30✔︎ A Parents' Intuition

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I dedicate this chapter to SEDEVOL! Thank you so so much for reading and voting! I really appreciate it! 😩😭😊😘😍❤️💖


I looked over at Blake as he drove, glancing at the dog tags hanging from his neck under his burgundy v-neck sweater.  I smiled in contentment, it really hitting me that Blake is all mine. He took one hand off the wheel and linked it with mine, turning to give me a quick wink and causing me to chuckle.

"What are you thinking about, Ju?" he asked.

"You," I answered unashamedly, "Thank you for this weekend, Blake. I know you've been dealing with your elbow, so you could've just retreated in your frustration, but you didn't, and I'm so grateful for that. Because I know when you get cleared next week, you're going to be putting in double time."

He brought my hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on it before responding, "Anything for you, baby."

My heart beat rapidly and a warmth spread through my body at Blake's response right as he pulled into Trois Familia, the new brunch spot we'd decided to try with Blake's parents. I couldn't help but smile and enter the restaurant with joy and anticipation for seeing Tommy and Gail for the first time in a couple years.

"Jubilee, Jubilee, don't you just make this late joka, look so much better?!" Mr. Tommy poked fun at Blake as we approached the table, and he reached out to pull me in for a tight hug.

I giggled, so glad Blake was getting blamed for our tardiness despite me being responsible for our extracurriculars, "Aw, thank you so much, Mr. Tommy! You are so sweet!"

"How many years have I told you to stop with all that mister stuff. It's Tommy or Dad!" he demanded with his bright smile that contrasted nicely with his dark skin.

I laughed nervously, "I know, I know, it's just a habit!"

I stepped back so Blake could hug his dad and was greeted with Mrs. Gail walking towards the table hand-in-hand with my favorite Griffin, Ford!

"My big boy is here!" I squealed, unable to control my volume.

Mrs. Gail laughed and let go of Ford's hand as he waddled over to me as quickly as he could. I immediately scooped him up and planted a wet kiss on his cheek, "Hey, Ford! I missed you, big boy!"

He just giggled and hid his face in my shoulder after saying, "Hey, JuJu."

I then reached out for Mrs. Gail, so excited to lay eyes on her, "It's so good to see you, Gail! It's been too long!"

"Yes it has, and I miss seeing you because you always look so lovely. I swear you make my son look better by just being around him," she joked right as Blake had migrated over to greet her and Ford.

"Seriously, Mom, you too? Dad already said that, and I'm starting to wonder how y'all really feel about me," Blake deadpanned before giving her a hug.

"Daddy!" Ford screeched, jumping up and down excitedly in my arms.

"That's it, son. At least one Griffin knows how to act around here!" he exclaimed as I held Ford out for him to take in his arms.

I swear my heart had grown just from us greeting each other. I loved family, and I felt so blessed that Blake's family considered me a part of their own even before we began dating.

"I didn't know y'all were going to pick him up," Blake said.

"We weren't until we found out you two were going to be late, so we figured we had to do something with our time. Why not go get our only grandson?" Tommy explained, still poking fun at our tardiness.

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