4✔︎ Can't Hold Back

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To hell with my reservations. I want him, and I'm going to have him. I can't let him walk out on me. On us.

"BG," I called, heading for the door, so he couldn't leave, "Don't go."

"And why the hell shouldn't I?"

I didn't say anything, I just stepped up to him and placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down towards me. I stood on my tiptoes and crashed my lips onto his. I immediately moaned in his mouth, finally letting myself have what I knew in my heart I wanted.

Our lips moved in sync as Blake's hands traveled down to my ass and squeezed it roughly. I gasped in surprise, and he smiled before slipping his tongue in my mouth, deepening the kiss. Blake pulled me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing me in contact with his hard-on. His hands slipped inside my shorts and underwear, and he grabbed my ass again and pushed me up against the door behind us.

"Mmm, Blake," I moaned in pure bliss.

"Yes, baby," he responded gruffly, nibbling on my bottom lip before sliding his tongue back in my mouth.

I gripped my legs tighter around his waist and begin to grind into him, rubbing our centers together. Blake groaned as his hands slid up my body to peel my tank off. He then quickly unclasped my bra and threw it to the ground, staring at me hungrily. I immediately became wetter just from the way he looked at me and bit his lip before kneeling down and biting and sucking my right nipple while squeezing and pinching my left. I cried out in ecstasy my hands finding his curls and tugging in encouragement.

"Oh God, that feels so good, BG!"

He then smashed his mouth back on mine and walked us to my room, opening the door and tossing me on the bed before climbing on top of me. I quickly sat up and grabbed his tank, pulling it over his head. My hands found his chest and roamed all over his pecs and abs, humming in appreciation of what I was seeing. He smirked, and I pulled him back down for another kiss. His hands grabbed my breasts and squeezed again before they slid down my stomach. He then hooked his fingers into my shorts and underwear and yanked them down my legs and off my body.

"You're so beautiful, Jubilee. I've been waiting so long to touch you and appreciate you," Blake rasped.

I smiled and bit my lip before leaning forward for another kiss. Blake finally found my folds and he teased me with one finger.

"You're so wet for me, Ju, who would've thought?" he whispered in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe and kissing down to right under my jawline where he started sucking.

My hips bucked in response, and his long finger slid inside of me.

"Oh yes, Blake, please," I cried out.

"Please, what," he whispered against my neck.

"I..." I stuttered, not knowing how to ask for what I wanted.

"Tell me what you want," Blake commanded as he pushed his finger in and out of me over and over.

"More, please, give me more," I pleaded.

He obliged and pushed another finger inside of me, looking me in the eyes and watching my reaction. My head fell back on the bed as I moaned in pleasure, not remembering it could feel this good. Blake's mouth found my neck again and started sucking and biting, making me even wetter.

"Fuck, Blake, I'm close," I exclaimed.

He started pumping his fingers inside me faster and faster, and then he pressed his thumb to my clit, and I came automatically, screaming Blake's name as he continued to rub my clit and pump inside me, causing me to whimper in pleasure. Blake pressed his lips to mine again, and I immediately stuck my tongue in his mouth, so turned on by how he made me feel. My hands trembled as I grabbed the waist of his joggers and boxers and pulled them down slowly. His erection sprang free and my eyes widened at his size and thickness.

Blake placed short, sweet kisses all over my lips and face to calm me down as he chuckled and said, "Don't worry babe. I won't hurt you."

I smiled and we kissed again as I grabbed hold of him and swiped my thumb over the tip that was slick with precum. Blake grunted in approval as I slid my hand up and down his shaft. He began to respond by pumping his hips forward, panting, and kissing me on the lips and neck.

"Fuck, baby, I need you right now."

I loved how I was making Blake feel this way and couldn't believe that I had been rejecting this for years. I guided his tip to my entrance, and he took over from there, slowly pushing inside of me and pulling out, letting me adjust to him. His eyes never left mine, and I knew he was ready to take things to the next level but was waiting for me to be ready for the same.

"Faster, please, Blake," I moaned.

My hips met his, as he thrust inside me with long, slow, powerful strokes, taking me places I'd never been.

"Are you ready to admit that you have feelings for me, Jubilee?" Blake asked in between breaths as he pushed into me harder and faster, hitting a new spot inside me.

I couldn't even formulate a sentence because of the feelings that were overwhelming me.

"Uhh, yes, Blake!" I exclaimed as I arched my back, getting closer to orgasm.

"I want to hear you say it, babe," he whispered in my ear, switching to short, hard thrusts that tortured me.

I moaned and squirmed underneath him, grabbing his back and digging my fingernails in to try and steady myself.

"Shit, baby, yes, Blake, I have feelings for you!," I whimpered.

And just like that Blake grabbed my wrists and forced my arms above my head as he slammed into me over and over after hearing what he needed to hear. My moans started to get louder, and Blake went back to sucking on my neck, leaving a mark.

"You're mine, Jubilee. Never forget that," Blake whispered in my ear before he started rubbing on my clit, knowing I would come, "Come for me, baby."

And I did. Immediately. I wrapped my legs around Blake's waist and pulled him deeper inside me as I came, crying out his name as he continued to thrust inside of me until his seed filled me.

"Jubilee." Blake groaned, pecking my lips, chin, and forehead before pulling out and laying down beside me. We both were breathing hard, trying to come down from this amazing high we were not ready for. I snuggled up next to Blake, placing my head on his chest as he rubbed my back.

"That was amazing, BG," I whispered.

"Only the best for you, JuJu," he responded before planting one more sweet kiss on my lips.

As we drifted into slumber, I'm pretty sure I heard Blake say, "I love you, Jubilee Carlisle." And my last thought before sleep took over me was -- this has got to be a dream...


For those who have been reading and commenting, I hope you're enjoying so far! Some new characters will be introduced soon that will surely spice things up even more in Jubilee and Blake's lives so stay with me! 😉

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