25✔︎ Valentine's Day Weekend II

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This chapter is dedicated to my little sis sydney__mobley who was one of my first readers and has always loved Jubilee and Blake! She is the one who gave me the extra push I needed to get back to writing this story, so thanks, boo! Love you! 😍😘❤️


It was ten o'clock at night, and Blake and I had just gotten back in bed from the shower after our round two that Blake had indeed promised at school earlier today. I don't know what has gotten into him, but he can't seem to keep his hands off me, I thought with a smile. Well, never mind, who am I kidding? That's nothing new.

Blake was watching Comedy Central, and I was reading an article for class, trying to act like my dream engagement ring wasn't sitting in my purse that was hanging up in the closet. As soon as I had gotten to Blake's house, I cooked dinner and spent time with Blake and Ford, then Blake had basically attacked me in the bedroom, so now was the first time I had even remembered the ring. I had already decided to tell him immediately, but I was dragging my feet because I know how Blake can get about Trenton and didn't want this news to ruin our Valentine's Day weekend. We had had such an amazing day today, especially after a week of barely communicating, and I didn't want our focus back on something so negative.

But, more than my feelings of trepidation related to sharing this news with Blake were my feelings of fear and unsettlement with knowing that Trenton was basically saying that he would somehow be making his presence known soon. Looking back, I guess there was never really any closure to our relationship, he just surprisingly left me alone after he held me over his balcony and threatened to kill me.

"Ju, what's wrong? You're holding your highlighter but staring into space," Blake asked, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me shoulder to shoulder with him.

Guess it was time to drop the bomb.

"Umm, I think Trenton is back in the States, and plans to see me soon," I whispered, my eyes trained on Blake's chest, not his eyes.

I felt the bed shift as Blake immediately sat up and placed his right pointer finger under my chin, gently nudging my head up so that our eyes would meet.

"What?! Jubilee. You can't be serious! How do you even know this?" he asked, his face filled with shock, and his eyes turning black with anger.

My heart started racing since I was now nervous about Blake's heightened response to this information. I remember that day when Trenton had threatened me, and Blake was not at all happy about it. It felt like déjà vu all over again.

"Well, you remember the package Ms. Stanley called me about?"

"Yes, I remember."

"It was from him. A red Gardenia and an envelope with a note and umm..." I hesitated to add the last disturbing piece of information.

"Jubilee. What else was in there?" Blake demanded to know.

I sighed, accepting that the storm was coming, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"And the engagement ring he planned to give me. It's actually kind of my dream engagement ring," I whispered before placing my head in my hands as Blake surged up out of bed and started pacing.

"That mothafucker is asking for it," Blake growled, balling up his fists before turning back to look at me, "Well? Aren't you going to show me this envelope?"

I slid out of bed and walked to the closet to retrieve the envelope. Taking it out of my purse, I surveyed the ring once more, the pit in my stomach becoming deeper and wider at the thought of me being married to Trenton right now and the thought of him seeking me out soon. Not to mention Blake looking like he wanted to murder him after my admittance about the package he sent.

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