24✔︎ Valentine's Day Weekend

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This chapter is dedicated to ThirtyTwoLove! Your comments and votes are errything!! Thank you for supporting my story! Also, I have a feeling you're going to looove this chapter! 😏😉😘❤️❤️❤️


It sucked to be missing out on All-Star weekend due to injury, but it also meant that I could focus more on me and Jubilee during our first Valentine's Day as more than just friends. I sure as hell wasn't going to torture myself by watching all the things other players would be doing that I should be doing. So, I decided to make the festivities last the whole weekend. I'm surprising her with lunch and a couple gifts at school today, then Saturday will include breakfast in bed with me and Ford before a spa day for her and her sister, Jordan, who will be in town. And then later, a surprise dinner in the Staples Center before game night at my house with Jordan, Taylor and Marieka, and DeAndre. Then, Sunday, my parents will be in town for a few days, so we will go out to brunch on Sunday morning after church.

I reviewed all of these plans in my mind as I entered Jubilee's school, getting a little nervous as I always do when it comes to her and anything romantic. I'm not good at romantic, so I actually have to try, which I will do for Ju because she loves it, but it's just out of the ordinary for me. I looked down at the box of shoes I had for her, a pair of baby pink chucks that she'd been eyeing for awhile, as well as a small gift bag, containing a few new charms for the Pandora bracelet her father had gotten for her a couple years ago that she cherished dearly. And then of course, I also carried the Chipotle, one of our favorite places to eat.

I quickly walked down the hallways of Palisades Charter, taking long strides in hopes of avoiding any commotion during class if I were to be spotted. Thankfully, I made it to Jubilee's classroom without interruption. I took a deep breath before opening the door and finding her listening to music and writing on her a whiteboard. She was dancing to the beat of whatever song she was singing along with, and I immediately got turned on, my eyes drifting to those swaying hips and ass.

In a red, long-sleeved sweater dress that came down to her knees and was tastefully snug with black tights and grey ankle boots, my girlfriend had me drooling before I even greeted her. Then her hair was in its wild and beautiful curls that fell to her shoulders and shaped her face so well. I completely forgot what cheesy one-liner I was going to say when I came in because she looked so good.

"Oh my gosh, Blake!" she shrieked, smiling and placing her hand over her heart, "You scared me! What are you doing here, baby?! I mean, I'm obviously happy to see you, but I just saw you this morning!"

I quickly smiled and tried to make it look like I wasn't just ogling her, "Well, I wanted to kick-off Valentine's Day weekend right, so I brought a couple gifts and our favorite, Chipotle."

I held up the bags and shoebox as I made my way towards her, forgetting to be subtle as my eyes roamed her body. I gave her a lingering kiss, a smirk appearing on my face when she let out a soft moan.

"What are you doing, BG?" she said in a warning tone as she pulled away breathlessly.

"What are you talkin about, Ju?" I tried to ask as innocently as possible, "I can't greet my girlfriend with a kiss?"

"Whatever you're thinking, go ahead and stop that train of thought right now, Mister Griffin," Jubilee ordered, putting her hands on her hips, "You know that wasn't just a kiss. I know you, Blake Austin!"

I chuckled as we stared intensely at each other. Her words were saying one thing, but I know she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her. Most of the time Jubilee liked to play cat and mouse. She liked being in control of everything all the time, which is why she loved even more when I took control when we had sex. She would never admit that though.

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