2✔︎ Best Friends Forever

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After pulling up into my garage, I dragged my feet heading into my home because it wasn't as late as I thought it was, and I ran the risk of having to answer all of Jubilee's questions about my date. She's been acting weird these past couple months anyway...getting this faraway look in her eyes and zoning out at random times, giving me the third degree about every woman in my life, and just not coming around as much as she usually does. Even her coming over to visit was last-minute and more about her not wanting Ford to be watched by anyone but her than it was about her coming to see me.

I reached the guest room that she basically claimed as hers and quietly opened the door, hoping her and Ford were asleep. The tv was still on playing Frozen, but her and Ford were asleep with Ford using her chest as a pillow and gripping the old Clippers shirt in his fist that Ju had chosen to wear.

God, she was gorgeous. Even in her sleep. It didn't matter what she wore or how put together she was, Jubilee could always take my breath away.

Her brown, milk-chocolatey skin and thick and curly jet-black hair that came down to her shoulders. And that body. Oh, that body. I'm a sucker for long legs and at 5'10" hers go on for days with thick thighs and hips I could grab onto. But her smile, is what made me fall in love with her. That smile can literally light up a room, and she is always genuinely joyful, hence her name, keeping those big pearly whites on display.

Just watching her sleep had already made me forget about my underwhelming date with my ex-girlfriend, Arielle, who conveniently disappeared when I fractured my kneecap before my rookie season. If Jubilee had known I even accepted her offer, she'd kill me. Of course, when she asks me why I went with her, because trust and believe, she will ask, she won't want to hear that I've got to keep my mind off of her in some way. And going on dates every weekend instead of being tortured by my best friend's presence is the only answer I have right now. Although I just end up comparing all these women to Jubilee, and eventually not being able to take the disappointment, which is why I lie and tell Jubilee that they run away because of Ford or something.

I tiptoed over to the bed, opening Ford's tight fist that seemed to be holding onto Jubilee for dear life, and slowly lifting him up into my arms to take him to his bed. Jubilee stirred, turned towards me, and slowly opened her eyes and stretched. My eyes couldn't help but take in the view as my shirt that she's wearing rose up, showing that she only had on underwear underneath.

"BG," Jubilee whispered in her raspy voice thickened with sleep.

My pants tightened involuntarily at the sound of her voice and this pretty view, and I thanked my lucky stars that Ju couldn't see me in the dark.

"I'm just going to put Ford in his bed, and I'll be back," I whispered to her.

She nodded in response and rolled over, completing this unintentional show by giving me a view of her ass that I had to tear my eyes away from to keep from groaning. I'm going to need a cold shower before returning if I have any hope of cuddling without giving myself away.

I reached Ford's room in between my room and Jubilee's guest room and gently placed him in his Los Angeles Clippers themed bed. Jubilee must've saved me the headache of giving him a bath, which he hates at first because he claims the water is too hot, because he smelled fresh and his hair was combed to perfection. How could I not love her? Not only does she put up with me, she takes care of the most important person in my life, and she's the only person I really trust with him.

"Good night, son," I whispered with a smile before kissing his cheek, turning on his night light and exiting his room.

Entering my room, I immediately stripped out of my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers as I headed to the bathroom. I quickly jumped in the shower, hoping to get back to Jubilee as soon as possible. I had to place both hands on the shower wall to brace myself as the cold water cascaded down my chest and cured my hard-on. Shaking my head I just laughed, thinking about how much control Ju has over me when she doesn't even try.

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