21✔︎ Family is Forever

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Birthday Gif above just because Blake is being silly, and I love silly Blake lol


One Week Later - February 2, 2015

Speaking to Jacob Carlisle is not what I thought I'd be doing right after practice Monday night, but Jubilee had been mentioning telling her parents about our relationship so here I was looking into the jolly, dark-skinned face of Jubilee's father. Mr. Carlisle and I have always had a pretty great relationship, and he's always appreciated how I've taken care of Jubilee. A small part of me has always felt some guilt for not telling him about the Trenton situation, but at least that's in the past. Now I'm just nervous because I've always been his daughter's friend, not boyfriend, and I'm unsure of his response to his youngest daughter being taken now.

"Hey baby," I greeted with a tired smile, giving her a quick peck before sitting down beside her at my dining room table.

Jubilee kissed me back and smiled, her eyes meeting mine as if to slightly warn me as she slid her laptop screen in front of me.

"Hey BG, my dad wants to talk with you for a bit," she announced, forcing me to quickly get my thoughts together.

"Alright, son, what are your intentions with my daughter?" Mr, Carlisle asked in his deep timber.

"Daddy! Come on, you didn't even say hello!" Jubilee exclaimed and giggled, clearly tickled by her father's completely serious demeanor.

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that my hands were a little sweaty as Jacob came out the gate grilling me. I rubbed them on my sweatpants as Jubilee stood behind me and slid her arms around my shoulders and up and down my chest. She always knew what to do to calm me down. I don't normally get nervous about much but this was Jubilee's dad, and I think she could tell I was slightly concerned and taken by surprise. I actually think she is testing me just to see what I will say.

"Well maybe if you could keep your hands off of him for one minute, I could talk to him, Ameerah," Jacob said, causing my eyebrows to raise and a smirk to appear because he never called Jubilee by her middle name unless he was being really serious.

Jubilee scoffed before responding, "Well fine, Daddy, since you wanna be like that. I'll leave you two alone then."

I was now feeling guilty for laughing because she was leaving me with Jacob Carlisle all alone, flipping her hair and leaving behind her wonderful fragrance as she flounced out of my dining room and left me with her laptop. Once she was out of earshot, Mr. Carlisle went back to giving me the third degree.

"So, Blake, why are you so keen on dating my daughter? Y'all have been friends for years and all of a sudden you're more than that?"

I swallowed slowly, wanting to choose my words carefully, "Well, sir, if I'm being honest I've always had feelings for your daughter, and I ju--"

I abruptly stopped explaining because Mr. Carlisle started laughing, a deep grumble of amusement that I could hear and see on his face. Was I off the hook?

"Son, I thought I told you about that sir stuff. Makes me feel old. I was just messing with you, I know you've had feelings for my daughter, I've always been able to tell by the way you are never too far away from her. And ever since you came to her graduation in the midst of your NBA draft training, I knew you loved her. Just remember--you hurt her, I kill you. Pretty simple concept, right?"

I chuckled in chagrin and anxiety. How was he that observant of how I felt towards Jubilee? I guess I haven't been as stealthy as I thought...and that threat wasn't even thinly veiled. It was quite straightforward.

The Choice ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now