15✔︎ Love Triangle?

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This chapter goes out to Indiii_bindiii
because her BG stories give me life!! So go read them! ❤️❤️❤️


My first class break had finally arrived, so I quickly left the classroom and building with my phone, ready to call Blake. My hands shook as I swiped to recent calls on my iPhone, my nerves getting the best of me. How was I going to tell him that I agreed to go on a date with Tim Tebow? He didn't even know that Tim Tebow was in LA and at my school, let alone that he had taken an interest in me...crap, crap, crap! Why did I agree to this date? I honestly didn't have an answer. Maybe it's because he was just so genuine and sweet and sexy? Maybe it's because he fell in love with my students and what I do? Maybe it's because I'm just feeling vulnerable right now? My emotions are all over the place, and I can't even think straight. Maybe I should just call Blake later...

Too late. His name popped up on my phone screen before I could even decide, so I slowly slid my thumb across it to answer...

"Hey, BG," I anxiously greeted him.

"Jubilee, baby, I'm so glad you texted me and answered this call. I feel so terrible about how we left each other this morning," Blake immediately began his apology speech.

Wow. I can't believe it was still Tuesday. How could my life be turned upside down in one day?

"I should've never been confused about why you were upset. I can't imagine how I would've responded had a guy been propositioning you at the crack of dawn. Not to mention it being someone who has disrespected me and you in the past. So I apologize for my inconsiderate and foolish behavior. You are my number one priority whether we are official or not, and I never should've even gone out with her.  Arielle is well aware of the fact that she is no longer a part of my life, and I am quite alright with taking things as slowly as you want," Blake explained so sweetly.

I could tell he had really thought about this. And my God his deep voice sure was calming me down and exciting me at the same time. I missed him, and it hadn't even been a full day.

"Blake. Thank you for understanding. That's all I wanted. I know you couldn't make Arielle show up on your doorstep at six am, but it's just good to know that you now understand what you could've done differently in the entire situation. Because let's be real, if we keep this going, the hoes will continue to be persistent, so we need to ready to deal with them," I answered.

"I do, Ju. And I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere and that I'd never intentionally hurt you. I was thinking about Trenton's abusive ways earlier, and I need you to know that you are safe with me. That I will always protect you and cherish your heart. I know you have difficulties trusting people because of your past, but you can trust me baby. Never doubt that."

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as Blake answered all the questions that floated around in my head every day that I thought about fully committing to him. He knew me so well, and he'd taken care of me in ways that even I forgot about because I was trying to act like my past with Trenton never happened. I guess this was a good a time as ever to tell him about Tim.

"BG," I sniffled, trying to hide the fact that I was crying, "You don't know how much that means to me. I really needed to hear you say that."

"I'm glad to hear that, baby girl," he responded, his smile evident even through the phone.

"Umm. I need to tell you something though," I whispered, my voice shaking.

"What's wrong, baby?" Blake asked, sensing my discomfort.

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