12✔︎ Someone New

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This chapter is dedicated to JAYEBIRD1979 who literally keeps me rollinnggg with her comments! I really appreciate all the support! Also, she's a legit writer, so go check out all her stories! ❤️❤️❤️


"Look, Arielle, I don't want you here, and I never gave you any hint that I did. We went on one date, and you can't think that it's okay to keep texting me this shit and coming by my house!" I exclaimed.

I had royally messed up with Jubilee, so I was currently taking out my frustrations on the reason for our troubles. After such a great evening, too! Man, CP had warned me about this happening. Moral of the story: always listen to the married man.

"But Blaaakeee, I thought our date last Friday was so good! You seemed like you were interested in us again!" Arielle borderline whined as she took a few steps forward, closing in on the space between us.

I took this time to look at Arielle and really think about what I could've possibly seen in her five years ago. She had the typical model body I went for back then, long legs, big boobs, and a small waist. Her curly, brown hair had gotten even longer than before, and her blue eyes were always drawing me in. But that was five years ago. Today, when I looked at her, I saw nothing attractive. I just saw a desperate woman with a too tight shirt and jeans she must've painted on. She could never be Jubilee, and I can't believe I'd been stupid enough to even argue with Ju about her texts. I should've just apologized and given her space.

"Blake, come on, baby, let's just give it one more try," Arielle suggested, taking the final step towards me and placing her hand on my chest, "Jubilee is forgettable. I'm surprised you've even let her stay around this long and live off of you."

My body immediately tensed up in disgust at her touch and her ignorant words.

"See, that's where you're wrong, Arielle. You're the one who's forgettable. And today, I'll be forgetting your phone number, and I hope that you will forget my address because if you come to my house again, I will call the cops due to you trespassing," I explained with annoyance, "I've been pretty nice today, but if you try to come between me and Jubilee again, you can count on a restraining order. Understand?"

Arielle's face fell, and she quickly snatched her hand off of my chest as she took a step back, "Blake, I can't believe you! You would do that to me after all we've been through?!"

I heavily sighed and place my hand on her arm, guiding her towards the door, "If you think we've been through so much together, you're more desperate than I thought. For the last time, I'm asking you, do not call me, text me, or come to my home. My next response won't be as considerate. Have a nice life, Arielle."

And with that I slightly nudged her, and she scoffed, flipped her hair, and marched out without looking back.

"Daddy, I want JuJu!" Ford exclaimed right after I closed the door and came to pick him up and walk into the kitchen to start breakfast.  

"I know, buddy, me too. But she's got to go to work just like Daddy, so you'll see her later, ok?"

Ford's face scrunched up signaling the cry was on its way. This just wasn't my day.

"I want JuJu's breafast Daddy!" Ford whined as two big crocodile tears rolled down his cheeks.

And the hits just keep on coming.


Although I had probably just experienced the worst morning of my life, I had no time to wallow in my depression because I was meeting the Tim Tebow today and needed to put my best foot forward. Blake really disappointed me, and I know how stubborn and cautious I can be with my heart, so I don't know what he's going to have to do to show me that I'm not giving my heart to someone who won't cherish it like it's their own.

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