18✔︎ It's Been Too Long

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This chapter is dedicated to lilsmilez217 for being so encouraging and supportive!! Not to mention that we are hardcore #twinning 😉 ❤️👯 Love you so much and thanks so much for everything! Also, y'all should read her story, Crash and Burn. It's 🔥🔥🔥!!


DJ, CP, JJ, and I left the New Orleans guest locker room, laughing and joking at about one o'clock in the morning. We were the last ones to leave due to the many interviews we had to get through after such an exciting overtime win. After exiting the gym, we hopped on the bus that was to take us to the jet and fly overnight to Cleveland for our final game against the Cavs in the regular season.

"Man I can't wait to talk to Jubilee!" I announced, pulling out my phone to FaceTime.

"You don't have to say that again, bro, I've been waiting to call Jada for the longest," CP agreed immediately.

"I've beat yall to it, I'm already dialing Chelsea," JJ added, his phone up to his ear.

"Yall have got to be kidding me right?!" DJ shouted in shock, "We just beat the pants off of the Pelicans in OT in their house, and the first thing yall want to do is call your women?! Come on, where's the camaraderie? The team spirit?!"

"Just shut up, DJ!" JJ exclaimed, rolling his eyes and hanging up his phone in frustration after getting no answer from Chelsea.

"Instead of being salty that you don't have anyone to call at home, why not start worryin less about your chocolate appeal and more about your ability to actually hold the attention of a female, bruh!" CP added, also hanging up his phone in frustration after clearly not speaking to his wife or children.

I openly laughed at DJ who just shook his head in disappointment and embarrassment. There was nothing left to say to him at this point. I guess me having a girl also means I've abandoned him. I'll have to make sure I show him some love, so he doesn't feel so left out.

I looked back at my phone screen, expecting to see Jubilee's face, and instead seeing that my call never connected. Bummer. What could Jubilee be doing? It's only about 10pm there...I then looked around and noticed that Chris and JJ weren't talking to their ladies either.

"Dude, where are our women? I'm lowkey salty Jubilee didn't answer..." I admitted.

Of course DJ took this opportunity to jump in and point and laugh, "HA HA HA, maybe having a woman isn't all it's cracked up to be! Who's ready for some team bondinnggg?!!"

We all cut our eyes at DJ, seriously ready to hit him upside the head if he kept this foolishness up. I really missed Ju and wanted to talk to her. I could at least try Brynn and hope that I get to see my son's face. I quickly dialed her number as well, crossing my fingers that she'd let Ford answer like she normally does. The call connected, and it wasn't Ford, but at least she picked up.

"Hey Brynn, how are you?" I asked.

"Hi Blake, I'm good! Congrats on you guy's win tonight! Much deserved."

I smiled weakly, listening for the sounds of my son somewhere nearby, "Thanks, glad you and Ford got to watch. Where is he anyway? Did he already fall asleep?"

Brynn's eyes darted left to right before she answered as if she were hiding something...hmm.

"Oh, umm, no, Jubilee actually wanted to have a sleepover with him, so he's at her place."

Why was she so nervous to tell me that?

"Brynnn, is there something you want to tell me?" I asked in suspicion.

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