9✔︎ Full Speed Ahead II

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I smiled to myself as I thought about how romantic Blake was being tonight. Instead of being concerned about leaving for his road trip tomorrow, he was catering to me, and I was really in my feels. Not to mention this little guy I currently held on my hip.

"Juice, JuJu?" Ford asked, pointing to the lemonade I was stirring.

"Not juice, Ford, but you can have some milk after you're done eating dinner, big boy," I replied.

"Milk!" he exclaimed, pulling on the scarf around my neck in excitement. I'd been trying to help Blake get Ford off this juice obsession. He's only two, and a toddler will love sugar if you let them. Especially since his father has a crazy sweet tooth, and he's a grown man.

Between Ford's cuteness and Blake's romancing, I was feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Blake reappeared in the kitchen and turned the soup off before taking the grilled cheese off the grill. My stomach growled in anticipation.

"You've been puttin in work in this kitchen, baby! I can't wait to partake!" I said, running my fingers through his curls to get his attention.

He smiled and looked down at me, pecking me on the lips and giving me a love tap on the butt, "Only the best for you, Jubilee. Now take my child who you love more than me and have a seat at the table, so I can serve you."

I chuckled and walked Ford to his high chair that was placed between Blake's seat and my seat. He whined softly as I uncurled his fingers from around my scarf but quickly started smiling when I stuck my tongue out at him while tickling him in the side. I then heard plates touch the table, turning around to see mine and Blake's plates with nicely browned grilled cheese sandwiches cut in halves and bowls of tomato soup. I sat down and put my napkin in my lap while Blake brought our lemonade over to the table and then set two smaller squares of grilled cheese on a paper towel in front of Ford.

"I figured I'll let you feed him some fruit and veggies since y'all love each other soo much," BG joked, finally sitting down and sliding a small cup of celery and grapes my way.

I chuckled before answering, "Gladly, BG, gladly!"

Blake said the grace and we dug in. I immediately grabbed the grilled cheese and dunked it in my soup before vocally agreeing with its deliciousness by moaning.

"Mmmm, BG, this is yummy!" I complimented.

He smirked while spooning his soup into his mouth and watching me devour what was on my plate.

"Thanks, Ju, just call me Chef G," he tried to suggest nonchalantly.

I couldn't help but laugh and roll my eyes at such a suggestion., "Sure, sure BG."

The rest of the meal I ate pretty fast since I was starved and fed Ford his celery and grapes every now and again. Blake and I talked about our days and how he felt heading into this five-game, eight-day road trip that started in Houston. I couldn't have pictured a better night with Blake and Ford before having to be separated from them for so long.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you and this little guy for eight days!" I whined as Blake finished off his second sandwich, and I sipped on the last of my lemonade.

"You? What about me? At least you can call up Brynn and come get Ford any time you want! I'll be across the country," Blake reminded me.

"True, true. I'm just going to miss you showering me with all my favorite things and being all romantic," I pouted, standing up and taking the plates to the sink and running some dish water.

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