35✔︎ The Glue

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I dedicate this chapter to victoriamars and gvldennn_!! I can't thank y'all enough for being loyal readers and voters of this story! It means so much to me! 😩😭😍❤💖🙌🏾


"I just never saw this coming, Mom. I thought Jubilee and I were so close. It hurts me so much that she was abused by Trenton, but it hurts just as much that she wouldn't feel like she could confide in me about this for such a long time," Jordan lamented.

"And what about this psycho, Trenton Davis?! How in God's name has he flown under the radar for so long?! I want to tear him limb from limb for what he did to Jubilee!" Jade exclaimed.

"Do you think Dad is going to have to suffer consequences for what happened almost a decade ago, Mom? I keep hearing him on the phone with different people from Texas...and, why did he punch Blake?" Julius asked.

"Speaking of Blake, what's our stance on him? I mean, to witness Jubilee realizing she'd been lied to all these years just added too much insult to injury. I thought they were supposed to be best friends! Plus, why agree to keep quiet if you were just going to go beat the dude up? He could've just come to one of us and made sure it was handled. Clearly Jubilee was too emotionally impacted by the situation and couldn't make a rational decision..." Jacqueline mulled over as she thought out loud.

"Well, I just wanna know if Jubilee is going to be okay, Mom. She's been asleep almost the entire time we've been here. There's nothing serious wrong with her, right?" Justice questioned.

The voices of my siblings as they badgered our mother about the open book that is my life right now not only woke me up out of the deep, satisfying sleep I was having, but was also difficult to hear. Instead of immediately opening my eyes I decided to listen in on how my siblings were truly feeling about the skeletons in my...well, I guess, out of my, closet.

After listening to each of my five siblings make comments about my annoyingly complicated circumstances, I knew I wouldn't be able to face them and add more confusion to everything by admitting that I was pregnant. But I also was done keeping things from my family. Clearly, lying wasn't productive.

I was just going to tell my mom. I listened for her voice this whole time, but she never said anything. She just let my siblings vent. She was the glue holding the Carlisles together at the moment, and that's what let me know that I'd be able to tell her about me and Blake's child that was on the way.

There was just so much to process with Blake, our child, my dad, and Trenton, and I was so overwhelmed; however, all that kept blinking in my mind, like a Broadway marquee, were the words of Dr. Jennings... "You should be eating for two."

I had to tell my mom before I lost my nerve.

"Thanks for actually caring about my wellbeing, Justice, you can stay in my room," I sarcastically joked with my froggy voice of sleep, slowly shifting upwards in the bed as I opened my eyes and readjusted to my surroundings.

"Jubilee, you're awake! You've been listening this whole time?" Justice asked with a pleased smirk and look of relief on his face.

I laughed and accepted the water Jordan brought me, "Well, it's hard not to listen to all twelve of y'all speaking so quickly and all at the same time basically. Our poor mother."

"Say that again, Jubilee! How are you feeling, baby?" my mom asked, giving me her warm smile that made me feel like everything is going to be alright, "Did the doctor tell you what was going on?"

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