26✔︎ Valentine's Day Weekend III

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I dedicate this chapter to DLittleWriter MuvaNeshia and edengill!! Thank you so much for reading, commenting on, or voting on the last few chapters of my story! I really appreciate the support! ☺️😍😘❤️


After reading Blake's Valentine's Day card and enjoying the rest of breakfast in bed with him and Ford, I quickly got up to get ready, realizing that 11am wasn't but an hour away. I gave Ford quick kisses on the cheek because I knew Brynn would've come to pick him up by the time I finished getting ready.

"Ju, are you almost ready?!" I heard Blake call as I applied some light makeup.

I rolled my eyes. He's probably rushing me. I bet it's barely past 10:30, I thought shaking my head.

"Yes, Blake," I said, letting the annoyance come through in my voice as I exited the bathroom to find him on the bed watching tv.

I checked the clock. 10:37. Knew it.

"What, babe, I'm just trying to help you out so you don't miss your surprise," Blake said, seeing me eye the clock.

"You're always rushing me, BG!" I replied, entering the closet and reaching for a pair of black leggings to pull on.

By the time I pulled them up I felt Blake's presence behind me, reaching up to the top shelf of his closet for one of his Oklahoma sweatshirts.

I turned to face him with a smirk on my face, "How'd you know I was going to ask for one of those?"

Blake smirked back, hiding the sweatshirt behind his back, "Seriously, Jubilee? Whenever you stay the night, the next morning you always make sure to pull from your stash of leggings or skirts you keep over here and then you just throw on one of my t-shirts or sweatshirts that I never see again."

I laughed. He had me.

"Whoa. We know each other too well, baby," I said, looking into his eyes and seeing that he was about to get real playful, "BG, don't!"

"Don't what? I'm just thinking about how I could get to know you even better," he whispered, stepping towards me.

He leaned down, and his lips found mine. My heart fluttered in my chest at his words and the touch of his lips. His large hand found my waist and pulled my body towards his, a moan escaping my lips in response to our closeness and what I knew it would lead to.

"Blake Griffin, you need to stop," I whispered.

"It's these leggings, baby," he responded, still kissing me in between his words as his hands traveled down to my hips and squeezed.

I panted and pulled away slightly, trying to find some composure before I missed whatever surprise Blake had put together for me.

"You were just hounding me about being on time and now you're making me late," I whined, biting my lip and looking into his eyes that were filled with mirth and mischief.

"Well I'm the one who put the surprise together, so I can make you late," he replied, shrugging his shoulders and causing me to once again stare at his bare chest.

His hands slid right under my ass and picked me up. I had no choice but to place my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his waist. How was I supposed to resist this man? I looked into his eyes and immediately kissed him again, his tongue sliding into my mouth and deepening our kiss as he exited the closet and made his way towards the bed.

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