29✔︎ Valentine's Day Weekend VI

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I dedicate this chapter, the last installment of Valentine's Day Weekend and demonstration of romantics to two of my fave readers and commenters, _chillbreaux and ThirtyTwoLove!! I know they're going to love this chapter, and there's nothing like loyal readers! Y'all make writing so much fun! Love y'all ladies! 😩😭😊😍😘❤️


"Aw, shit, Ju," I groaned, waking up to a surprising sensation of intense pleasure.

I thought I was dreaming, but it only took me a couple seconds to realize that Jubilee was actually between my legs, the warm heat of her mouth surrounding my cock. Her tongue slowly swirled around my tip before her mouth went back to moving up and down my shaft over and over. My hands quickly found her curls in excitement, grabbing hold as she began to pick up the pace. I tried my best to be gentle despite already being close to the edge, yet I couldn't help but begin to drive my cock further down her throat because it just felt so good.

But, of course, Jubilee wanted to tease me and show that she was in control. She pulled her mouth completely off me but continued to pump my shaft with her right hand, looking up with a sexy ass smirk, her lips swollen and wet, "Somebody's awake, I see."

"Hell yes, good morning, to you, too," I responded with a smirk of my own, groaning at the sight of my girl surprising me in the best way before the day had even started.

She then got back to work, pumping my shaft at a faster pace as she engulfed my head and sucked, her soft, plump lips slowly taking in all of me while she bobbed her head up and down.

"Damn, baby girl," I panted, throwing my head back and tightening my grip on her hair.

"Mmmm," she moaned, torturing me with vibrations that I felt throughout my body as she began to massage my balls and push me to the edge again.

"Fuck, Jubilee, I'm close," I growled, grinding my hips and pushing my cock even further down her throat, forgetting how big I was.

Jubilee gagged and pulled back, breathing hard and glancing back up at me with a pleased look on her face, "That feel good, baby?"

I answered by grabbing hold of my cock and shoving it back into the heat I couldn't get enough of, my grip on her hair tightening as I started controlling the pace. Jubilee apparently liked the challenge, never taking her eyes from mine while she began to suck even harder as I pumped my manhood all the way in and out of her mouth and down her tight throat repeatedly.

"That's it, baby, don't stop, I'm gonna cum," I groaned, my balls tightening as Jubilee took back control and increased her suction to lightning speed.

She moaned once again and gave my balls a squeeze, causing my hips to jerk once more and my cum to spill down her throat in spurts.

"Fuck!" I roared, jolts of pleasure rocking my body to the core as Jubilee gulped down my seed like it was nothing and continued to suck and lick my shaft, lazily running her tongue up and down the length of it until I couldn't take it anymore.

She sat up and smiled before snuggling up beside me and laying her head on my chest that still heaved with each breath. Once my breathing slowed and returned to normal, I turned to Jubilee and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"Whatever's gotten into you, I like it," I whispered against her lips.

She giggled softly before kissing me again and sitting up, "You're not the only one who gives gifts on Valentine's, BG."

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