39✔︎ My Mind's Made Up

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I dedicate this chapter to lonelylorelei! I know you aren't this far along in the story yet, but your comments and votes have been so refreshing! I've just been so encouraged by how much you're enjoying and support my story, so thank youuu! 😩😭☺️😍❤💖


I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, pleased with just how taken aback Jubilee was with my presence and my knowledge of her current situation. She might be upset now, but eventually she would realize that I was the best thing for her. And if I had to get rid of this child she was carrying to eliminate her reasoning for staying loyal to Blake, I would.

"How could you even know?" Jubilee asked, the horror reaching her face before she could confirm with words that she was indeed pregnant.

I chuckled, "Baby, come on. You know me. I am always aware of what's happening with mine. And you, Jubilee, are mine. I let you play with Griffin long enough. It's time for you to come back where you belong."

"Where I belong?" Jubilee exclaimed in a loud whisper, "What's it going to take for you to accept that I don't belong to you or with you?"

"I see this Griffin dude just lets you talk to him any kind of way, huh? Watch yourself, Ju. I'm trying to stay cordial since we're in public," I growled, refraining from clenching my fists because I didn't want Jubilee to run.

She rolled her eyes and reached down to the floor to pick up her purse like she was going to leave anyway.

"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast, Jubilee. Don't you want to hear what I think about your little baby who's on the way?" I asked with a smirk.

Jubilee dropped her purse back to the ground immediately and turned back towards me, "Threaten my child one more time, Trenton. I swear I'll call the police!"

I guess I was going to have to use my back-up plan to get her to come to my way of thinking. I knew that she was hung up on this Blake guy, but I didn't realize it was this bad. No matter what I did, Griffin was always in the way. I finally make my return, and he knocks her up?! I was tired of waiting for what was rightfully mine in the first place. I was supposed to be the one marrying Jubilee, and she was supposed to be having my children. I was supposed to be the one dominating in the NBA. But, no, Jubilee had to go off and write a book and get unfocused on our relationship in college. She was always too ambitious and wanted too much influence. I just wanted her to be focused on me.

When we first started dating, I couldn't keep her away from me. We did everything together, and everyone at UT wanted to be us. She cooked for me all the time, came to all my games, and never failed to show up to events and parties with me lookin' sexy as hell. But then she wrote that book, and started traveling and doing other shit, and I was no longer her first priority. And I've always hated sharing.

I reached into the pocket of my hoodie and took out a small manila folder with her name on it. I then pulled out the stack of pictures I had of her at various places in the past years since we graduated and I went overseas.

"You talk a good game, Ju, but I walk the walk," I whispered, leaning forward in my seat and placing each picture on the table one by one, "You see these? They're pictures of you I've had taken over the years because it's always been you I've wanted. When I say you're mine, that's what I mean, and you can either accept it and join me, or I can force you. It's your choice."


With each picture that Trenton placed on the table I became more and more afraid for my life and the life of my child.

The Choice ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now