38✔︎ The Root of the Problem

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I dedicate this chapter to my twinnie,
-starrynite117! I cannot put into words how much she has supported my story, helped me throughout the writing process, and just understood and loved Jubilee and Blake's journey for exactly what I've aimed for it to be. I luh you!


"You ready to go, baby?" Deandre asked me.

We had just cleaned up Jubilee's kitchen after breakfast and were heading over to Blake's house to visit with her and Blake.

I sighed before leaning against the counter by the sink and answering, "As ready as I'll ever be."

DJ put away his clean plate before walking over to me and placing his hands on both sides of my body, leaning down, and nuzzling my neck which caused me to smile.

"What's wrong? You're always excited to see your sister just like Blake is. It gets pretty annoying sometimes actually...nah, all the time actually. With Blake anyway," DJ groaned.

I couldn't help but laugh at DJ's jealousy. It was so real.

Without thinking, I immediately sang in his ear, "He still gets jealous!"

"Don't do that, you sound too good," DJ whined.

I giggled, "You always know how to make me feel better."

"Mmm, well good, can I get a reward?" he whispered against my neck as he began a trail of kisses up to my lips.

I rolled my eyes before planting a quick peck on his lips, "Later, baby, we gotta go. I told Jubilee we'd be there by ten."

Deandre sighed and stood up straight, "You're the one who acted like you didn't wanna go..."

"I know, it's just. It's hard to bite my tongue. Jubilee and I have barely had a free moment, and I can't tell if she's avoiding me, if I'm avoiding her, or if it's both. I've just never felt so far away from her mentally and emotionally," I opened up to DJ, finally feeling ready to say these stressful and unfortunate words out loud.

"What do you mean, you feel far away from her? Y'all have been underneath each other the past three days that she's been out of the hospital," DJ asked.

"Yea, but things just aren't the same between us. She doesn't seem to be as mad at Blake as I am, and I still am reeling from the fact that she was in an abusive relationship for the majority of her college career, and I had no idea."

"Ok, ok, hol up. I completely understand you still processing your sister being in an abusive relationship with such a dickbag, buuuttt why you on my man, Blake?"

"DJ. Blake is the only person who knew what my sister was going through and didn't think to tell not one of her family members? Not one?! But was just fine with thinking that beating him up was a sufficient response to his abuse? We could've helped her earlier! We could've taken care of his ass a long time ago!" I fumed, letting out some steam.

Deandre was smart to grab my hand and pull me into Jubilee's living room to sit on the couch before responding to my comment. I could tell by his facial expression that he was processing a lot of things just like I was.

"If I were in the same situation as you I would probably be mad, too, Jordan. To not know that your younger sister was going through this and to find out that something could've been done about it must be pretty infuriating, but at the same time, I know Blake, and I know he didn't make that decision lightly. Hell, you know Blake just as well as I do! You know how much he loves Jubilee. We've even talked about how he goes completely over the top for her as far as the romance and everything. So, of course he would go completely over the top when it comes to her being in danger, too! Plus, he was only knocking on 20's door when this all happened, it would only make sense for him to make an irrational and instantly gratifying decision," DJ explained pretty logically.

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