Author's Note - Thank You, Q&A

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Author's Note

Heeeyyyyy everybody!! I really hope nobody hates me for how this book ended haha I seriously love you all and PROMISE that I'm not leaving you to drown in a puddle of tears or anything. There will be a lot of ups and downs and in the next book, but don't worry, I know my readers want to see Blake and Jubilee together, and it's not a matter of IF they will be together, but HOW!

As an author, I took my characterization of each person very seriously, and I hope that you all were able to see why I made the choices I made with them. I didn't want to write a book that would be too "blockbuster" or "Hollywood", and at the same time, I wanted to enjoy giving my interpretation of Blake Griffin [fanfiction], mix my romance in, and really draw emotion from my readers. So, overall it wasn't as much about dramatic things happening, it was more about what choices we as people make each and every day and how they are tied to who we are, who we love, and what we want for ourselves. And obviously it is natural for us to make the wrong choices sometimes, and we have to suffer the consequences of those choices, and learn from them, so we do not make them again. Because...that's life. So, I hope this theme translated well, and I will continue to carry it into the sequel, too!!

Lastly, yall, this was my FIRST book on Wattpad, and I cannot express to you how emotional I've been about completing it. I have always been a writer, but I haven't always embraced that part of me because I was worried about what I wanted to write and how people would perceive me for it. But, even in middle school I was writing short stories, and then in high school it blossomed to essays and poetry before I became an English major in college, and I just really blossomed. But, to actually take the step to publish my writing publicly for any and all to read? I just never thought I would get the response I've received, and that I'd enjoy it as much as I have, or that I'd grow as a writer as much as I have, so this has truly been an unforgettable experience, and I am so looking forward to continuing this journey!

 But, to actually take the step to publish my writing publicly for any and all to read? I just never thought I would get the response I've received, and that I'd enjoy it as much as I have, or that I'd grow as a writer as much as I have, so this h...

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Thank You!!

So, I obviously have to thank ALL of my readers, voters, and commenters! I think the most special part of Wattpad is that it's not like when you publish a book, and people read it privately, and you rarely find out how they feel about it. On Wattpad, you can get pretty immediate feedback, and it can start great conversations about writing, about life, and about people and what we love and hate and struggle with! And so, I just love that aspect, and it truly motivates me to keep writing. I have done my best to give shoutouts to you all on each chapter of my story, and I will continue to do that in my sequel! I would tag you all now, but Wattpad is doing that annoying thing where you have to actually follow someone to tag them, so I don't know all of your names! But, please know that you have not gone unnoticed! Every vote and every comment has truly meant a lot to me!

I have to give a special shoutout to the people who have really stuck with me throughout this whole book and/or just shown me so much love and let me know how they feel about it with votes and amazing comments! These people kept me going when I thought no one cared about my book anymore and even when I was thinking about getting rid of it altogether. While writing, I had you all in mind, and I just felt like you were with me, so this is for you! I love y'all!! If I missed you, it's really not on purpose, I'm just trying to remember as many as I can!

-starrynite117, _chillbreaux, sunshinensarcasm, Work1nProgress, Priscillaaaxo, drizzyvibes-, Lisaluvblue, gvldennn_, Reader197p, QueenReignsSupreme, victoriamars, TaylorVictoriaBrown, edengill, fvckbeal, lonelylorelei, ThirtyTwoLove, Myrikal, fantasy_seeker15, bg-writes, reignofshady, shleeek, and maddyellison!

-starrynite117, _chillbreaux, sunshinensarcasm, Work1nProgress, Priscillaaaxo, drizzyvibes-, Lisaluvblue, gvldennn_, Reader197p, QueenReignsSupreme, victoriamars, TaylorVictoriaBrown, edengill, fvckbeal, lonelylorelei, ThirtyTwoLove, Myrikal, fant...

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Now, to hear from you! I just want to know what your experience was like as readers, so that I can continue to improve your experience in my next books!

Who was your favorite character and why?

Was there any character or situation that you would've liked to have seen develop more?

What event or interaction between characters did you enjoy the most?

Did you feel like the story was realistic or more on the fantasy side?

Did you like the multimedia for each chapter (I honestly did it because I see everyone else do it, but I'm wondering if y'all actually look at it, lol).

Did you enjoy the flashbacks? Too many or too few? I am planning to integrate them in the sequel, so I'd love to know your true feelings!

What truly makes you vote or comment on a story? Versus maybe only adding it to your reading list or only reading? (This is just my curiosity because I'm interested in why or why not people only read or only vote or only comment, etc.)

Any other comments or questions? Or suggestions for what you'd like to see in the sequel?

The sequel of this book already has a title and a rough outline, so expect to see something in the next couple weeks! I will update this book once more to let you all know when I am ready to reveal it!

If you're interested, below are a list of the other books I'm currently writing!

Rescue Me - LeBron James Fanfic

Felix Culpa - Devin Booker Fanfic

How Deep Is Your Love - Deandre Jordan Fanfic

Fostering Sloan - Blake Griffin AU

Jumpman Imagines - NBA Only

It has truly been a pleasure writing and reading with you all! Until next time!


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