28✔︎ Valentine's Day Weekend V

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*Sevyn Streeter as Jordan in the MM!

I dedicate this chapter to my girl, sunshinensarcasm!! You are the main reason this update has come so quickly! Your votes and comments on EVERY chapter of this story just warmed my heart and gave me a serious boost of motivation! She also is an AMAZE writer, so y'all should check out her stories! Luh you, boo! 😘😍❤️


When Jubilee and Blake returned it was painfully obvious that not only had his promise ring been well-received, they also engaged in some extracurriculars. I couldn't help but smirk and roll my eyes because my sister definitely wasn't lying when she said Blake was irresistible. Her entire hairdo that I worked on for a good half hour was completely ruined despite her attempt to cover up how disheveled it looked, and Blake wasn't even wearing the outfit I had helped him pick out for this special evening.

"Y'all cute! Looks like you two had a colorful evening," I announced with a smirk, turning towards Jubilee who came to sit down on the couch beside me.

My beautiful younger sister couldn't help but blush and giggle while Blake, was of course openly proud about his achievements for the evening.

"The Blake experience is always memorable," he said with a sly smirk, shrugging and heading into the kitchen with to-go boxes.

"Tell us more about how highly you think of yourself!" I shouted into the kitchen, waiting for the chuckle from him that came soon after.

While I joked with Blake, I noticed Jubilee staring at her ring finger on her right hand. The breathtaking ring I spent a couple weeks helping Blake choose was perfect. It looked amazing on her, and I could tell that she was floored. Jubilee has always been a reflective person and never fails to appreciate how she's been blessed, so I know that's what she was doing right now.

She just really deserves this happiness after all she's been through. Especially with her psycho ex reappearing. She really needs Blake right now, and I'm glad I could help Blake show her that he's here for her always.

"Jordan?" Jubilee asked, looking at me with bright eyes.

"What's up, sis?"

"Tonight was...it was...so much more than I ever expected a man to do for me. Blake gave me a promise ring! How did I get so lucky?" Jubilee whispered with a wistful smile.

My heart grew, and I couldn't hide my smile because I was just so happy for her. She also gave me hope.

"It's not luck, JuJu, it's pure blessing. God's been looking out for you, and he sent you who you have been needing and wanting. You and Blake are just meant to be. Y'all will go the distance no matter what, so I'm not surprised Blake wanted to make such a gesture," I stated matter-of-factly.

Jubilee sat back against the couch and exhaled loudly with a wistful smile on her face, her left hand resting over her right across her chest. She just exuded happiness and contentment, and at the moment, I really wish I had what she had...

"Ju, can you come help me with this food, please, babe?" Blake shouted from the kitchen.

Jubilee turned to look at me, and we rolled our eyes, knowing good and well, that if Jubilee didn't go in there Blake might burn something.

"And y'all betta not be rollin your eyes either! I know how y'all Carlisle women do!"

We bust out laughing as Jubilee got up to go keep Blake from burning the kitchen down. As soon as Jubilee left me, Blake's brother, Taylor, his wife, Marieka, and DeAndre all filed in the door.

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