34✔︎ It Used to Be So Simple

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I dedicate this chapter to Priscillaaaxo and TyLovesBen, and Reader197p!! I'm so grateful for your reads, votes, and comments! Y'all just don't know how much it keeps me going as a writer! 😩😭☺️😍❤💖🙌🏾💯


Five Years Ago

I woke up with my stomach growling, rolling over and groaning when I realized that Jubilee was no longer in my arms. It had only been a week since we reconciled, and we were already back to where we were before I kissed her. Although I had agreed to be "just friends" with Jubilee, it was hard to hide my feelings after baring them for her to see a month ago. So I may or may not have still been laying the flirting on thick and holding out hope that she would give in. She hadn't yet, but I'd definitely witnessed some hesitation.

"Good morning, BG!" Jubilee greeted me with her smile that never ceased to make my day, breezing back into my room in one of my t-shirts that drowned her with a huge bowl of cereal.

"Morning, Ju, what are we eating?" I asked, sitting up and holding the covers up for her to slide back under them and snuggle up next to me.

"I'm eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It's like six am, so I didn't think you'd be up for a little bit or I would've made you something real to eat like, eggs or oatmeal," she replied, rubbing shoulders with me and digging into her bowl.

It was Saturday morning, and we were continuing our tradition of Friday night sleepovers and breakfast the next day...except Jubilee was eating breakfast without me this time apparently.

"Wow, no thought of me at all? But you're eating my cereal? This world we live in!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air before attempting to be slick and laying one around Jubilee's shoulders.

I then leaned down and opened my mouth wide right as she was bringing the spoon to her mouth for another bite.

She side-eyed me before rolling her eyes, "Ugghh, fine, BG!"

Jubilee fed me a spoonful, and I immediately began to chew the sugary, cinnamon goodness, forgetting about the milk that began to dribble down my chin.

"Wow, BG, no table manners," she joked, swiping her thumb down my chin to get rid of the milk.

Why did I love that she did that so much?

"We're not at a table," I mumbled around my cereal, "Besides it tastes that much better knowing it came from your bowl."

"Shut up, Austin, and get your own," Jubilee grumbled, turning away from me as she took another bite.

I laughed after swallowing, "Feisty, are we? I could have my own breakfast...but it wouldn't be cereal."

I smirked as Jubilee froze mid-bite before dropping her spoon in utter chagrin, her brown cheeks getting slightly pink as the suggestion of my statement hit home.

"I think I will go to a table," she finally said after slowly chewing to stall before having to give a reply.

I chuckled, "Aw, Ju, don't be like that!"

"You're insufferable, Blake Griffin," she sang as she exited the bed and my room, giving me a short view of her ass under my t-shirt.

I fell onto my back and groaned once again. I wasn't just hungry for food, and I didn't think I'd be getting satisfied anytime soon.

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