17✔︎ WAGS Watch Party

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The weekend had finally arrived, and I woke up for the fourth day in a row without Blake's arms around me. We had been FaceTiming and texting as much as possible, but it just wasn't enough. This was definitely a different feeling I was having now that Blake and I were together. When we were just friends I was always checking up on him, but I wasn't missing him the same way and feeling the need to check in daily. Now that we were together, it was much harder to go days on end without his touch and seeing and hearing him in person.

Maybe I could scoop up Ford from Brynn later to assuage my separation anxiety. That precious boy could always cheer me up! I grabbed my phone to text Brynn and saw a text from BG.

Good morning to my beautiful girlfriend! Woke up thinking about you. Hope you have a great day, baby girl. Only 3 days left! 😏👅

🙄😊lol You betta be focused on more than just this countdown! Good morning to you, too, my handsome boyfriend 😘 Hope shootaround goes well and y'all beat those Pelicans! I'll be watching and cheering you on. 💙❤️

GM, Brynn! Would you and Ford like to come watch the game and have dinner at my place?

Hey Jubilee! We'd love to! It's been too long since we've seen each other, and a little birdie told me you've got some splainin' to do young lady! 😏😜

That would be perf!! Game starts at 5:30 our time, so feel free to come anytime after 4:30! I'll cook!

A little birdie? I have no idea what you're talking about! 🤔😶😷😜

Yay! Can't wait!

Mmm. I'm sure that amnesia will clear up by the time Ford and I arrive! 😂😝

I laughed and shook my head as I got out of bed to start my day. I had some lesson planning and lots of schoolwork to do, and with Blake gone I wanted to get ahead, so I could relax a little when he returned.

By the time I finished lesson planning and completed my readings and reflections for both Tuesday and Thursday of class this week it was 3 o'clock. After tidying up, taking out Ford's toys that I kept in a bin for when he visited, and putting away all my valuables because I know how active Ford is, I headed towards the kitchen when a thought struck me: why not see how many of the wives are in town and want to come over? I already cleaned and I'm cooking, so I might as well turn this into a get-together.

I texted Chelsea, J.J. Redick's wife, Tori, Jamal Crawford's wife, and Jada, Chris Paul's wife, the few who have warmed up to me despite the fact that I've never been in an official relationship with Blake. And now, that Blake and I were official, I'm hoping that we all can become even closer.


Knox and I will be there! I was just looking in my kitchen for what to cook for dinner! lol You want us to bring anything?

Yaay! And only drinks if you don't want water, diet soda, or my lemonade! I've got everything else!

Of course, love! JJ, London, and I were just going to watch by ourselves, so we'll be there!

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