37✔︎ Clarity in the Confusion

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This chapter goes out to _chillbreaux because I couldn't possibly leave you hanging after last night's update! And just because there are no words for how much I appreciate your support and love of this story. ☺️😍I'm always writing with you in mind, I just...I need my #emotionalwalls when thanking you for how you've stayed loyal to this story and my writing. 😩😭❤💖 I just, I freaking love you. lol #TeamBlake #TeamClippers ❤️💙 #TeamClemson 💜#TeamSC #sisterfromanothermister 💯


"Is she still in the hospital?" I asked my new partner with annoyance.

It had been almost two days since I fully put my plan into action, and I hadn't been able to get access to Jubilee because she was in the hospital which was too public of a place for us to meet, especially while her big family was milling around.

"Yes, Jubilee, Blake, and their families are all in and out throughout the day. Jubilee will be discharged tonight, but she will probably stay until Blake gets out," he shared.

"What the fuck is he in the hospital for? His ass punched me!" I exclaimed, my anger quickly rising to the surface like it always does and causing pain to shoot through my face, reminding me once again that Blake had given me a shiner.

It was going to be worth it all in the end though. I was just getting tired of waiting. They were in the hospital insulated from everything, and I was ready for them to come back out, so I could make my next move.

"Uhh, well, Jubilee's father actually punched Blake the same night he punched you, and he ended up with a concussion, so that's why he's in the hospital."

I couldn't help but laugh because that wasn't an advantage I was banking on. Now, whenever they returned home, Jubilee would definitely be alone more often. This was good news, and my spirits were immediately lifting.

"Alright, well, keep me posted, man. And remember, you've got until Friday to throw this phone away and get a new burner," I reminded him, making sure our bases were covered.

Things definitely get trickier when you start working with someone, but I couldn't ignore the opportunity to work with someone so close to Jubilee. When I ran into him after the game at Staples, I knew it was meant to be. It was easy to bring him to my side, and now I just had to make sure we wouldn't get caught.

"I got it. Hey man, are you ever going to make a statement to the public? You know how bad ESPN wants a comment on your connection to Blake..."

"Nah, I won't be the ones to feed them. Blake's agent can't keep saying no comment forever. He's the one with a real reputation to salvage. I'm just going to keep doing what I've learned to do best..."



My head was swimming and now my stomach had begun to turn unpleasantly, but none of that mattered. I had just heard the best news. I wanted nothing more than to start a family with Jubilee, and the moment we just had with Ford only made me more excited about Jubilee telling me we were going to be a family.

Jubilee had always reassured me that she was on birth control, and that while she was working on her Ed.D, she did not want children, so I never thought that she would tell me that she was pregnant. I honestly couldn't stop staring at her until our breakfast appeared in front of us thanks to Mrs. Carlisle. I had broken out in a sweat and couldn't imagine stomaching any food, so I found myself looking at Jubilee in awe. The woman I wanted to be my wife and life partner. The woman who already played a motherly role in my son's life. The woman I called best friend, was now the mother of one of my children, too. For the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of joy that I didn't want to contain...

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