13✔︎ Another Choice

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This chapter is dedicated to Melanin_Primadonna for being the first person to comment on my story! And I love her writing, so go check out her stories and imagines!


I think Tim was flirting with me, and I really didn't even want to process it. The whole time we talked with my students, he kept stealing glances at me and smiling, which made me think that he wasn't paying attention. Which then made me slightly perturbed because I wanted him to be focused on this program and what it would mean for him to be a guest, not my "beautiful face." Not to mention that his eyes were so distracting...

The last thing Imani, the Senior-Class President, said in response to one of Tim's questions got me back focused. And I was grateful.

"Ultimately, why me? What is it about what I've achieved that is going to be such a great fit for this program?" Tim asked.

"Well, Mr. Tebow, the whole idea is that we as students want to meet people whose lives are inspiring. Some people's successes are just more likely to motivate us to want to succeed. And your life and achievements are pretty awesome, and we think that meeting the real Tim Tebow will inspire some high-schoolers to want to do something with their lives. You haven't just played football. You've used your success in football to positively impact the world, making you perfect for our program. You know, success breeds success and all that." Imani eloquently explained.

I could totally see why she wanted to be a lawyer, and it made me do cartwheels inside. I'd been watching Tim the whole time she spoke, and I could see him becoming more and more flattered and impressed by her words. By the time she was done, he was nodding his head in approval and showing those beautiful teeth of his. I think my job of convincing had already been achieved by the kids. God, I love being an educator!

"Wow Miss Imani, you are quite the speaker!" Tim exclaimed, showing how impressed he was, "Is she going to be introducing me, Jubilee?"

I blinked twice, and my mouth dropped open without me even being able to think about what I looked like. So he really was going to do it. After a twenty-minute conversation with teenagers. I quickly recovered from my surprise to respond with a wide smile, "Oh yes that can definitely be arranged!"

"Oh snap, you're gonna do it, Mr. Tebow?!" Alexander asked, standing up in surprise.

Tim chuckled and stood up as well, "Of course I am. You all are so dedicated and locked-in to this program and what it stands for. How could I refuse? This is definitely something I want to be apart of. Where do I sign?"

Well. He must've been listening more closely than I thought. I smirked, and my heart fluttered as my students took out all the papers and told him where to sign. They then turned into the fans that they were, asking for Tim's autograph and for a followback on Twitter. Tim was gracious and fulfilled all their requests while I got to sit back and watch a lot of the SBS Committee's work pay off.

The bell eventually rang, so Imani, Alexander, and Stella had to pack up their things and go. They'd taken selfies, gotten autographs, the whole nine, and I couldn't be happier for them. They rushed over to give me hugs before I wished them a good rest of the day on their way out.

"Wow, Jubilee, I've never been so impressed by teenagers. They were so well-spoken, sure of themselves, and passionate about what they're doing," Tim complimented.

I beamed with pride, "Thank you so much, Tim. I've been with them since they were freshmen, so I am extremely proud of the young men and women they've become while at Palisades Charter."

The Choice ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now