16✔︎ DTR

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   This chapter is dedicated to dallasmadeline for including me in her WAGS story! So go check it out! ❤️❤️

Blake in my gif above though?!! 😩😍🔥


"¡Dios mío, Jubilee Ameerah Carlisle! That is not what you said to him. Have you lost it?!"

My best friend Holland was currently scolding me via telephone after I told her about my eventful day with Tim Tebow and my stressful morning and phone conversation with Blake. And I was currently on my way home from class, sulking as I listened to her voice boom through my car, and she switched from English to Spanish, which she does when she's really upset.

"I remember you your senior year, Ju! You were in and out of depression for four months! The only person who could make you smile or cheer you up after that puta's abuse was Blake!"

"Thanks, Holland. I knooow," I whined, feeling like a child being punished by her mother.

"No, you clearly don't know. Look, I know, for whatever reason, you were completely oblivious to your feelings for Blake in college and for the past however many years. But you've gotta wake up, Ju! The good ones don't stay around long if you don't appreciate them! And Blake is a good one, and he especially acts right when it comes to Ford and you. Don't fuck this up or me and Jordan, and hell, the rest of your family will kill you!"

Holland's disappointment in me was quite palpable, even through the phone, after hearing about the breathtakingly romantic first date Blake set up for me in addition to him challenging me to share my feelings for him before serving me a quite memorable first and second time since Trenton. She went from swooning to swearing in Spanish once she heard the all too familiar name, Arielle, and the all too well-known name, Tim Tebow.

"And don't think that just because Marcus and I are in Italy, that means I won't come back to America and kick your ass! You know how long I've been waiting for you to be married with me!"

"Yea, yea I'm soooo happy you actually got to ride into the sunset and live happily ever after with yo man, like, forever ago," I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes.

"Girl, you could've married Blake at the same time I married Marcus had you've pulled your head out of your big booty and seen Blake serving you the heart eyes emoji in real life since the day we all met at that party!"

I pulled into my apartment complex and laughed at my best friend's sass, which is why I loved her. She could make me laugh and check me all in the same sentence.

"Ok, Holly, I get it, I get it. I was blind for eternity, and if I don't get it together, Blake won't be around anymore. Soo do you have to keep ripping me or can we focus on how I'm going to play this?"

"Fine, fine!" She chuckled before continuing to poke fun at me, "And what, how you're going to decline a date you already accepted? From Tim Tebow of all people?! Oo girl, that's one of those they call personal problems. You accepted the date, so you figure out how to decline it. I say just be honest and let him know there's this really tall and muscular human named Blake Griffin who was here first. The end!"

"Uggghhh, Holland!" I exclaimed while smirking.

I made it up to my apartment door and almost stumbled onto a vase of flowers. Beautiful, white Orchids to be exact. I then noticed an envelope underneath the vase that had my name on the front.

"Oh em gee, Holly, there's a vase of Orchids and an envelope addressed to me in front of my door!"

"Well let's end the suspense, who's it from?!"

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