22✔︎ What's Done in The Dark

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This chapter is dedicated to TaylorVictoriaBrown! Thank you so much for your votes and comments! Your support is motivation for me to keep writing! #TeamBG 😉😘❤️


"Mrs. Gail, I'm soo happy to hear your voice! How are you?" I exclaimed, greeting Blake's mom on the phone.

"Well hey there my future daughter-in-law! I'm great now that I can finally call you that!" Gail said excitedly.

I could totally hear her smile through the phone. I chuckled, "Mrs. Gail, you are too much!"

"Oh no, honey, I'm just what you call observant and wise in my old age! I couldn't be more relieved that my youngest son has finally snagged the woman of his dreams!"

My heart skipped a beat, listening to Blake's mom pay me such a high compliment. Such feelings of joy and flattery were soon relaxed by a nagging pit in my stomach that I couldn't get to go away.

"Wow. Umm I'm just speechless, that means so much to me, Mrs. Gail, you don't even know!" I replied, nervous to bring up my concerns.

"Well, darling, I told you five years ago that we'd be here, and I can definitely say I'm surprised it took this long, but I'm just glad you and my son both woke up and smelled the roses! Your mother and I were tired of watching y'all ignore your love for each other," Mrs. Gail explained.

I just nervously giggled, feeling awkward once again about how everyone else knew how we felt about each other but us. Or as everyone keeps saying, everyone but me. Hopefully I didn't mess this up since everyone loved us together so much.

"How's that silly son of mine treating you anyway?" Mrs. Gail asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"That's actually what I was calling you about," I said softly, "The last week or so Blake has been really irritated. I know he just got injured and can't play in the All-Star game which is bothering him, but I don't know, he's not nearly as happy as usual. And he doesn't really talk to me as much as he normally does and when he does it's for necessities only or he's basically biting my head off. I typically give him space and come back around to speaking to him, but even that's not working. So I was just hoping to get your insight?"

Gail lightly chuckled before responding as if she'd experienced this with him before, "Oh yes, honey, this is just the typical push-everyone-away Blake who doesn't want to deal with his emotions or is apprehensive about addressing something pretty important to him."

"Oh. Well how do I break the wall down? I hate the Blake wall. You remember it took me three weeks just to find him and talk to him a few years back after I rejected him like an idiot," I responded, racking my brain for what to do.

"Do the same thing. Force him to talk to you. He can't refuse you darling, and even if he tries to it won't last long at all because he's in love with you. But you have to be willing to accept whatever it is he will open up about or it will be that much harder to get him to open up in the future," Mrs. Gail advised.

"Ugh you're so right, Mrs. Gail! Thank you so so much. I don't know where I'd be without all your advice from over the years!" I expressed my gratitude.

Over the years I had really gotten close to Mrs. Gail because she would call me when she wanted to check up on her youngest son, and I'd call her when I needed help with him for anything. I'd been to her and Tommy's home on multiple occasions and had helped her cook for family meals, and we'd of course sat together for many many basketball games, college and professional. I guess I was kind of like her future daughter-in-law, I thought to myself with a smile.

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