36✔︎ All Over the Place

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I dedicate this chapter to diamond_jhane and zaria2703 for all of their votes and comments! I really appreciate your love for, and loyalty to, this story! 😩😭☺️😍❤💖🙌🏾


It was eight in the morning, and Jordan, Justice, and Julius had all just left to go get breakfast and bring some back for Jubilee and I from the hospital cafeteria. That gave us maybe twenty minutes before they returned, and there was no telling how long it would be before other people started showing up. I needed to take advantage of this time with Ju.

"Good morning, baby," I whispered, watching Jubilee climb back in the bed with me after she used the bathroom.

Her eyes warily shifted towards me, and she gave me a small smile. I could tell she was unsettled about how she felt about everything that happened yesterday, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. The longer we let it go unspoken about, the worse it could be for me.

"Good morning, BG," she answered, immediately snuggling back up next to me by sliding her right leg between my legs and placing her head on my chest.

"How are you feeling? No one ever told me how you ended up in one of these beds, too," I asked.

"I'm feeling pretty good, actually. I'm just dehydrated. I hadn't really eaten anything or drank any water in the past couple days, so I got pretty dizzy and passed out after my dad, well, you know, lost his entire mind."

"You passed out, baby?! Why didn't anyone tell me this?!" I sat up a little too quickly, causing Jubilee to sit up as well.

My hand automatically shot up to my head since it started hurting immediately, and everything began to swim.

Jubilee gave me a once over, her eyes full of concern, "BG, calm down, I'm just fine! They probably didn't tell you because you have a severe concussion and were barely conscious last night! You only stayed awake for like ten to twenty minutes at a time, and you really needed your sleep."

I laid back against the pillows and closed my eyes, trying to let the dizziness pass.

"See, you're the one who's gotta be careful. No sudden movements, baby. I know all about concussion symptoms from the training I had to take to be a basketball coach. You're going to be super tired and experience fits of dizziness, maybe some vomiting," Jubilee began to ramble, which was her way of showing that she was nervous about something else she didn't want to talk about, "So you've gotta take it easy."

I opened my eyes and watched as she frivolously doted after me, fixing the covers and fluffing the pillows before pouring me a cup of water from the pitcher that was on the table to the right of our bed.

"Jubilee, stop all of this," I said.

"Stop what, Blake, I'm just trying to make sure you're comfortable!" she exclaimed, feigning confusion.

"You know what I mean. You're doing it again. Trying to busy yourself with less important things that you make seem important, to distract from what's really bothering you," I explained, reminding her that she wasn't fooling anyone.

Jubilee sighed before handing me the cup of water, "I can't be concerned about you? That's unfair, Blake."

I took a sip from the cup she handed me before ignoring her continued attempts at keeping a wall up before answering, "Fine. I'll start."

I waited until Jubilee faced me, and her eyes met mine. I could see the anxiety, the worry, the sorrow, in her eyes, and it pained me because I knew I had caused some of it.

The Choice ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now