7✔︎ Kiss and Tell

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This chapter goes out to sydney__mobley! - your comments and votes are the best! 😊 Go read her stories No Strings Attached and Chasing After You!


I bounced into Palisades Charter a half hour before the first bell with a genuine smile plastered across my face that I couldn't get rid of. Starting your morning off with BG, in more ways than one, can really set your day on the right path.

For the first time in a few months, I felt a new freedom I wasn't accustomed to. Blake and I were finally in a place I wanted to be, just taking what we had day by day and figuring out what it meant by being honest with each other. I knew that I felt very strongly about Blake, but I had vowed to never let myself get to a certain place emotionally again after Trenton, especially with a high-profile athlete. I take relationships so seriously, especially when I have the greatest example in my parents who have been together for 29 years. So I really have no time for play-play like some folks out here. If I'm giving you time and effort over my students and my dreams, it means I think you could be the one.

I decided to quickly FaceTime Jordan to discuss my new life developments in hopes that she'd be available on the East Coast at this time.

"Well if it isn't the sexiest teacher I know! Hey boo, I miss you so much!!!" Jordan shouted through the phone.

I laughed and answered, "Jordannn, I miss you too!! This whole tour thing is real exciting except for the part where we can't talk on the phone every day!"

"I know Jubilee, I know. Only a couple months left, and we'll be back in business! So what's up, it must be important if you're calling me aaaat, let's see, it's 10:30 here soo 7:30 in the morning. you've got kids coming to your classroom soon!"

This is why I called Jordan first. She knows me so well and is always so enthusiastic and happy. Just like me. Being the closest in age, we've always had a special sisterly bond.

"Sooo, BG and I finally ummm escaped the friend zone." I confessed, giving Jordan my bashful face.

"SHUUTTT YOUR MOUTH THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, "OMG I feel like I should be at Disney World because dreams really do come true!"

I laughed and just shook my head at her because I knew she was going to flip out. She's been #TeamBG ever since we first met, always teasing me about him and making awkward comments about us getting married when we were all together.

"When you wish upon a staaarr, makes no difference who you aaarreee! Anything your heart desires, will come to youuuuu!" Jordan started singing Disney's theme song in her angelic voice including a run or two, and I almost fell out my chair.

"Oh Lort, can you please focus, Jordan, I have a lot of emotions to work through here!" I said over her voice as she continued to sing.

Jordan immediately stopped singing and sucked her teeth, "Girl, you know you need to stop with your incessant overanalyzing! I bet you weren't overanalyzing when he was giving you that D! Ooo how big was it?! Tell me all about it!"

I gasped, "Jordan! I'm at school we can't talk about this! And how do you know we had sex any way?!"

"Are you serious, Jubilee Carlisle?! No one friend zones THE Blake Griffin for close to a decade and then doesn't get some D when the friend zone is finally escaped. Ain't no way. I've been told you about that man being delicious, so clearly you finally listened to my voice and started to see that body!"

"Really, Jordan?" I said trying not to laugh.

"What?! I mean ok, his personality and all that is nice, too. And you know he can shoot hoops or whatever, but that body!" She exclaimed, fanning herself.

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