Chapter 24

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Star's P.O.V.

'This is gonna be fun.' I smirked slightly as Natsu and I snuck into the Sabertooth's inn while we ended up being in some hallway. "Looks like everyone's sleeping. Wanna give them a wake up call?" Natsu asked me as I smirked in a evil way under my cloak while I punched my left hand, letting Ice Magic radiate off of me. "Hell yea! Ice-Make: Canon!" I yelled as I created a canon while I made a huge explosion, destroying someone's room in the process. Natsu began setting the hotel on fire while we heard everyone running down the hall, trying to find their intruders. "You're all going down!!" I yelled as I sent Ice Lances towards them while some of the Sabers flew down the hall. "Lets go to the main area where the guild Master is!!" Natsu yelled as I nodded my head while we burned and froze the members who got in our way. We got near the front entrance so we both blew it open, flames and ice were every where as we blew the other members away from us. Natsu and I punched any member that came near us while we both glared at their Master. "Where is your Master?!" I asked one of the Sabers as I punched him while Natsu lit his legs on fire and kicked a member. "Tell me!!" Natsu yelled as I saw Stings eyes widen slightly while his mouth hung open. "Bring him out now!!" Natsu yelled a I stood next to him, my cloak flying around while a man with a thick beard stood behind a guild member. "If you have something to say to me you should say it." Their Master said as Natsu and I gritted our teeth together in anger while we glared at him. "You're the Master of this sorry bunch? Of this pathetic guild?" I asked him as the other members glared at us, but I let off my Ice Magic while some of them backed away from me. "So it's one lost and you're out on the streets huh? Ha! Those are some hard core rules pal!" Natsu said as he glared daggers at the Master while I placed a hand on my hip. "Seems like this stupid rule applies to all you filthy tigers." I told them as I looked at all the members while their Master glared at us. "Lets see if you play by them." Natsu and I said at the same time as we slammed our fist in our hands while Natsu's fist were engulfed in flames and mine was engulfed in ice. "If you lose to us! You gotta quit the guild too!!" Natsu yelled as we glared at their Master while I saw some of the members look at us in shock. "They're from Fairy Tail." Rufus said as they looked at us in shock while I felt myself smirking. "Yea, but why?" I heard Sting ask but I was too focused on their Master to worry about what those tigers thought about us. "You really don't wanna tangle with our Master you runts." Orga said as he took a step towards us while I glared at him, letting off some of my Ice Magic. "Those guys are gonna get murdered." "Yea, I don't wanna watch this." I heard the two cats say while I let off more of my Ice Magic while I saw some of the members get into a fighting stance. "Did you two truly come here to challenge me? Very foolish." Their Master said as I took a step forward while the other Sabers looked alert. "That's what we're doing here, so enough with the small chit chat and lets fight old man." I told him while the other guild member moved up a bit as they got into a fighting stance. "We came here to teach you not to turn your back on people you're suppose to care for! So you better listen!" Natsu yelled as we glared really hard at him while I took a small step forward. "I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds to me like you think everyone else should behave by your own personal moral code." Their Master said as Natsu and I glared at him while he stepped forward towards us. "How the hell do you not know what I'm talking about?!" Natsu yelled as he growled a bit while I clutched my hand tightly. "Hey Dobengal, Rein, deal with these intruders." Their Master said as a man in a mask and a guy with a weird tattoo on his face but still looked like a ninja, suddenly popped up next to their Master while they were knelt down on the ground. "Yes sir." They both said at the same time as they looked at us while Natsu and I glared at the Master. "What?! Are you scared?" Natsu asked as I looked at the Rein guy while he smirked at me. "I don't feel like wasting my time disposing of an insect like you two. I am the Master of this Guild so if you two wish to challenge me you must prove yourselves to be a worthy opponent." Their Master said as Natsu charged towards him first then I went behind Natsu. "Don't hide behind your funkies!!! Fight mee!!" Natsu yelled as that ninja guy and the tattoo dude came towards us while they blocked our attacks. "We won't let you near our Master!" Ninja guy said as his arm turned into a rainbow whip while the tattoo guy sent some ninja knifes at me, but Natsu and I managed to dodge them. "You're fast for a girl~" Rein said as he licked his lips while I glared at him. Me and Natsu glared at the two wizards as they stood next to each other with one knee up and the other one down. "Although I may not be participating in the Grand Magic Games this year-" Natsu's opponent suddenly disappeared while Rein looked at me as he held up five ninja stars. "-we are just as skilled in battle as those who are representing our guild." Rein said as that other ninja dude kept disappearing so we wouldn't pinpoint his location while I glared at them in anger. "Now you two will taste the true power of Sabertooth!" Natsu's opponent said as he threw these ball things at us while Rein threw his ninja stars at me. I quickly made an Ice Sword and blocked Reins attack while my left eye was shut to try not to get the smoke in my eyes. "You're hiding too?!" Natsu yelled as we both tried to look for our opponents while we were back to back. Both of our opponents magically had daggers in their hands and threw them towards us, but we jumped back to dodge them. Natsu and I moved away from each other as I glared at Rein while I saw him reappear behind me. "Leave now or you both die~" Rein said as he came at me with a huge dagger in his hands while he smirked at me, but I continued to glare at him. "I'm not here for you so get out of my way!!! Ice-Make: Hammer!!" I chanted as a huge hammer came into my hands while I shot the big Ice Hammer at him. The hammer made him slam into the wall next to Natsu's opponent which was behind Sting who looked at us in shock. "Holy crap! They beat Dobengal and Rein?!" A member shouted as the other guild members gasped slightly while the two cats were surprised. "Wwhhooaa!!" "They just took out two of the toughest guys in our guild like it was nothing!!" The red cat said in surprised as Natsu and I were in front of their Master while we glared at him. "Toughest guild? Tch, don't make me laugh." I commented as their Master glared at us while I looked over at the cats who trembled slightly at my stare. "Master, I'll take them." "You'll stay out of this." Their Master said to Sting as I couldn't wait any longer so I charged first then Natsu was behind me while I had ice around my fist. "No one in my guild has your kind of spirit. That's interesting." Their Master said as I jumped into the air and let Natsu punch him first while I glared down at their Master. Their Master blocked Natsu's attack by placing his arms up which made me slightly grit my teeth in anger while I landed behind Natsu. "But spirit is not enough!" Their Master said as he began to use his magic which forcefully pushed us both back, but we stood our ground while Natsu and I placed our arms in front of us to block out the bright light as I used all my strength to punch the Master. I let my ice wrap around my fist as I upper cut their Master in the gut while I moved back from him. "Natsu!" I yelled as he jumped above me and punched their Master in the face while I glared at the Master. We both stood next to each other as Natsu let flames engulf his elbow while I still had my ice on my fist. We both punched their Master in the face while Natsu's fire went into a pillar of flames. We continued to attack the Master as he just stood there and let us beat the crap outta him. 'I don't give two flying fucks if it's two against one! He shouldn't have done that to Yukino!' Natsu let out a war cry as he stepped back from him while fire and lighting surrounded him. "Lightning Flame Dragon Firing Hammer!!" Natsu chanted as I stepped out of the way so that the attack could hit their Master and not me while my eyes widen a bit. 'Two....? When did he...?' A huge explosion was made while there was dust everywhere and a huge hole in their hotel while I covered my eyes with my hand. As dust was flying everywhere, we waited to see that Master beat to a pulp, but Minerva stood in between us with her magic in her palms. "Minerva." I growled as I stood next to Natsu while I glared at her. "Minerva." "My Lady." Sting said as they looked at her in shock while I glared at her for interfering with our fight. Minerva laughed slightly as she cancelled out her magic while she smirked at us. "Certainly you'll agree, this little quarrel of ours has gone too far." Minerva said as she picked up her hand while Natsu and I glared at her. "What?!" "How dare you get in my way? This does not concern you." The Master said as he glared at Minerva while she closed her eyes and smiled at him. "Please forgive me. You could easily defeat these two so I'm not doing this for your sake father." Minerva said as Natsu looked at them in shock while I balled up my hands. "He's your dad?!" Natsu asked Minerva as he looked at her in shock while Minerva moved a little bit, my glare never leaving her form. "We must take into consideration how this altercation would appear to the outside world. Despite the fact that you two are clearly the aggressors in this situation, our Master killing another competitor would leave Sabertooth in an awkward position, to say the very least. Though it certainly put a damper on the Games." Minerva said as I gritted my teeth at her while I clutched my hand tightly. "You know what I think?! You're scared at seeing this geezer get put down!" Natsu said as I nodded my head while Minerva put a hand on her hip. "You both haven't raged both my father and his men, and they are not the types to take this kind of provocations lightly. What do you say~? Will you allow me to resolve this unpleasantness in a peaceful manner?" Minerva asked as I took a step forward while I punched my right fist into my left hand. "Then lets get these bastard pissed even more. I've been itching to fight someone since I got to damn Crocus." I told Minerva as I saw her smirk slightly at me while Sting glared but I took a step forward. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Minerva said as she placed her right hand at the bottom while her left was at the top, making it almost a circle. Her hands started to have that rainbow color of her magic when suddenly, Happy was in her arms all tied up in ropes while he cried slightly. "Be aware, that is also the only way your kitten will be returned to you unharmed." Minerva said as Happy sobbed in her arms while my eyes widen a bit, flashbacks coming back to me. "Happy!" Natsu yelled as I took a step forward while I glared at her, my palms shaking in anger. "Let him go!!" I yelled at her as my whole body shook in anger while my Ice Magic was going crazy. 'I don't care if an exceed is from another guild, if I see any of them get hurt, that person's gonna pay!!' "Star." I heard Natsu whisper my name but I wasn't focused on him, my main concern was Happy at the moment and I was itching to put down Minerva. "Sorry Natsuu!!" Happy sobbed as he looked at Natsu with tears in his eyes while his tail moved around. "Damn it!!" Natsu shouted in frustration as he glared at Minerva while he clutched his fist tightly. "You both have seem to have taken out your anger on quite a few of our members, but I'm willing to look over this incident entirely if you both corporate." Minerva said as she moved her face closer to Happy which made me grit my teeth together in anger while I tried to control my dragon side. "Behave like a grown up and we can continue the Games like nothing happened." Minerva said as she began to pet Happy's head while Natsu was trying to hold back his anger. "Fine! Just stop touching Happy with those filthy hands of yours!" I yelled as I growled slightly but made sure my dragon side was in check while I took a step forward. Minerva dropped Happy as the ropes fell off of him while Happy ran towards Natsu. "Oh Nattssuuu!!" Happy sobbed as he ran to Natsu while Natsu squatted down to hug him. "I'm sorry! They caught me by surprise!" "Nah, don't worry little buddy. I should be apologizing for leaving you behind like that." Natsu said, his voice more softer then before when he talked to Happy while I continued to glare at Minerva. "It's ok!" Happy yelled as Natsu picked him up and turned away from Sabertooth while I glared at them. "Let's get out of here." "Aye." Natsu and Happy began walking away but I stayed where I was, still glaring at them while my fist was balled up. "Oh? What are you still doing here?" Minerva asked as she smirked at me while I frowned at her and let my magic radiate off of me. "Star, come on we got Happy." Natsu said as I heard him stop walking to wait for me while I gritted my teeth in anger. "Tch." I turned around and began to walk towards Natsu and Happy while my cloak flapped in the air. "You two got some serious guts for such fools." "We can settle this matter once and for all inside the arena. Where we'll show you no mercy." Minerva said which made me stop while Natsu also stopped where we were walking as we had a frown on our faces. "Fine, but you'll never beat us. We're at a whole nother level." Natsu said as I heard the Sabers grunt in anger while Natsu turned to face them. "Cause a real guild....treats its members like family, that's why we came here tonight." Natsu said as he turned away from them while it was my turn to say some shit. "This rotten guild will never win against us, my reason for coming here........was to destroy your hotel for payback. Have fun sleeping with a hole in your ceiling." I told them as Natsu and I began to walk away from their guild while I held up my hand and gave a small wave. "Happy.....are you really ok? That bitch didn't hurt you did she?" I asked Happy as I looked over at him with a worried look while I tried to look for any injuries on him. "I'm fine Star, they just shook me up a bit." Happy said as he smiled at me while I smiled softly at him. "That's good." I petted Happy on his head as I sighed in relief while I closed my eyes. "Star.....why did you get so angry? I would understand why Natsu would get mad, but..." Happy asked as I stopped walking which made them stop and look at me while I clutched my hands tightly. "Y-you guys are aware two friends that died right?" I asked them as they looked at me with a sad look while I gritted my teeth. "Yea, Macao and Romeo had told us a little bit about your past." Natsu said as I glared at the ground then looked back up at them while I frowned slightly. "Well, then you would know that I had an exceed, named Ella." "Oh yea, I remember Macao saying that. What about her Star?" Happy asked as I looked up at the sky with a sad look while I felt their gazes on me. "Well....before she died a wizard had taken her hostage because he wanted my powers-" I stopped for a moment, frowning as I remembered when Rabo had taken Ella to his old hide out just to lure me there while I looked at Natsu and Happy only to see them looking at me with a serious look on their faces. "-By the time I got to her, he had already tortured her to the point where she couldn't even stand on her own. I had fought the wizard for awhile till he escaped.-" I gritted my teeth as I clutched my hands tightly, trying not to cry. No. I won't cry, I can't cry. Not in front of them or anyone. "-After that, no matter if an exceed is in a different guild, I'll make sure that the person pays for hurting a creature like that." I growled as Rabo and Minerva popped into my head while they both had a smirk on their faces. "It's good to see that you're coming back to the way you were." Natsu said as I smiled slightly at him while I looked up at the sky again. "I don't know what you're talking about." I told them as I continued walking ahead of them while I heard Natsu chuckle slightly at me. "Star, Lucy told me that you were with Natsu. The others let me stay where they are staying till you get here." I heard Jake say as I hummed an 'ok' to him while I looked up at the sky. "We'll be at the Honey Bone Inn in about an hour or so." I told Jake as I looked at Natsu and Happy while they smiled to one another. "You better explain what you were doing out this late." Jake said in serious voice as he cut the connection with us while I laughed slightly. "Well guys......I'm going to die." I told Natsu and Happy as they looked at me in confusion while I rubbed the back of my head. "Why?" "Jake's going to kill me when I tell him what I did." I told them as their face turned into a smile while I groaned at the thought of Jake ranting. "Come on, Jake's also at the Honey Bone Inn with the others. We wouldn't want to worry them anymore." I told them as they nodded their heads while we made our way back to the Honey Bone Inn.

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