Chapter 12

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Star's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of weeks since that whole Lucy thing happened and everyone seemed to be ok. The whole guild told me what had happened when I was asleep and to be honest, I felt bad for Michelle. I knew there was something off about her, but she did want to protect Lucy. On the bright side though, Lucy kept Michelle in her room, since Michelle turned into a doll. "Are you sure you should be walking around?" Porlyusica asked me as she raised an eyebrow at me while she stood near the door way with a frown. "Yes Porlyusica. I'm fine. My wound has healed completely and the poison is out of my system thanks to you." I told Porlyusica as she nodded her head at me while I laid back in bed. "So..... When are you planning to tell Wendy?" I asked Porlyusica as I sat up from the bed while I saw her glare at me slightly. "(Sigh) I do not know, whenever the child comes to visit you." Porlyusica said as she looked out the window with a frown while I nodded my head also looking out the window. "The mutt does really care about you. He looked like he was beating himself up about what happened to you." Porlyusica said as she turned towards me with a frown while I looked down at the bed sheets with a glare. "That day......when we past by you, what did you tell Jake?" I asked Porlyusica as I looked straight into her eyes while I gave her a serious look. "I simply told him to watch over you. I knew that your fight with him would happen very soon, and it did." Porlyusica said, making me look out the window once again while I frowned at the trees as I clutched my hands tightly. 'No. That wasn't our fight...that was just him taunting me. Our battle will come one day...but not yet..' Knock Knock "Tch, those stupid humans. Couldn't they have came to see you the next day?" Porlyusica grumbled under her breath as she walked towards the door while I smiled slightly. "Just tell them that I'm asleep ok." I told her as she went to the door while I heard Porlyusica open the door then shut it behind her to the room. There was a few moments of silence before I heard the door slam again while I shook my head at her. "Scram!" I heard Porlyusica yell as she walked into my room while she had an irk mark on her head. "Sorry to bother you ma'am! But we were wondering if you had any potions that could help us! And we came to see how Star was doing!!" I heard Lucy yell from outside as I raised an eyebrow while I sighed deeply. "Like maybe something that could make us all a million times stronger!" Natsu yelled as I rolled my eyes while I shook my head at Natsu. 'Tch, typical Natsu.' "There's probably no way that it be that easy." I heard Gray say as I let a sigh escape my lips while I swung my feet off the bed. "What's the matter child? You seem upset." I heard Carla tell Wendy, since she was the only one that calls Wendy child. I glanced at Porlyusica giving her a look that said 'you need to tell her', but she glared at me while grabbing a broom. Porlyusica opened the door while I heard Gray gasp slightly at seeing her while I held back a smirk. "You know I hate people so get lost!! Shoo!! Shoo!!" Porlyusica yelled as my dragon ears heard her run after them while she swung the broom at them. "Ahhh!" "I've had enough brooms already!!" Natsu yelled as I rubbed my head to ease the headache forming while they all screamed, running from Porlyusica. "Sorry to bother you!!" Lucy yelled out as I heard their foot steps get farther away while I shook my head at those idiots. "Why does she hate us?!?!" "Is it cause she and Gramps use to date!?" "We weren't a couple you fool!!" Porlyusica yelled as I could imagine her having an irk mark on her head while I chuckled slightly at their behavior. I heard the door open and close while Porlyusica came into my room with the broom in her hand before she placed it against the wall. "Those stupid humans." Porlyusica grumbled under her breath as she looked down at the ground while I looked up at her with a frown. "Wendy was there wasn't she?" I asked Porlyusica as she nodded her head while she slightly glared at me, but I wasn't phased by it. "What now?" Porlyusica sighed as she went inside a cabinet drawer and pulled out a stack of papers while I tilted my head to the side. "What are those?" I asked Porlyusica as I stood up from the bed and began to change into a black long sleeve shirt that had little bits of armor here and there, with some black skinny pants that also had armor on them, then my combat boots. "A stack of spells that she gave me when I saw her. I am going to go give them to Wendy." Porlyusica said as she showed me the stack of spells while I fully changed into my clothes. "Are you going to tell her when you give them to her?" I asked Porlyusica as I walked towards her while I stood next to her with a frown. "Yes." "I'll come as well, I'm fully healed and I don't need to use your house as a hotel anymore." I told Porlyusica as I grabbed my cloak, putting it on me while I looked over at Porlyusica with a small smile. "Alright." Porlyusica said as she and I left her house while we began to look for Team Natsu.

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