23✔︎ Let Me In

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I dedicate this chapter to reignofshady! I so appreciate your votes, comments, and support for my story!! 😍❤️😘 Btdubbs, I am seriously, going to dive into your land of Eminem one day soon because he's one of my fave rappers! 🙆🏾😍


I opened the door to my bedroom and glanced at the empty bed, heavily sighing before dropping my bags. Just because things are awkward between me and Jubilee, doesn't change the fact that I wish I could always come home to her. We left things unfinished on Sunday after our argument Saturday night, and here I was, trudging into my empty house four days later, regretting our fight last week.

I had decided to go stay with my brother, Taylor, and his wife, Marieka, since they had come back to the States to see me play in the All-Star game before finding out about my injury obviously. We all flew back today since my parents would be coming into town this weekend, and we wanted to spend some rare time together as a family.

But, I've always thought that I was lucky to have Jubilee. That she is better than me at everything, except basketball of course, and I'm just trying to keep up with her. She's always had a plan, is always achieving something, and I can always depend on her. She motivates me without even knowing it. But, for the first time in our relationship, she hasn't been dependable, and that's a strange feeling for me. One moment I think she has feelings for me, and the next moment she's accepting a date with Tim Tebow. One moment I can trust her with my son, the next moment, I can't trust her to be honest with me about who she's communicating with. And all this has happened ever since we admitted our feelings for each other. Ever since our friendship has become more. Maybe I've pushed her too fast? Maybe we're trying to figure out what more than friends looks like? I don't know. All I do know, is that I feel like something's missing whenever I'm not with her, or we aren't vibing. And right now, we definitely aren't vibing. My empty stomach and empty bed are making that really clear.

I pulled out my phone to text DJ and see if he wanted to go grab some food.

I need some food, man. You wanna meet up?

No extravagant meal laid out by your woman?! What a surprise...

Shut up bro. We're workin through some stuff rn

My bad. Yea, Chipotle?

Sounds good, see you in 20.

I grabbed my wallet, stepped over my bags by the door, and jogged down the stairs. Right as I was about to walk towards the laundry room where the garage door was, my doorbell rang. I wasn't anticipating any visitors tonight after just getting back in town, and Brynn wasn't supposed to bring Ford over until tomorrow...I quickly pulled the door open, and immediately smiled.

"Hey, BG," Jubilee greeted me with a soft smile and whispered, "I come bearing gifts."

My girlfriend stood on my doorstep in an old pair of my OU sweatpants, and one of her old Texas long-sleeved thermal shirts. An obvious contradiction, but she never was ashamed of supporting me and my school. She was holding my son who was fast asleep in her arms, his head on her shoulder, and also carrying a large, brown paper bag. I couldn't stop staring because I was so surprised that she was here after minimal texting here and there throughout the past few days and one short phone call. Plus, it was Thursday night, so she had to get up early for school tomorrow. Guess I wouldn't be meeting DJ at Chipotle.

"Uhh, can I come in? I brought your two favorites – food and Ford," Jubilee joked, struggling to hold up the brown bag while balancing Ford on her shoulder.

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