. "W-Wow! How did you find this place?!" I asked her as I looked at the lake in awe while she smiled, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, last night I went on a walk since Natsu kept on snoring so loud while he slept. Soo yea, one thing lead to another and I found this beautiful place." Lucy said as I walked to the edge of the lake and ran my hands through the water while I smiled slightly. "Well I'm going in." Lucy said as she began to strip out of her clothes and walk into the water while I stood where I was. "I'll be in there in a bit. Just wait ok." Lucy nodded her head as I made a shadow orb come next to me while I walked into the shadow lands and began to undress myself, wincing slightly. I looked down at my bandages on my stomach and saw that it was secured on my stomach, covering my brand also. I stripped out of my clothes then opened another portal that lead inside the lake. I went through the portal and my body was greeted with cold water while I began to swim up at the surface. "-ar!? Star?! Whe- AH! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!" Lucy yelled as she put her hand over her heart while I gave her a small smile. "Sorry, it's just I didn't feel comfortable so I went into the shadow lands and stripped." I told her as I sank a little bit in the water to where the water was up to my shoulders while I looked up at her. "No it's ok, I just didn't know where you went!" Lucy said as she smiled at me while she swam closer to me. "So who won the S-Class games?" I asked Lucy as I turned towards her while my head tilted slightly. "Huh! Now that I think about it, we really didn't say who was S-Class. I guess that dragon was our first priority." Lucy said as she had little depression waves around her while her shoulders slumped slightly. "Whoa...So what kind of dragon was it? Do you know his or her name?" I asked Lucy as I leaned more to her while she looked up with her pointer finger on her lip, thinking. "I think it was Acnologia." My eyes widen slightly as I leaned more towards Lucy while I had my mouth open a bit. "A-Acnologia?" I asked, making sure I heard her correctly while she nodded her head at me. "Yea, he was all black and Gildarts said that he was the one who took his arm and leg." Lucy said as she hugged herself while Lucy shivered in fear, probably thinking about the attack. 'I-I can't believe they saw him!' "Must've been a rough seven years huh." I chuckled as I leaned back in the water while Lucy nodded her head at me. "Yep! You have noo idea." Lucy laughed as she closed her eyes while she ducked her head in the lake then came back up. "This water feels great!" Lucy sighed in delight as she leaned her head back while I nodded my head. "Mhm, yea. The water has some cold spots too." I told her as I swam near a cold spot while I sank in the water to get my hair wet. "Well this has been relaxing, but we should get back." I told Lucy as I stood up which made her gasp in shock while my eyes widen a bit. "S-Star!" 'Shit.' I sank back down till the water reached my nose while I looked at Lucy who gave me a worried look. "Why do you have so many?" Lucy asked, coming towards me with a worried expression on her face while I looked down at the water. "It's nothing Lucy, this just shows how many battles I've won." I told her as I smiled sadly at her while I fully came up from the water. I made a shadow circle come near me and went inside the shadow lands to change again. Once I got into the shadow lands, I got my black backpack and got out some new clothes. I got out a black mussel shirt that had one little snowflake on it with some black skinny pants that also had one little snowflake on it. I put on my undergarments then my clothes with a little jacket to top off everything. Once I was done putting on my clothes, I walked out of the shadow lands only to see Lucy put on her shirt. "Ready?" I asked her as the shadow orb disappeared while Lucy nodded her head with a smile. "Yea, lets go." Lucy said as we began to walk back to the camp in complete silence.

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