33✔︎ Spilled Beans II

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I dedicate this chapter to -starrynite117 and sunshinensarcasm who have been two of my biggest supporters of this story and my writing overall. Your friendship has been invaluable to me, and I'm just so glad we met on here! I hope y'all love this chapter! 😩😭☺️😍❤💖🙌🏾💯


"Jordan, you have got to promise not to tell. Mom and Dad would kill me, and Dad might get in trouble," I whispered.

We both faced forward and looked like we were completely attentive to the game as to not alert our family members who were having the time of their lives. Ford currently sat with Justice and Julius, bouncing in their laps as he yelled for his dad whether he had the ball or not. Our older sisters couldn't stop critiquing the fashion of all the celebrities in the building, and our dad and mom just sat cozily beside each other, every now and again, leaning over to talk to some of the parents of other Clippers who were present.

"Well, I can't make any promises until you spill the beans, sis. You've never kept anything from me, so I'm already stressed. Just tell me already," Jordan demanded, gritting her teeth.

"Okay, fine. Trenton was emotionally abusive towards me over the course of our relationship. He was very controlling, always calling and texting me asking me where I was and who I was with. He always demanded sex and never let me initiate it. And he constantly belittled me, trying to ruin my self-esteem and forcing me to be more attached to him and trust him for everything. Um. He also put his hands on me once and threatened to kill me," I whispered while watching Blake shoot free throws, unable to meet Jordan's eyes.

Jordan immediately turned to face me, her body jerking to the left in shock, anger, and complete disbelief.

"Jubilee, my God, you went through that hell during college?! He put his hands on you and threatened to kill you?!!" Jordan gasped, her fists clenching as her eyes widened to saucer-size, "How could you not tell anyone?! Are you shitting me?!"

At this point, Jordan and I were so engrossed in our conversation, we didn't realize that play had continued after the free throws, but our attention was quickly captured when the sound of three synchronized whistles pierced the air.

Our heads whipped back towards the court, but we had missed whatever happened. All we saw was DJ facing Blake with both arms stretched out wide, trying to keep him from advancing towards CP who was currently pointing and yelling in Trenton and Boogie's faces. The refs were pushing both sides away from each other and trying to get control of the game. I looked at Blake and then looked at Trenton. Interestingly enough, Trenton had a relaxed smirk on his face while Blake's fists were clenched, and his face was turning red. Both sides made it safely back to their benches while the refs visited the replay center.

After watching the play multiple times on the jumbotron, it was clear that Trenton had earned an offensive foul on purpose. After Blake switched on the pick and roll with JJ Redick, Trenton immediately bulldozed Blake square in his chest, knocking him over before saying some words to him after he did it, which led to Blake jumping up and getting in his face. If Blake got another tech, he'd be out of the game, and I think that's exactly what Trenton wanted.

"Come on, baby, I told you not to sink to his level," I whispered like he could hear me from my seat.

"Psshhh, I can only imagine what level he'd sink to if he knew Trenton had put his hands on you," Jordan muttered, turning her attention back to me while the refs deliberated.

I bit my lip and looked down, the guilt eating away at me in a way I was not prepared for. I could tell that Jordan was experiencing the full spectrum of emotions at the moment, and it was essentially my fault.

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